Indian Elephant Facts. L'elefante asiatico (Elephas maximus Linnaeus, 1758) è un mammifero della famiglia degli elefantidi[2], l'unica sopravvissuta dell'ordine dei proboscidati. Females are usually smaller than males, and have short or no tusks. Find the perfect indian elephant elephas maximus indicus stock photo. E. maximus viene anche denominato comunemente elefante indiano, anche se questa denominazione è più propriamente attribuita alla sola sottospecie Elephas maximus indicus. [1], In general, Asian elephants are smaller than African elephants and have the highest body point on the head. They roamed the park area together and occasionally visited female herds. All the animals were clinically healthy and were maintained under an optimal nutritional regime. The tip of their trunk has one finger-like process. Elephas maximus indicus Taxonomy ID: 99487 (for references in articles please use NCBI:txid99487) current name No need to register, buy now! Sedme Mammal Species of the World (siatos ke 2005), konakara apta dere tid ke mila veyafa katca : . CLASSE Mammalia - Mammiferi. Si nutre prevalentemente di erbe e germogli, non disdegnando comunque frutti e cortecce. Per questo lo si è potuto addomesticare fin dai tempi antichi e in diverse zone dell'India e dell'Indocina è utilizzato come animale da lavoro, specie per il trasporto dei tronchi. Genus: Elephas Species: Elephas maximus Subspecies: Elephas maximus indicus. Poaching of tuskers impacts on sex ratios that become highly female biased; genetic variation is reduced, and fecundity and recruitment may decline. Elephas maximus indicus) — подвид азиатского слона и родом из материковой Азии. L'éléphant indien (Elephas maximus indicus) est l'une des sous-espèces de l'éléphant d'Asie (Elephas maximus). Per due giorni interi, l'elefante resta solidamente legato, senza mangiare né bere né riposare. Twenty-four adult Indian elephants (Elephas maximus indicus) of both sexes and different ages and weights, belonging to the Temple Devaswoms, the Forest Department of the Government of Kerala and the Gemini Circus formed the experimental subjects from which formulae were derived to predict the total surface area from either body measurements or areas of individual regions. Elephas maximus was the scientific name proposed by Carl Linnaeus in 1758 who described the genus and an elephant from Ceylon. They preferred habitat where water was available and food plants were palatable. New users enjoy 60% OFF. Questo animale ha una gestazione molto lunga, di 20-22 mesi, al termine dei quali nasce un solo piccolo. Environment These elephants prefer meadows, tropical evergreen forests, moist and dry deciduous forests, thorn forests, and scrublands as … High quality Elephas Maximus Indicus inspired Mugs by independent artists and designers from around the world. Appena catturato, viene affidato a un cornak, che si incaricherà di ammansirlo, allenarlo, curarlo e seguirlo per tutta la vita. List of Indian states by elephant population, 10.2305/IUCN.UK.2008.RLTS.T7140A12828813.en, "Taxonomy, Classification, and Evolution of Elephants", "The wild elephants of the Royal Bardia National Park, Nepal", "Tourism driving illegal elephant trade in Burma and Thailand – video", "Mother elephant uproots transformer that electrocuted her baby in Andhra", "Human-elephant conflicts: power poles should have spikes to keep away jumbos, says panel",, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2013, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, in the Northwest — at the foot of the Himalayas in, in the Northeast – from the eastern border of Nepal in northern, in the South – eight populations are fragmented from each other in northern, 100–125 in Nepal, where their range is restricted to a few protected areas in the, 150–250 in Bangladesh, where only isolated populations survive in the. Nikon D800, Zeiss ZE/ZF.2 Makro-Planar T* 100mm f/2, 1/1250 f/2.0, ISO 640, mano libera. Inoltre, ha zanne più piccole, che spesso nelle femmine sono assenti o appena accennate. Le sue abitudini sono molto simili a quelle dell'elefante africano. Wilson, Don E., and DeeAnn M. Reeder, eds. Wilson, Don E., and DeeAnn M. Reeder, eds. Questa pagina è stata modificata per l'ultima volta l'8 gen 2020 alle 09:29. Elephas maximus indicus (skull) at Göteborgs Naturhistoriska Museum 2368.jpg 3,125 × 3,672; 4.2 എം.