For all of you fishing enthusiasts in the City, here is the restocking schedule for Hafen Pond Located at 450 Hafen Lane Park. The fish that are stocked are an average of 3/4 pounds . Becker Ponds is a reservoir located just .9 miles from Ontario, in Malheur County, in the state of Oregon, United States. Below is an updated stocking schedule. Reservoir Trout Stocking You can also click in the table below to see a specific Water, County or Species. Brackishwater Culture Systems. So grab your favorite fly fishing rod and reel, and head out to Becker Ponds. Mn Dnr Trout Stocking Schedule Sign up to the mn dnr trout stocking schedule comes to. The choice of fish to stock depends on the lake owner’s goals and size of the body of water. Fall 2019 Trout Stocking Schedule. Division of Fish, Wildlife, & Marine Resources. Check the trout-stocking schedule on the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation website this winter and you'll see a new listing — Veterans Park Pond in Jenks. Check out where fish will be stocked through April. Stocking Densities of Nile Tilapia in Shrimp Ponds Under Different Feeding Strategies Pages 402-420 Yang Yi, K. Fitzsimmons, Wanwisa Saelee and Potjanee Clayden Full paper | … Fish Stocking; Catfish Stockings; Every fall, DWR Aquatic Wildlife Resources staff conducts stockings of Channel Catfish at over 120 publicly accessible small impoundments around the Commonwealth. Daily Trout Stocking Schedule. Trout stocking schedules will be updated every Friday between the end of March and Memorial Day in May. “We stock these ponds and streams every fall once the summer water temperatures cool off, mostly in smaller community fisheries,” said Paul Mavrakis, Sheridan Region Fisheries Supervisor. Stocking Records; Stocking Schedule; Map Center; Seasons & Rules; Fishing; Becker Pond (Ryder Park Pond) Snake River Drainage. Special limits are in effect on parts of the Guadalupe River. Each year, the PFBC adjusts its adult trout stocking program based on several factors. As a native Iowan he knows what works in our upper midwest climate. The Bjornsen Pond team specializes in fish stocking programs—an important service now that the Iowa DNR has discontinued its private pond stocking program. Let us build a custom fish stocking program for you! 4-5p.m. Stocking; Species; About; Contact; Live Fish For Ponds And Lakes . Honestly I would try talking to some of the local shops and buy some worms or flies or whatever. Contact us at for more information. Reservoir Trout Stocking Want to get started stocking your pond with strong, healthy fish? The Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency has announced its 2018-19 winter trout stocking schedule. DEM stocking some ponds and lakes with trout for Columbus Day . Exact dates and times will not be posted. However, any stocking event could be postponed or cancelled due to unforeseen problems, such as adverse weather. Select one of our pre-calculated pond stocking recommendations that is customized for your pond's surface area. We urge you to do your homework before stocking your pond or lake. License Requirements. Trout Stocking Update: Today (3/10) the Willimantic River (above and below the TMA), Roaring Brook (Stafford), Pequonnock River (Open area outside of the Basin and Beardsley Park), Twin Brooks Pond, Bunnells Pond (Beardsley Park Pond), Hall Meadow Brook, Stillwater Pond, and the West Branch of the Naugatuck River were stocked. Here are the preseason stocking schedules for Adams County streams, including time, date and meeting place. The stocking event will happen within five days after the date listed. Recommended Fishing Water; Family Fishing Water; Becker Pond (Ryder Park Pond) in Bonneville County is 1.4 acres. 14, 2021 - Jun. Stocking Fish With Arkansas Pondstockers . Time it so you don't forget them. TWRA TO CHARGE FOR PRIVATE POND FISH STOCKING. Please be patient it might take a few moments to process. POND MANAGEMENT. Many different combinations of predator and prey species have been tried for recreational fish pond stocking. This permit is free, and is encouraged for stocking fish into a pond. Try returning to the Fishing Planner Filter Waters and querying for the water you are trying to locate. The Department of Environmental Management (DEM) will be stocking numerous ponds across Rhode Island with brook, rainbow and brown trout and landlocked (Sebago) Atlantic salmon in advance of Memorial Day weekend – a popular time for recreational fishing. Arkansas Pondstockers 1-870-578-9773. The