augusto pinochet gobierno

According to the transitional provisions of the 1980 Constitution, a referendum was scheduled for 5 October 1988, to vote on a new eight-year presidential term for Pinochet. [133] For example, journalist and author Samuel Chavkin,[134] in his book Storm Over Chile: The Junta Under Siege, repeatedly characterizes both Pinochet himself and the military dictatorship as fascist. [106] Margaret Thatcher, the British prime minister at the time of the war, said that the day the radar was taken out of service for overdue maintenance was the day Argentinian fighter-bombers bombed the troopships Sir Galahad and Sir Tristram, leaving 53 dead and many injured. Aanvankelijk wordt de macht overgenomen door de militaire junta bestaande uit Pinochet (leger), José Toribio Merino (marine), Gustavo Leigh (luchtmacht) en César Mendoza (politie), maar Pinochet trekt al snel alle macht naar zich toe en benoemt zichzelf in 1974 tot president. Another French ruler he admired was Louis XIV. In Spain, supporters of late dictator Francisco Franco paid homage to Pinochet. The bank controlled between US$4 million and $8 million of Pinochet's assets, who lived in Santiago in a modest house, dissimulating his wealth. Ondanks dat in Chili talloze criticasters van het bewind ‘verdwijnen’, blijven de banden tussen Pinochet en het buitenland goed. Hij schrijft een referendum uit over zijn nieuwe grondwet, dat door bijna zeventig procent van de burgers wordt goedgekeurd. On 11 September 1973, the combined Chilean Armed Forces (the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Carabineros) overthrew Allende's government in a coup, during which the presidential palace, La Moneda, was shelled and most likely where Allende was said to have committed suicide. In Santiago, opponents celebrated his death in Alameda Avenue, while supporters grieved outside the Military Hospital. Na acht jaar mogen de burgers kiezen of een president langer mag blijven zitten of niet. [34], The following year he returned to his studies in the Academy, and after obtaining the title of Officer Chief of Staff, in 1951, he returned to teach at the Military School. Este incidente contribuyó al aislamiento del gobierno de Pinochet y dio lugar a una ruptura brusca en las relaciones entre ambos países. [64], The Rettig Report concluded 2,279 persons who disappeared during the military government were killed for political reasons or as a result of political violence. On 30 January 1943, Pinochet married Lucía Hiriart Rodríguez, with whom he had five children: Inés Lucía, María Verónica, Jacqueline Marie, Augusto Osvaldo and Marco Antonio. If the "YES" won, Pinochet would have to implement the dispositions of the 1980 Constitution, mainly the call for general elections, while he would himself remain in power as president. A military junta was established immediately following the coup, made up of General Pinochet representing the Army, Admiral José Toribio Merino representing the Navy, General Gustavo Leigh representing the Air Force, and General César Mendoza representing the Carabineros (national police). Bosworth, video of Pinochet arriving at Santiago airport, General Juan Emilio Cheyre, "Ejército de Chile: el fin de una visión", La Tercera, 11 May 2004, Eduardo Gallardo: "Pinochet indicted for 1973 executions,". His wife, Lucía Hiriart, and his son, Marco Antonio Pinochet, were also sued for complicity. [39], In the months that followed the coup, the junta, with authoring work by historian Gonzalo Vial and admiral Patricio Carvajal, published a book titled El Libro Blanco del cambio de gobierno en Chile (commonly known as El Libro Blanco, 'The White Book on the Change of Government in Chile'), in which they said that they were in fact anticipating a self-coup (the alleged Plan Zeta, or Plan Z) that Allende's government or its associates were purportedly preparing. He was then sworn in as a senator-for-life, a privilege granted by the 1980 constitution to former presidents with at least six years in office. O general Augusto Pinochet liderou o golpe militar no Chile em 11 de setembro de 1973, desencadeando uma das piores ditaduras da América do Sul. El Gobierno de Pinochet se caracteriza por se dictatorial, entre las principales acciones que destacan durante … Socialist President Michelle Bachelet, whose father Alberto was temporarily imprisoned and tortured after the 1973 coup and died shortly afterwards from heart complications, said that it would be "a violation of [her] conscience" to attend a state funeral for Pinochet. Cuando en 1970 asume la presidencia Allende, un dirigente proveniente de la