ബി. Popis Rozměry. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. Environment These elephants prefer meadows, tropical evergreen forests, moist and dry deciduous forests, thorn forests, and scrublands as … [10], Elephants are classified as megaherbivores and consume up to 150 kg (330 lb) of plant matter per day. È il secondo animale di terraferma più grande. [6], Indian elephants have smaller ears, but relatively broader skulls and larger trunks than African elephants. Find the perfect elephas maximus indicus stock photo. Slon indický (Elephas maximus indicus) je poddruh slona z čeledi slonové (Elephantidae. Sono note quattro sottospecie viventi[2][4], mentre altre due sono .chiarimento{background:#ffeaea;color:#444444}.mw-parser-output .chiarimento-apice{color:red}[senza fonte]: L'addestramento di questo animale è complesso. Elephas maximus Name Synonyms Elephas indicus Cuvier, 1798 Homonyms Elephas maximus indicus Cuvier, 1798 Bibliographic References. Download all free or royalty-free photos and vectors. [1] Project Elephant was launched in 1992 by the Government of India Ministry of Environment and Forests to provide financial and technical support of wildlife management efforts by states for their free ranging populations of wild Asian Elephants. See also Deraniyagala (1955). Vive in branchi di 8-20 individui, guidati da una femmina anziana. [21], Electrocution due to contact with electric poles and transformers has been reported as another major threat to elephants in India, with an estimated 461 elephants having been electrocuted between 2009 and 2017.[22][23]. The Asian elephant (Elephas maximus), also called Asiatic elephant, is the only living species of the genus Elephas and is distributed in the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia, from India and Nepal in the west to Borneo in the south.Three subspecies are recognised—E. The Indian elephant (Elephas maximus indicus) is one of three extant recognised subspecies of the Asian elephant and native to mainland Asia. The subspecies is native to mainland Asia, i.e Photo Puzzle (1000 Pieces) (#19222782) Framed Prints, Posters, Canvas, Puzzles, Metal, Photo … Non si hanno dati precisi sulla popolazione degli elefanti indiani, che è comunque superiore alle 100.000 unità. The Indian Elephant is one of three recognized subspecies of the Asian elephant, and native to mainland Asia. Their back is convex or level. [2] Es la segunda en tamaño, y generalmente son tan altos como los de elefantes de Ceilán, aunque un poco menos pesados. See Shoshani and Eisenberg (1982, Mammalian Species, 182), who identified three subspecies of the Asian elephant: E. m. sumatranus from the island of Sumatra, E. m. indicus from mainland Asia, and E. m. maximus from the island of Sri Lanka. Raja Gaj stood 3.43 m (11.3 ft) tall at the shoulder and had a massive body weight. Le orecchie inoltre sono più piccole in proporzione alla testa. It presents taxonomic, distributional, and ecological data about the entire fossil record. Mostra di più » Elephas maximus borneensis L'Elefante del Borneo, o Elefante pigmeo del Borneo (Elephas maximus borneensis) è una delle sottospecie dell'elefante asiatico, diffusa nella parte settentrionale dell'omonima isola (in particolare nella zona occidentale dello stato di Sabah e nell'estremo nord del Kalimantan). Le femmine sono leggermente più piccole. Your Indian Elephant Elephas Maximus Indicus stock images are ready. [7] Poaching has dramatically skewed adult sex ratios in the Periyar Tiger Reserve, where between 1969 and 1989 the adult male:female sex ratio changed from 1:6 to 1:122. Huge collection, amazing choice, 100+ million high quality, affordable RF and RM images. [4] In 1985, two large elephant bulls were spotted for the first time in Bardia National Park, and named Raja Gaj and Kanchha. З 1986 року E.m.i. Illegal timber extraction plays a significant role in deforestation and habitat degradation. They feed on the bark of white thorn and other flowering plants, and consume the fruits of wood apple, tamarind, kumbhi and date palm. C'est un mammifère de la famille des éléphantidés. Thousands of images added daily. Sedme Mammal Species of the World (siatos ke 2005), konakara apta dere tid ke mila veyafa katca : . Elephas maximus hirsutus Lydekker, 1914 - valid name . L'elefante asiatico trascorre gran parte della giornata in cerca del cibo necessario alla sopravvivenza: circa 150 kg di frutta e foglie ogni giorno. Elephas maximus maximus is different from the other subspecies because 90 to 95 percent of males lack tusks. When the new flush appears in April, they remove the tender blades in small clumps. The Indian elephant (Elephas maximus indicus) is one of three subspecies of the Asian elephant.It comes from mainland Asia.Since 1986, Elephants maximus has been listed as endangered by IUCN.The population has declined by at least 50% over the last 60–75 years. [15], In the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve three elephant clans had overall home ranges of 562 km2 (217 sq mi), 670 km2 (260 sq mi) and 799 km2 (308 sq mi) in the beginning of the 1990s. L'elefante indiano, a parte l'uomo, non ha nemici naturali, anche se le tigri possono rappresentare un serio pericolo per i cuccioli se non sono difesi dalle madri. Deve il nome all'India, il Paese nel quale è maggiormente diffuso e dove si trova il 50% degli elefanti asiatici allo stato brado esistenti al mondo ed il 20% di quelli ammaestrati. - Elephas maximus indicus (Elefante indiano) - Elephas maximus sumatranus (Elefante di Sumatra) - Elephas maximus rubridens, sottospecie del nord della Cina, oggi estinto - Elephas maximus asurus, Elefante Siriano, oggi estinto. Indian elephants (Elephas maximus indicus), varying in age from 18 to 60 years and in weight from 1880 to 5290 kg, maintained by the Temple Devaswoms, the Forest Department of the Government of Kerala and the Gemini Circus. The vegetation types of this area encompasses dry thorn forest at 250 to 400 m (820 to 1,310 ft), deciduous forest at 400 to 1,400 m (1,300 to 4,600 ft), stunted evergreen forest and grassland at 1,400 to 1,800 m (4,600 to 5,900 ft). Indian Elephant Location: Asia. 2,500–3,200 in Thailand, mainly in the mountains along the border with Myanmar, with smaller fragmented populations occurring in the peninsula in the south; 500–1,000 Laos, where they remain widely but patchily distributed in forested areas, both in the highlands and lowlands; 200–250 in China, where they survive only in the prefectures of, 250–600 in Cambodia, where they primarily inhabit the mountains of the south-west and in, This page was last edited on 4 December 2020, at 15:44. [14], The movement and habitat utilisation patterns of an elephant population were studied in southern India during 1981–83 within a 1,130 km2 (440 sq mi) study area. Il profilo del dorso di questa specie è convesso e discendente dal garrese alla groppa, a differenza di quello dell'elefante africano, insellato e con la groppa più alta del garrese. Grande amante dell'acqua, l'elefante ama spruzzarsela addosso con la proboscide e fare bagni rinfrescanti. [3], The largest Indian elephant was 3.43 m (11.3 ft) high at the shoulder. Rispetto al parente africano è di indole più pacifica e tranquilla. Il suo habitat naturale è vario, ma generalmente lo si trova nelle giungle e nelle praterie, ma si spinge anche fino in montagna. A female Indian elephant (Elephas maximus indicus) (aged at 39 years in 2017; weighing 3,800 kg) housed at Kanazawa Zoological Gardens, and has been maintained since 1985.The elephant was born in wild and brought from Mumbai, India. Later, when grasses are higher than 