Friday stocking is weather-pending as these trout also will be coming from Colorado. The bag limit on white amurs is one fish more than 30 inches in length. Effect of Protein Level and Stocking Density on Growth Performance, ... Mamun Shamsuddin Mohammed, Ulfert Focken, George Francis and Klaus Becker Full paper | Presentation. More specific dates are not given so that fishing activity will not be focused right after the time of the plant. The fish are stocked with help from County Federated Sportsmen. Fish Stocking Plan will vary dramatically based on climate, attributes of your pond, and why you want fish. Need live fish for your pond? Adult Trout Stocking Program Changes - 2021. Stocked fry are later harvested in the fall as fingerlings or yearlings which are used to fill area stocking quotas. Happy Holidays and best wishes for excellent fishing in 2018! However, any stocking event could be postponed or cancelled due to unforeseen problems, such as adverse weather. Click a column label to sort by that column, click again to reverse the sort order. Welch Park Pond, Yukon Hybrid Sunfish 250 5-7 Garvin Welch Park Pond, Yukon Channel Catfish 400 9 Garvin Wildhorse Park Pond, Mustang Hybrid Sunfish 240 5-7 Canadian Wildhorse Park Pond, Mustang Channel Catfish 180 8.5 Canadian Wiley Post Channel Catfish 12,468 6.75-7 Garvin Total Fish Stocked in OKC region: 222,691 We service 20 states and make stops at over 1000 locations. Whether you’re fly fishing, baitcasting or spinning your chances of getting a bite here are good. Rearing ponds stocked with Walleye fry - Spring 2016. 1,000 rainbow trout will be stocked in Ryder Park Riverside Pond between Sept. 21 and Sept. 25. Items per page. The Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW) will be delivering Wednesday, February 24, 2021; A shipment of 150LBS of RAINBOW TROUT from the Lake Mead Hatchery. 2021 warmwater stocking list page 1 of 12. district 3 catalog no. Spring stocking is usually the most popular stocking period, but Fall is also a good time of the year to stock your pond. The information below is stocking that was done by the Minnesota DNR and does not include stocking that was done by private parties. If you are purchasing fish from a private producer, they will provide a permit to you after it is reviewed by the ODFW Fish Stocking Coordinator. Hatchery. Stocking information is in POUNDS not fish numbers. Pregnant gilts (n = 126) were assigned randomly to 12 0.4-ha old world-spar bluestem (Bothriochloa ischaemum) pastures in an outdoor swine (Sus scrofa) production system to examine effects of stocking rates (17.5 or 35 gilts/ha; 7 or 14 gilts per pasture) and dietary N on percentage of ground cover, soil nitrate (NO3-) concentration, and reproductive performance. Stocking timing will be left to the convenience of the hatcheries. Northwest Region Trout Stocking Schedule for 2020-2021 Season *At this time Smoky Gardens, Solomon River above Webster, and Belleville's Rocky Pond will not be stocked . The Idaho Department of Fish and Game released this June schedule for its fish stocking in the Magic Valley region. We have a couple changes to the schedules that were posted on signs at Community waters. The statewide stocking schedule link below includes all waters receiving catchable-sized trout from Arizona Game and Fish hatcheries. The stocking dates and rainbow trout stocking times are available online on your aid in mind that apply to be a few days will. Remember to like us at our new page abney fish farm for updates and locations. Clear Pond Chester/Minerva 270 Spring Rainbow Trout 8 - 9 inches Glen Creek Johnsburg 620 April Brown Trout 8 - 9 inches Glen Creek Johnsburg 350 May - June Brown Trout 8 - 9 inches 2019 Spring Trout Stocking Schedule Week 3, April 22 - 26 Spring 2019 Trout Allocations with Day Stocked Spring 2019 Trout Allocations with Day Stocked (pdf, 35kb) The Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW) will be delivering Wednesday, February 24, 2021; A shipment of 150LBS of RAINBOW TROUT from the Lake Mead Hatchery. Stocking schedule area and suggestions for pa fish stocking schedule for pa farm show you. Fish stocking involves producing fish fry or fingerlings and releasing them into NSW waters. The owners, managers and users of these ponds also may differ in their sport fishing objectives and require a wide selection of stocking options. Rearing ponds are stocked heavily with aproxamately 5,000 walleye fry per littoral acres. Lake. Launching is greatly improved with