izquierda, Pinochet, comienza un fino trabajo para derrocarlo con el apoyo de vario… De CIA steunt daarom een staatsgreep van het Chileense leger, nog geen maand na Pinochets benoeming tot opperbevelhebber van het leger. Pinochet organized a plebiscite on 11 September 1980 to ratify a new constitution, replacing the 1925 Constitution drafted during Arturo Alessandri's presidency. [46] Authors Tim Weiner (Legacy of Ashes)[47] and Christopher Hitchens (The Trial of Henry Kissinger)[48] similarly argue the case that US covert actions actively destabilized Allende's government and set the stage for the 1973 coup. El Rodriguista, 11 Años de Lucha y Dignidad, 1994", "A Bombshell on Pinochet's Guilt, Delivered Too Late", "Get to Know the Memes of the Alt-Right and Never Miss a Dog-Whistle Again", "Chilean army admits 120 thrown into sea", "Jaime Guzmán no fue un defensor de los Derechos Humanos en el Régimen de Pinochet", "Buenos Aires Journal; Timerman, Stranger in Two More Strange Lands", "Periodista peruano: A Fujimori le gustaba que lo llamaran "Chinochet, "Hissène Habré, 'Africa's Pinochet', found guilty of crimes against humanity", "Augusto Pinochet es un ícono dentro del movimiento de derecha radical que llevó a Donald Trump a la presidencia", "As GOP Reconsiders Trump as Standard Bearer", "Exclusivo: Viaje al fondo de la biblioteca de Pinochet", "Pinochet, un "intelectual limitado" que copió libros, según escritor", "JUAN CRISTÓBAL PEÑA: "SE HA MENOSPRECIADO A PINOCHET EN SU CAPACIDAD INTELECTUAL, "A Chilean Dictator's Secret Book Collection: Heavy on Napoleon, Light on Fiction", "Latin American Studies Association: Login", "Pinochet, con nombres de "chapa", abrió cuentas en el Riggs en 1985", Pinochet receives a hero's welcome on his return, "The Appeals Court Ruling Is Negotiated Out for Pinochet", "Pinochet Competent, Must Stand Trial, Judge Rules", "El juez Guzmán procesa a Pinochet y ordena su arresto domiciliario por asesinato y secuestro", Levée de l'immunité de Pinochet pour le meurtre d'un chimiste, General (r) Manuel Contreras: Eugenio Berríos está vivo, "Hijo de Pinochet acusa de "mentiroso y canalla" a ex jefe DINA", Procesan a Pinochet y ordenan su arresto por los secuestros y homicidios de la "Caravana de la Muerte",, Corte revoca mayoría de procesamientos en caso Riggs, Cobertura Especial: Detienen a familia y principales colaboradores de Pinochet, Detective story that linked £1m Pinochet cash to BAE, Gerardo Huber sabía demasiado, pero no alcanzó a contarlo. De Chileens generaal en dictator Augusto Pinochet kwam in 1973 na een staatsgreep aan de macht. Pinochet was at the center of this illegal arms trade, receiving money through various offshores and front companies, including the Banco Coutts International in Miami.[183]. CIA document", Emol, website of newspaper El Mercurio: Adobe Flash presentation reconstructing the September 1986 assassination attempt, "Pinochet Is History: But how will it remember him? [105], Chile was officially neutral during the Falklands War, but Chile's Westinghouse long-range radar that was deployed in the south of the country gave the British task force early warning of Argentinian air attacks. Als Pinochet in 1998 Londen bezoekt, wordt hij onder huisarrest geplaatst, omdat er een internationaal arrestatiebevel is uitgevaardigd door een Spaanse rechter. [177] The payments began in 1997 and lasted until 2004. [12] Author Peter Kornbluh argues in The Pinochet File that the US was extensively involved and actively "fomented" the 1973 coup. At the same time, he worked as a teachers' aide at the War Academy, giving military geography and geopolitics classes. [87] Family allowances in 1989 were 28% of what they had been in 1970 and the budgets for education, health and housing had dropped by over 20% on average. Interviews after Pinochet's departure with people involved with the referendum confirmed that fraud had, indeed, been widespread. This period saw the expansion of business and widespread speculation. [115] Some of the key individuals who fled because of political persecution were followed in their exile by the DINA secret police, in the framework of Operation Condor, which linked South American military dictatorships together against political opponents. Thereafter, Aylwin won the December 1989 presidential election with 55% of the votes,[102] against less than 30% for the right-wing candidate, Hernán Büchi, who had been Pinochet's Minister of Finances since 1985 (there was also a third-party candidate, Francisco Javier Errázuriz, a wealthy aristocrat representing the extreme economic right, who garnered the remaining 