0.5 m (1.6 ft), they uproot entire clumps, dust them skilfully and consume the fresh leave tops, but discard the roots. Based on DNA analyses, E. m. maximus and E. m. indicus may be part of the same group, while the population of Elephas maximus in Borneo may be a distinct subspecies. La mandibola dell'elefante asiatico presenta inoltre all'estremità una sorta di labbro pendulo e appuntito, che manca nelle due specie africane. [2], Since 1986, the Asian elephant has been listed as Endangered on the IUCN Red List as the wild population has declined by at least 50% since the 1930s to 1940s, i.e. When grasses are mature in autumn, they clean and consume the succulent basal portions with the roots, and discard the fibrous blades. L'elefante indiano (Elephas maximus indicus Cuvier, 1798) è la più comune delle quattro sottospecie di elefante asiatico. Fossilworks hosts query, analysis, and download functions used to access large paleontological data sets. 6. Gajah asia terancam oleh kehancuran, degradasi dan fragmentasi habitat. Name . Elephas sumatranus was proposed by Coenraad Jacob Temminck in 1847 who described an elephant from Sumatra. I maschi di elefante indiano pesano fino a 3500 kg. They browse more in the dry season with bark constituting a major part of their diet in the cool part of that season. Elephas maximus indicus) — подвид азиатского слона и родом из материковой Азии. His forehead and domes were more prominent than in other Asian bull elephants. Elephas maximus indicus Cuvier, 1797 - valid name (as Elephas maximus indicus Cuvier, 1798) Elephas indicus Cuvier, 1797 Elephas maximus bengalensis Blainville, 1845 - valid name . African elephants… Read More; fauna of India The Asian elephant is threatened by habitat loss, degradation and fragmentation. There is also a sizeable trade in ivory chopsticks and carvings, smuggled by traders from Myanmar into China. [5] His appearance has been compared to that of a Stegodon and mammoth due to his high bi-domed shaped head. In the English nomenclature, Elephas maximus means the Asian elephant; Elephas maximus indicus is the subspecies found in India – the Indian elephant. [2] Es la segunda en tamaño, y generalmente son tan altos como los de elefantes de Ceilán, aunque un poco menos pesados.La mayoría de los individuos presenta colmillos.Es la subespecie más abundante, con bolsas de población distribuidas desde la India hasta la península de Malaca. - Nature Picture Library elephas maximus indicus They graze on the tall grasses, but the portion consumed varies with season. [16], The pre-eminent threats to Asian elephants today are habitat loss, degradation, and fragmentation, which are driven by an expanding human population, and lead in turn to increasing conflicts between humans and elephants when elephants eat or trample crops. L'elefante indiano ha una proboscide dalla pelle relativamente liscia e fornita all'estremità di una sola appendice digitiforme sul bordo superiore, quella dell'elefante africano termina invece con due appendici, meno sviluppate di quella unica dell'asiatico, e presenta inoltre una pelle molto più rugosa. Average Litter Size 1 Lifestyle. Elephas maximus indicus inviata il 23 Giugno 2016 ore 1:25 da Marco La Rosa. [18], In Bangladesh, forested areas that served as prime elephant habitat have undergone drastic reduction, which had a severe impact on the wild elephant population. Vedi in alta risoluzione 5.2 MP . З 1986 року E.m.i. Vernacular names Elephas indicus was proposed by Georges Cuvier in 1798, who described an elephant from India. No need to register, buy now! In the English nomenclature, Elephas maximus means the Asian elephant; Elephas maximus indicus is the subspecies found in India – the Indian elephant. Popis Rozměry. Unlike their African cousins, their abdomen is proportionate with their body weight but the African elephant has a large abdomen as compared to the skulls. Habitat loss and fragmentation is attributed to the increasing human population and its need for fuel