increased water levels. Local ponds are the primary focus of this stocking effort due to cooler water temperatures. However, in light of the COVID-19 quarantine guidelines, we are asking anglers to stay clear of our trout stocking staff and always maintain appropriate social distancing between other anglers. Fishing is good at Concho Lake, Silver Creek, Becker Lake, Big Lake, Carnero Lake, and River Reservoir. It is recommended that triploid grass carp be stocked at a rate of 20 fish per acre of vegetation when ponds have heavy weed problems. County. Becker Pond – 2,000 rainbow trout. Catch rates are awesome and it’s a great place for new anglers or kids to try their hand at fishing. The first step to preparing your pond for stocking is finding out what fish may already be present. Note that schedules could change depending on … Urban Stocking Schedule: March - June. Stocking Schedule; Report a Bug; Contact; Reports. For all of you fishing enthusiasts in the City, here is the restocking schedule for Hafen Pond Located at 450 Hafen Lane Park. Trout stocking schedule for Erie, Crawford, Forest, Warren counties . Kevin Bjornsen has years of pond management experience. Alameda County. Contact Us. Not all FiN ponds are stocked regularly; those that aren't have self-sustaining fish populations. For future stockings check the schedule here: Winter 2016 - 2017. Beginning October 1, 2001, individuals requesting bass and bluegill from the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency for stocking their private ponds will be required to pay a fee of $100 per acre. Average Length = adult fish stocked. Please be patient it may take a few moments to process. For a good fishing due. FISH STOCKING LIST N.Y.S. TENTATIVE TROUT STOCKING SCHEDULE FOR 2020 The dates listed are all Sundays. Unlike western Oregon, many lakes and ponds in eastern Oregon are not accessible until later in the year. All plants are subject to change depending on road, water and weather conditions. Becker: Created by Dave Hackel. The fee will not affect applications currently on file with the agency, and only largemouth bass and bluegill will be provided for stocking. Walling Pond Fishing. Trout ; The three most commonly stocked trout are Rainbow Trout, Brook Trout and Brown Trout. The Nisqually Trout Farms, Inc., located near Olympia, WA, has stocked ponds and lakes since 1948. Farm Fish Pond Permit Information. 25 talking about this. If you have any questions or need a custom plan we would be happy to help! You can pick up your fish at a Feed Store or CO-OP on their Fish Day with NO delivery fee and no minimum order, OR we can deliver directly to your pond or lake for a minimum order of $800 in fish plus sales tax and a delivery fee of $2 a mile one way. Horseshoe Lake; Lakeshore Park Pond; Shadow Cliff Lake; Temescal Lake Location: Approximately 4 miles north of State College along Spring Creek in Centre County, Benner Township [PFBC Directory Map] 10 to 15 minutes should bring the water in the bags close to the same temperature as the pond. However, any stocking event could be postponed or cancelled due to unforeseen problems, such as adverse weather. Whether you’re a first-time buyer or well seasoned in stocking your waters, we have a variety of native species and fish products to make your pond teem with life. Call us at 1-870-578-9773 and one of our representatives will place your order for the next Fish Day in your area. Trout plants for the current year to date. Northwest Region Webster Reservoir Stilling Basin Glen Elder State Park Pond Kanopolis Seep Stream 1st Stocking October 28 October 28 October 28 2nd Stocking … Plus, the end result must also keep the ecosystem in balance. Pond owners who wish to add an additional species to that combination can do so by replacing 25% to 30% of the bluegill with redear sunfish. The best strategy is stocking largemouth bass as the predator species and bream as the prey species. Vermont Fish & Wildlife to stock over 1 million fish in 2015. Contact us via our web form or give us a call at 541-987-2131. Click a column label to sort by that column. Stocking schedules in the South Coast Region and Inland Deserts Region will be affected for the remainder of the 2021 calendar year as CDFW works to disinfect and repopulate the hatcheries with fish. Body of water and number of trout to be stocked: Sept. 26-30 Channel Catfish often have difficulty reproducing in Virginia, so these stockings are necessary to maintain productive fisheries and great fishing opportunities. Fish from other hatcheries are still being planted in these areas, but the numbers and locations have been greatly reduced. The Indiana DNR does not provide fish for private ponds. 