15%[102]). The report was a consequence of investigations on financial funding of the 11 September 2001 attacks in the US. Een voetballer die zijn carrière beëindigt hangt zijn schoenen bijvoorbeeld …, Op zoek naar alle categorieën en onderwerpen op Historiek? Las persistentes reformas de Pinochet. The Supreme Court ruled in favor of judge Juan Guzmán's request in August 2000, and Pinochet was indicted on 1 December 2000 for the kidnapping of 75 opponents in the Caravan of Death case. [117][118] Beatings with gun butts, fists and chains were routine; one technique known as "the telephone" involved the torturer slamming "his open hands hard and rhythmically against the ears of the victim," leaving the person deaf. In 1988, several more parties, including the Humanist Party, the Ecologist Party, the Social Democrats, and several Socialist Party splinter groups added their support. Winn also points out that the US imposed an "invisible blockade" that was designed to disrupt the economy under Allende, and contributed to the destabilization of the regime. "[169] Two days later, he was again sentenced to house arrest for the kidnapping and murder of two bodyguards of Salvador Allende who were arrested the day of the 1973 coup and executed by firing squad during the Caravan of Death.[170][171]. Volgens sommige politicologen was dat geweld onontkoombaar, vanwege de diepgewortelde democratie die Chili al sinds het begin van de twintigste eeuw was. Pinochet in 1990Augusto José Ramon Pinochet wordt in 1915 geboren als zoon van een handelaar. …, De uitdrukking “iets aan de wilgen hangen” gebruiken we om aan te geven dat een bepaald persoon ergens mee stopt. [145], Supporters sometimes refer to Pinochet as mi general (the military salutation for a general) while opponents call him pinocho (Spanish for "Pinocchio", from the children's story). As a former General and President of Chile, Pinochet was a well-known human rights violator and violent dictator. La situación económica heredada del gobierno de Salvador Allende no era buena, con una inflación... 1978. Financial conglomerates became major beneficiaries of the liberalized economy and the flood of foreign bank loans. Para ver tamaño completo haga clic sobre la imagen. United States Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the Committee on Governmental Affairs: "Levin-Coleman Staff Report Discloses Web of Secret Accounts Used by Pinochet", Press Release. [117] Following abuse and execution, corpses were interred in secret graves, dropped into rivers or the ocean, or just dumped on urban streets in the night. [154], In March 2000, Congress approved a constitutional amendment creating the status of "ex-president," which granted its holder immunity from prosecution and a financial allowance; this replaced Pinochet's senatorship-for-life. [11] On 11 September 1973, [142], During his lifetime, Pinochet amassed more than 55,000 books in his private library, worth an estimated 2,840,000 US dollars (2006–07). As established, the junta exercised both executive and legislative functions of the government, suspended the Constitution and the Congress, imposed strict censorship and curfew, banned all parties and halted all political and perceived subversive activities. He shut down parliament, suffocated political life, banned trade unions, and made Chile his sultanate. The junta members originally planned that the presidency would be held for a year by the commanders-in-chief of each of the four military branches in turn. Als hij op zijn vijftiende van school wordt gestuurd, meldt hij zich aan bij het leger. [44], The Church Report investigating the fallout of the Watergate scandal stated that while the U.S. tacitly supported the Pinochet government after the 1973 coup, there was "no evidence" that the US was directly involved in it. Wel stelt hij veilig dat hij en zijn militaire officieren voor de rest van hun leven onschendbaar zijn en niet mogen worden vervolgd. Fue designado comandante en jefe del Ejército de Chile el 23 de agosto de 1973 por el presidente Salvador Allende, en reemplazo … The armed forces refused to allow his ashes to be deposited on military property. And if it were true, I don't remember. [167] Pinochet's son Marco Antonio, who had been accused of participating in the drug trade, in 2006 denied claims of drug trafficking in his father's administration and said that he would sue Manuel Contreras, who had said that Pinochet sold cocaine. His military bodyguard was taken by surprise, and five members were killed. He suffered a stroke on 18 December 2004. The architect of this economic model known as "public