wood and timber. Scheda a cura di Giuliano Russini >>> Versione di stampa. Slon indický (Elephas maximus indicus) je poddruh slona z čeledi slonové (Elephantidae. Elephas maximus indicus (Індійський слон) — один з трьох загально визнаних підвидів азійського слона, ендемік материкової Азії. [20], Young wild-born elephants are removed from their mothers in Myanmar for use in Thailand's tourism industry. Il fait partie des éléphants contemporains survivants. During the second wet season from September to December, when the tall grasses became fibrous, they moved into lower elevation short grass open forests. Elephas maximus indicus traduzione nel dizionario italiano - inglese a Glosbe, dizionario online, gratuitamente. Fuzol (Elephas maximus maximus) (Linnaeus, 1758) Fuzol (Elephas maximus indicus) (Cuvier, 1798) Fuzol (Elephas maximus sumatranus) (Temminck, 1847) Pulasa vuestexa is klita (en) vuest- : Mammal Species of the World (v- 3, 2005) : Elephas maximus indicus … The project aims to ensure long-term survival of viable conservation reliant populations of elephants in their natural habitats by protecting the elephants, their habitats and migration corridors. Elephas maximus. L'elefante asiatico (Elephas maximus Linnaeus, 1758) è un mammifero della famiglia degli elefantidi, l'unica sopravvissuta dell'ordine dei proboscidati. Under Elephas indicus, the Sarawak Museum register (p. 350) records a past holding of two skulls, without tusks, of the Asiatic elephant (now Elephas maximus ) collected in North Borneo by H.H. three elephant generations. Common Name – Indian elephant Local Name – Elephant / Hathi Zoological Name – Elephas maximus indicus Kingdom – Animalia Phylum – Chordata Class – Mammalia Order – Proboscidea Family – Elephantidae Genus – Elephas Conservational Status – Schedule – I, according to wildlife (Protection) act, 1972 and classified as Endangered (EN) by the IUCN. I maschi sono lunghi mediamente 5,5-6,4 metri, hanno un'altezza alla spalla di 2,7-3 metri, e pesano 3900 – 4700 kg. [2] Indian elephants reach a shoulder height of between 2 and 3.5 m (6.6 and 11.5 ft), weigh between 2,000 and 5,000 kg (4,400 and 11,000 lb), and have 19 pairs of ribs. La mayoría de los individuos presenta colmillos. The species is also threatened by habitat loss, degradation and herds being split apart into smaller groups. Pradhan, N.M.B., Wegge, P., Moe, S.R., Shrestha, A.K. (2005) Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference, 3rd ed., vols. Elephas maximus indicus (Cuvier, 1798) References . E. maximus viene anche denominato comunemente elefante indiano , anche se questa denominazione è più propriamente attribuita alla sola sottospecie Elephas maximus indicus . In the early 1990s, the estimated wild populations included:[7], There are a total of 138 state elephant corridors, 28 interstate corridors and 17 international state corridors where Indian elephant populations are found. After the worldwide ivory ban, prices of raw ivory in the country skyrocketed from $76 a kilo for large tusks in 1989/90 to over $200 a kilo by the mid-1990s. Other goals of Project Elephant are supporting research of the ecology and management of elephants, creating conservation awareness among local people, providing improved veterinary care for captive elephants. Elephas maximus indicus (Індійський слон) — один з трьох загально визнаних підвидів азійського слона, ендемік материкової Азії. A total of 39 dead elephants were reported during the period of 1958 to 2008, of which ten were reported killed between 2004 and 2008. C'est un mammifère de la famille des éléphantidés. Elephas maximus indicus - Taxon details on Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS). Huge collection, amazing choice, 100+ million high quality, affordable RF and RM images. I maschi adulti in libertà sono solitari, mentre le femmine e i maschi più giovani si spostano in gruppi composti da un numero di esemplari che varia da 5 a 120.
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