9. Those two ponds are stocked in May and June. Fish Planting Schedule. Podcasts & Media. Channel Catfish often have difficulty reproducing in Virginia, so these stockings are necessary to maintain productive fisheries and great fishing opportunities. Rainbow Trout Stocking Schedule Personnel from Fish and Game’s Nampa Hatchery will be releasing more than 15,000 catchable-sized rainbow trout at the following locations during November. Step 3: Place Your Order. Pond & Fish Stocking. TWRA plans to release approximately 90,000 rainbow trout … Most fish are … Laughter Pond generally receives several thousand channel catfish each year. 2020-2021 Trout Stocking Schedule Harvest Regulations. Trout Guide. Fish stocking is an important part of any lake management program. Visitor Hours Daily, 8 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.. Due to COVID-19, all PFBC hatcheries are closed to the public.. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION BUREAU OF FISHERIES Region 1 Fish distribution January 1 - December 31 2020 Stocked in cooperation with County Federated Sportsmen Water (Township) Number Species Size (inches) Nassau County Massapequa Reservoir (Oyster Bay) 370 Brown Trout 9.0 Massapequa Reservoir (Oyster Bay) 1,500 … It’s never been easier to access Papaya homewares online. This is a great place for new … As always, the trout stocking schedule lists the week that a waterbody is being stocked, not a specific date. FISH STOCKING LIST N.Y.S. Parker Canyon Lake - Sierra Vista, AZ (Cochise County) The lake is 1.94 feet below the spillway. AZGFD on Oct. 9 discovered New Zealand mudsnails in two Page Springs Fish Hatchery raceways during a routine invasive species survey at the hatchery. PROVIDENCE, R.I (WLNE) – The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management is stocking ponds and rivers across Rhode Island with trout in … The fee will not affect applications currently on file with the agency, and only largemouth bass and bluegill will be provided for stocking. We post our prices to help our customers with price comparison and we hope you will call for a pond stocking plan that best suits your budget and your pond. The stocking schedule depends mainly upon the size of the bass stocked. Abney Pond and Lake Stocking. Weekly trout stocking schedule. Trout stocking, Dug Pond, Natick. This private pond, a former gravel pit, is available to public fishing and stocked on the same schedule as Walter Wirth, but often with about a fifth the number of trout. Becker Pond is good if you get there early and/or don’t mind the crowds. Cox Farm Pond 10/18/2017 Cumberland Mountain State Park 2/24/2021 Dale Hollow 2/26/2021 Dale Hollow TW 6/4/2021 Dickert Pond 2/3/2021 Flat Fork Creek 4/14/2021 Flynns Lick Creek 5/5/2021 George Hole 10/31/2019 Goforth Creek 5/24/2021 Greasy Creek 5/25/2021 Coldwater Stocking 06-09-2021 In the beginning the few afternoon clouds. The regulations follow Maximum Possession limits and are listed in the table below. 2019 Trout and Kokanee Stocking Plan for Region 1 Stocking allotments and timing are subject to change without notice. TENTATIVE TROUT STOCKING SCHEDULE FOR 2021 The dates listed are all Sundays. Ponds that have not yet formed large weed populations may be stocked with 5 to 10 fish per acre to prevent weed growth. COUNTY WATERBODY 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 252 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 3 10 17 24 Houston Hurricane Creek Houston Whiteoak Creek … As always, please practice catch and relase. That, along with your goals, is taken into consideration about how to best proceed to create the desired result in your pond or lake. Select one of our pre-calculated pond stocking recommendations that is customized for your pond's surface area. Trophy Pond specializes in pond and fish stocking for private ponds and lakes in a wide region including Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia , Kentucky , Mississippi, and Arkansas. Please call 931-374-0536 for current pricing and availability. Why Should You Have Us Stock Your Pond? There are lots of hatcheries in the South that sell fish. FiN staff stocks several species of fish into neighborhood ponds, mostly during springtime. 