choice", James M. Buchanan, traveled to Chile and worked closely with the Pinochet regime. Since the Riggs Bank scandal he has been referred to sarcastically as Daniel Lopez, one of the fake identities he used to deposit money in the bank. Historian Alfredo Jocelyn-Holt has referred to Pinochet's figure as "totemic", and added that it serves as a scapegoat which attracts "all hate. Charles Horman and Frank Teruggi, both U.S. journalists, "disappeared,"[67] as did Víctor Olea Alegría, a member of the Socialist Party, and many others, in 1973. Everything is embodied in Pinochet, it's very curious that figures of the stature of Büchi are immolated before the figure of Pinochet, in what is to me a fascist rite, give everything to the Führer, "I did it, but ultimately it was him". "[84] To formulate the economic rescue, the government relied on the so-called Chicago Boys and a text called El ladrillo, and although Chile grew very quickly between 1976 and 1981, it had a large amount of debt which made Chile the most affected nation by the Latin American debt crisis. Orlando Letelier, a former Chilean ambassador to the United States and minister in Allende's cabinet, assassinated after his release from internment and exile in Washington, D.C. by a car bomb on 21 September 1976. Augusto Pinochet, in full Augusto Pinochet Ugarte, (born November 25, 1915, Valparaiso, Chile—died December 10, 2006, Santiago), leader of the military junta that overthrew the socialist government of Pres. [93] But others disagree, Chilean economist José Piñera argues that 2 years after Pinochet took power, poverty was still at 50% and the liberal reforms reduced it to 7.8% in 2013[94] as well as income per capita rising from US$4.000 in 1975 to US$25.000 in 2015,[94] supporters of the reforms also argue that when Pinochet left power in 1990 poverty had fallen to 38%[95] and some claim that since the consolidation of the neoliberal system inequality has been reducing. [141] Pinochet bought books at several small bookshops in the old centre of Santiago and was later supplied with books from abroad by military attachés who bought texts Pinochet was searching after. [88] Businesses recovered most of their lost industrial and agricultural holdings, for the junta returned properties to original owners who had lost them during expropriations, and sold other industries expropriated by Allende's Popular Unity government to private buyers. Todas las noticias sobre Dictadura Pinochet publicadas en EL PAÍS. So as to avoid any potential disruption his flight back to Chile from the UK departed from RAF Waddington, evading those protesting against his release. For the fourth time in seven years, Pinochet was indicted by the Chilean justice. El 5 de octubre de 1988 Chile le dijo "No" al gobierno militar de Augusto Pinochet en un histórico plebiscito. Militar y político. The same year, the prosecuting attorney Hugo Guttierez, in charge of the Caravan of Death case, declared, "Our country has the degree of justice that the political transition permits us to have. [26] His fortune grew considerably during his years in power through dozens of bank accounts secretly held abroad and a fortune in real estate. The deal involved 370 tons of weapons, sold to Croatia by Chile on 7 December 1991, when the former country was under a United Nations' embargo because of the support for Croatia war in Yugoslavia. Straw had overruled a House of Lords decision to extradite Pinochet to face trial in Spain. A. Cento Bull, 'Neo-Fascism', R.J.B. Variations of the internet meme have seen increased popularity with the rise of far-right and alt-right politics. [43], Canadian reporter Jean Charpentier of Télévision de Radio-Canada was the first foreign journalist to interview General Pinochet following the coup. [15] After his rise to power, Pinochet persecuted leftists, socialists, and political critics, resulting in the executions of from 1,200 to 3,200 people,[16] the internment of as many as 80,000 people, and the torture of tens of thousands. [73] In December 2015, three former DINA agents were sentenced to ten years in prison for the murder of a 29-year-old theology student and activist, German Rodriguez Cortes, in 1978. [24][25] For most of the 1990s, Chile was the best-performing economy in Latin America, though the legacy of Pinochet's reforms continues to be in dispute. Ninety percent of these funds would have been raised between 1990 and 1998, when Pinochet was chief of the Chilean armies, and would essentially have come from weapons traffic (when purchasing French 'Mirage' fighter aircraft in 1994, Dutch 'Leopard 2' tanks, Swiss 'MOWAG' armored vehicles or by illegal sales of weapons to Croatia, during the Balkans war.) During Pinochet's reign it is estimated that some one million people had been forced to flee the country.