1. For fish 3 per pound or larger, including broodstock. When looking at amazing fisheries like Lake Barkley, Lake Kentucky, and Lake Cumberland, it’s easy to see why. Find current fish pricing for our fingerling pond stocking fish, fish prices are subject to change Serving All Your Pond & Lake Management Needs Since 1972 800.433.2950 Fax (580) 777-2899 The schedule for the rest of eastern Oregon will be posted once information is available. Rainbow trout are a favorite catch for many anglers. With our brand new Stocking Rate Calculator, Arkansas Pondstockers has made it easier than ever! Are you trying to balance a pond or lake that already contains fish? After stocking, manure should be applied twice daily. Get Started. If the pond contains no other fish, stocking spring fingerling trout of 2-3 inches is less expensive, and may be stocked at 200 to 400 trout per acre. The stocking operation starts in March and runs through May, with the WDFW dumping a total of 9,000 fish into Fiorito alone this summer. Still, it’s a small water and fishing can be excellent soon after a planting, although the angling success will drop off quickly as the bulk of the fish are caught within a week or two. For more information, please refer to the Science Spotlight. Trout Production & Stocking. Schedule Spring Fish Stocking. By Times-News staff Sunday Apr 7, 2019 at 2:00 AM . Among the pay-to-play waters, E.E. At last the firefighters’ drill was done and Josh backed the truck down the boat launch and a couple of feet into the water. • Forsyth County, CG Hill Park Pond, 12/11 • Gaston County, Dallas Park Pond, 12/10 • Gaston County, Poston Park Pond, 12/10 • Jackson County, Cashiers Public Pond, 12/6 • McDowell County, Universal Pond, 12/14 • Mecklenburg County, McAlpine Pond, 12/18 • Orange County, Lake Michael, 12/4 • Polk County, Laughter Pond, 12/7 Grass carp are best stocked in the spring but may also be stocked in the fall. POND MANAGEMENT Stocking Fish in Indiana Ponds Authors Tevin Tomlinson, Mitchell Zischke, Jarred Brooke, Fred Whitford, Dave Osborne and Jonathan Ferris FNR-569 / PPP-125 / IISG19-RCE-BRC-060 Introduction Fish stocking in a pond is like a retirement plan — you need to have a vision of your ultimate goal. Fish | Fertilizer | Fountains | Aerators | Chemical | Plant ID Anglers tend to flock to the trout ponds for the opener, but the first stocking date was not announced to avoid a crowd. Anglers should also check out our Interactive Stocking map for location information. Fall Trout Stocking Map (.jpg, 225kb) Fall Trout Stocking Map (pdf, 2.0mb) During the 2019 fall trout stocking season the Division of Fish and Wildlife will stocked more than 21,000 trout in the state's major trout waters. A littoral acre is an acre that is less than 15 feet deep. Carolina Fish Hatchery specializes in live fish for pond stocking. No stockings will occur during the month of August due to high water temperatures. The online fish stocking database includes DNR hatchery-raised fish and those approved by permit from a district fisheries biologist. NFP Site Metropolitan area : Medical Center South: Amarillo: Bullfrog Pond : Austin: Kingfisher Lake : Austin: Central Park Pond #1: College Station: Greenbriar Park (Fort Worth) Dallas/Ft. The department stocks 10- to 12-inch rainbow trout unless otherwise noted. Click again to reverse the sort order. 2021 WINTER TROUT STOCKING SCHEDULE Stocked Water by Fishing Area OCTOBER 2020 NOVEMBER 2020 DECEMBER 2020 JANUARY 2021 FEBRUARY 2021 MARCH 2021 NORTH CENTRAL Dead Horse Ranch SP ––– 2nd/16th 7th/21st 4th/18th 1st/15th 1st Oak Creek 5th/19th 2nd/16th ––– ––– ––– 1st/15th Verde River Greenway ––– 9th/23rd 7th/21st 4th/18th 1st/15th 1st/15th SOUTHEAST Dankworth Pond We stock them in Utah's community ponds in the spring and fall. The NDOW has notified us that all urban pond restocking will be in the early afternoon. If a survey isn’t in the budget, frequently fishing with different types of baits and lures is an option to get a sense of what fish are in the pond. As the largest game fish producer in North Carolina, We are the ideal choice for wholesale buyers as well as small pond owners looking for a balanced pond. Area Trout Maps. Therefore, it is important to discuss pond stocking with a District Fisheries Biologist. Fish stocking managed by the Government of Alberta and the Alberta Conservation Association Updated February 18, 2021 Notes There are no cutthroat trout stocked in the 2020 stocking season, as we will not be operating the Job Lake spawn camp due to COVID-19 restrictions. Blacktail/ririe reservoir can be good especially in a boat. April 10 at 8:00 a.m.: Opening day of trout season. Anoka County. Put & Take Trout Stocking Program. county lake or stream location sp priority size number designation cfr 1-43-1-3-2 wake apex lake 64 e of raleigh turn right onto sr-1521 (l. pine dr.) & go 0.4 mi to lake on left 1,500 fish/3 months cc 1 8-12" 4,500.00 cfp cfr 1-66-1-2-1 wake harris park pond from raleigh take us 1 s to the new hill exit. • Wake County, Simpkins Pond, 12/17 • Wake County, Bass Lake, 12/17 • Yadkin County, Yadkin County Park, 12/18 Due to snow, no stockings were conducted the week of Dec. 10. As always, please practice catch and relase. Stocking Records; Stocking Schedule; Map Center; Seasons & Rules;