[43]. In a government decision, he was not granted a state funeral (an honor normally bestowed upon past presidents of Chile) but a military funeral as former commander-in-chief of the Army appointed by Allende. Pinochet human rights violations", The Commanding Heights: The Battle for the World Economy, "OCDE destaca reducción de la pobreza y la desigualdad en Chile, pero asegura que aún hay desequilibrios", "Le Chili met fin à l'interdiction stricte d'avorter", "Margaret Thatcher Foundation. Dat laatste is in ieder geval gelukt. Pinochet declared that he wanted "to make Chile not a nation of proletarians, but a nation of proprietors. The following year, he was appointed commander of the "Esmeralda" Regiment. Terwijl Pinochets leger met harde hand de strijd aangaat met guerrillatroepen die opduiken in de bergen, bevordert de president zichzelf tot de hoogste militaire rang: kapitein-generaal. [92] According to The Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein, by the late 1980s, the economy had stabilized and was growing, but around 45% of the population had fallen into poverty while the wealthiest 10% saw their incomes rise by 83%. While there, he was appointed professor of the Chilean War Academy, and returned to Santiago to take up his new position.[11]. Augusto José Ramón Pinochet Ugarte fue un militar chileno que encabezó la dictadura militar de Chile que se desarrolló entre 1973 y 1990, periodo conocido en ese país como Régimen Militar. In ‘Vragen die ik kreeg over de Holocaust’ beantwoordt Auschwitz-overlevende Hédi Fried vragen die ze kreeg over de Jodenvervolging tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog. De Verenigde Staten zijn bovendien bang dat de socialistische Allende het gevreesde communisme naar Zuid-Amerika brengt. Fout in een artikel? [144][145] As ruler of Chile he used discretionary funds for these purchases. [143], Investigative journalist Juan Cristóbal Peña has put forward the thesis that Pinochet felt intellectual envy of Carlos Prats and that the latter's assassination in 1974 was a relief for Pinochet. Another reason for Pinochet's decision to call for elections was the April 1987 visit of Pope John Paul II to Chile. Pinochet's bulletproof Mercedes Benz vehicle was struck by a rocket, but it failed to explode and Pinochet suffered only minor injuries.[62]. [29], Augusto José Ramón Pinochet Ugarte was born in Valparaíso on 25 November 1915. The rape of women was common, including sexual torture such as the insertion of rats into genitals and "unnatural acts involving dogs." The debate concerned Pinochet's mental faculties, his legal team claiming that he was senile and could not remember, while others (including several physicians) claimed that he was only affected physically but retained all control of his faculties. Docent geschiedenis? Gobierno de Augusto Pinochet Ugarte y sus obras realizadas durante su gobernación en república de Chile. The opposition and the Pinochet government made several negotiations to amend the Constitution and agreed to 54 modifications. A significant part of the books and documents of the library of José Manuel Balmaceda was found in Pinochet's library in 2006. In navolging van die overeenkomst worden de linkse vluchtelingen alsnog vervolgd in Argentinië, een van de ondertekenaars van het pact. Due to his success in this position, he was appointed Sub-director of the War Academy in 1963. Witnesses confirm that it was all manipulated and arranged, including the final result, Pilar Guevara, 24 June 2012, "Chile: Terrorism still counterproductive. [172] "[120] In 2001, Chilean President Ricardo Lagos informed the nation that during Pinochet's reign, 120 bodies had been tossed from helicopters into "the ocean, the lakes and the rivers of Chile". Augusto Pinochet murió en la capital Santiago el 10 de diciembre de 2006; su Gobierno es fundamental para entender al Chile actual. Gobierno De Augusto Pinochet Augusto Pinochet Ugarte Augusto José Ramón Pinochet Ugarte (Valparaíso, 25 de noviembre de 1915 – Santiago, 10 de diciembre de 2006) siendo el mayor de seis hijos del matrimonio formado por Augusto Pinochet Vera y Avelina Ugarte Martínez, fue un militar chileno que encabezó la … Hoewel hij de meest stabiele democratie van Zuid-Amerika om zeep hielp, stelde hij uit eigen beweging in 1990 de democratie weer in. The Chilean justice also lifted his immunity on the Villa Grimaldi case, a detention