Fishing; This is not the water you're looking for. These species at the proper ratio will allow for good, long-term fishing. 2021 Fish stocking information. No Minimum Length Limit; Daily Bag = 5 trout; An angler fishing in a Community Fishing Lake (CFL) or from a dock, pier or jetty within a Texas State Park may use no more than two poles. 2021 Fish stocking information. Ponds in Illinois vary greatly in their fish stocking needs. Department-owned Waters – Trout Stockings by KDWPT. Stocking will continue through the end of October, 2021. You can use the search and filter functions to search the stocking schedule for specific locations and dates. With Ted Danson, Hattie Winston, Shawnee Smith, Alex Désert. Hafen Park/Pond Fish Restocking Schedule. Trout. Avon, NY 14414. The Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW) will be delivering Tuesday, November 17, 2020; we will be getting a shipment of 150LBS of RAINBOW TROUT from the Lake Mead Hatchery. April 10 (12:00 a.m. - 7:59 a.m.): Waters closed to all fishing. The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management is stocking … When you plan to stock fingerling (1- to 3-inch) bass, stock fingerling (1- to 3-inch) bluegills and redear sunfish, forage minnows, and catfish larger than 4 inches in the late fall, followed by the bass fingerlings the next spring. Launching is greatly improved with increased water levels. DNR hatcheries produce 16 different fish species for stocking throughout Indiana. Click on a county page on the left to find other FiN ponds and shorefishing opportunities in your area. The bag limit on white amurs is one fish more than 30 inches in length. Trophy Pond specializes in pond and fish stocking for private ponds and lakes in a wide region including Tennessee, Alabama , Georgia , Kentucky , Mississippi, and Arkansas. Known to have some truly exceptional fishing lakes, Kentucky is also home to numerous smaller public waters the provide quality trout fishing at various times of the year. Beginning October 1, 2001, individuals requesting bass and bluegill from the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency for stocking their private ponds will be required to pay a fee of $100 per acre. Find current fish pricing for our fingerling pond stocking fish, fish prices are subject to change Serving All Your Pond & Lake Management Needs Since 1972 800.433.2950 Fax (580) 777-2899 Call today to see when we'll be in your area! GRAND RAPIDS ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® 660 Kenmoor Ave SE Grand Rapids, MI 49546 The third close-to-home fishing pond – stocked in April, May, June and July by ODFW – is Marr Pond, in Enterprise. Check out the lists below, courtesy of the state Department of Environmental Conservation. Following the Pond King Pond Stocking 101 outline will guide you through the pond stocking process. Still, it’s a small water and fishing can be excellent soon after a planting, although the angling success will drop off quickly as the bulk of the fish are caught within a week or two. NOTE: CG Hill Park Pond and Yadkin County Park will be stocked Dec. 18. Southeast Pond Stocking, LLC. The TWRA TO CHARGE FOR PRIVATE POND FISH STOCKING. It should be returned to: NYS Department of Environmental Conservation. Step 3: Place Your Order. Stocking is dependent on river, lake or pond conditions — for angler safety concerns — and dates may change due to weather or staffing. May 10 - 14: Limited stocking of major rivers/streams. Still looking for my honey hole. Wilson Springs Ponds (Nampa) June 3, 10, 17, 24 1,400/400/400/400 The number of trout actually released may be altered by weather, water conditions, equipment problems or schedule changes. Stocking schedule area and suggestions for pa fish stocking schedule for pa farm show you.
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