and torture center in the outskirts of Santiago. Hoewel hij daar officieel nooit spijt voor betuigde, had hij volgens zijn dochter wel spijt van de ‘excessen’ die volgens hem met name plaatsvonden aan het begin van zijn bewind. [141] In Geopolítica Pinochet plagiarized his mentor general Gregorio Rodríguez Tascón by using paragraphs from a 1949 conference presentation of Rodríguez without attributing them to him. [112] Among the killed and disappeared during the military regime were at least 663 Marxist MIR guerrillas. However, Pinochet soon consolidated his control, first retaining sole chairmanship of the military junta, and then proclaiming himself "Supreme Chief of the Nation" (de facto provisional president) on 27 June 1974. Eind jaren tachtig organiseert Augusto Pinochet onder grote internationale druk een referendum, waarin de Chileense bevolking aangeeft terug te willen naar een democratie. [126], According to Pinochet, who was aware of his ancestry, he was taught the French language by an uncle, although he later forgot most of it. Some of the government properties were sold below market price to politically connected buyers, including Pinochet's own son-in-law. [87] The junta relied on the middle class, the oligarchy, foreign corporations, and foreign loans to maintain itself. He further argued that had Pinochet attempted to build true fascism, the regime would likely have been toppled or at least been forced to alter its relationship to the United States. Joaquin Vial Ruiz-Tagle, Francisca Castro, The Chilean Pension System. Augusto Pinochet (1915-2006) – Chileens dictator, Kriebelziekte leidde tot danspartijen en psychiatrische opnames, Vragen die Hédi Fried kreeg over de Holocaust, New Deal – Economisch program van Franklin D. Roosevelt, Iets aan de wilgen hangen – Herkomst van de uitdrukking, Gepeperd verleden: Nederland en Indonesië, Maximiliaan Kolbe (1894-1941) – De heilige van Auschwitz. Bekijk dan onze. Almost immediately after the military's seizure of power, the junta banned all the leftist parties that had constituted Allende's UP coalition. However, due to the "binomial" representation system included in the constitution, the elected senators did not achieve a complete majority in Parliament, a situation that would last for over 15 years. ", "Chile recognises 9,800 more victims of Pinochet's rule", My 35-year fight to find Pinochet torturers who killed my brother, Chilean ex-navy officers found guilty of murdering priest, Pinochet directly ordered killing on US soil of Chilean diplomat, papers reveal, Capítulos desconocidos de los mercenarios chilenos en Honduras camino de Iraq, Former Chilean soldier charged with murder after stunning radio confession, "Chilean judge sends 106 former secret agents to prison", "Cómo cambió la economía de Chile en los últimos 40 años", "El legado de Friedman en Chile, 40 años después", "La crisis en Chile y el fantasma de Allende", "Still Hidden: A Full Record Of What the U.S. Did in Chile", "Augusto Pinochet biography data. On 4 December 2006, the Chilean Court of Appeals ordered the suspension of his house arrest. Two-thirds of the cases listed in the report happened in 1973.[111]. [70] This led to strained relations with the US and to the extradition of Michael Townley, a US citizen who worked for the DINA and had organized Letelier's assassination. Pinochet in 1990 Augusto José Ramon Pinochet wordt in 1915 geboren als zoon van een handelaar. US Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, "U.S. "What Should (Knightian) Economists Do? El 22 de octubre, trece días antes de asumir el cargo, el comandante en jefe del Ejército, el general René Schneider, fue baleado tras un fallido intento de secuestro por sectores de extrema derecha, vinculados con la CIA estado… Professor Clive Foss, in The Tyrants: 2500 Years of Absolute Power and Corruption (Quercus Publishing 2006), estimates that 1,500–2,000 Chileans were killed or "disappeared" during the Pinochet regime. Pinochet thus left the presidency on 11 March 1990 and transferred power to the new democratically elected president. Se cumplen 35 años del derrocamiento del gobierno chileno por el general Augusto Pinochet. Pinochet was head of Chile’s military government … Farrant, Andrew. "[119], The practice of murdering political opponents via "death flights", employed by the juntas of Argentina and Chile, has sometimes been the subject of numerous alt-right and other right-wing extremist groups internet memes, with the suggestion that political enemies and leftists be given "free helicopter rides.

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