carica papaya pdf

Hence, the results of this present study exhibited the potential of these nine ligands as antiviral agent. Background: Plants have the major advantage of being the most treasured and cheaper alternative supplies of drugs. All rights reserved. papaya are used as ethno medicine (Table.1). Gallic acid (18.06 μg/g), caffeic acid (29.28 μg/g), p-coumaric acid (38.16 μg/g), ferulic acid (95.46 μg/g) and quercetin (3.17 μg/g) were the major polyphenols quantified in PP extracts. salads, fruit juice, leaf extract, decoction prepared through papaya leaves, etc. alkaloids carpaine, pseudocarpaine, tannins, flavnoids, carcin, gamma terpine, glycoside carposides, sugars Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York-Basel-Hong Kong, 1997. gliadin. Problem statement: Boiled white brined cheese (Nabulsi cheese) is the mostly consumed cheese in Jordan; this cheese should show meltability and high stretchability in order to fit in the production of high quality Kunafa and other popular local sweets and pastries. In this study, six commercial proteases were used. Biophys. Carica posoposa L. Carica pyriformis Willd. Stem cylindrical, 10-30 cm in diameter, hollow with prominent leaf scars and spongy-fibrous tissue. In the present review article, a humble attempt is made to compile all the strange facts available about this tasty fruit. Carica papaya Linn: An Overview Vijay Yogiraj, Pradeep Kumar Goyal, Chetan Singh Chauhan, Anju Goyal, Bhupendra Vyas Abstract Papaya (Carica papaya Linn) is commonly called as paw-paw and it belongs to the family Caricaceae. Sekaki/Hong Kong seeds. evidences from the recent scientific data for the different types of cancers, is Carica papaya. The aim of this work was to optimize the covalent immobilization of bromelain and papain via rational design of immobilized derivatives strategy (RDID) and RDID1.0 program. In-vitro antioxidant capacity of PP was determined by ferric reducing antioxidant potential (31.86 μM Fe+2/g), trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (14.56 mM trolox equivalents (TE)/g), oxygen radical scavenging activity (30.88 mM TE/g) and 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical scavenging ability (IC50-8.33 mg/ml). and Cladosporium sp. Carica portoricensis Urb. Carica papaya L. leaf tea or extract has a reputation as a tumour-destroying agent. ), Effects of the Interaction of Tannins with Co-existing Substances. Sekaki/Hong Kong seed, Identification and quantification of flavonoids in Carica papaya leaf and peroxynitrite-scavenging activity, Investigation on the phytochemicals present in the fruit peel of Carica papaya and evaluation of its antioxidant properties, The potential of male papaya (Carica papaya, L.) flower as a functional ingredient for herbal tea production, Chronic Hepatotoxicity and Nephrotoxicity Study of Orally Administered Aqueous and Ethanolic Extracts of Carica papaya Seeds in Adult Wistar Rats, Antioxidant and Apoptotic Activity of Papaya Peel Extracts in HepG2 Cells, Anticancer activities of Papaya (Carica papaya): A Review. Volume 6, Issue 8, 2559-2578 Review Article, -sitosterol, glucose, fructose, sucrose, galactose and xylitol, The benzyl glucosinolate is hydrolyzed to benzyl isothiocyante (B, /µL and NEUT (71.1%) increased. These findings need be further investigated for application in the health care delivery. The Carica papaya seed of ACN and MeOH extracts inhibited 11 microorganisms, indicating their broad spectrum activity. available in the GLOBOCAN series of the International Agency for Research on Cancer. In some parts of Asia the young leaves of papaya are steamed and eaten like. intestines insects. In other hand, young leaves exhibited a significant higher scavenging effect compared to others and the dose required in reducing the absorbance of DPPH control solution by 50% (EC50) was calculated at 1.0 ± 0.08mg/ml. J. The results showed that the highest antioxidant activity through β-carotene bleaching assay was observed in unripe fruit (90.67 ± 0.29%) followed by young leave, ripe fruit and the seed. temperature conditions. Effects of Tannins and Related Polyphenols on Superoxide Anion Radical, and on l,l-Diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl Radical, Atomic Absorption and Atomic Emission Spectrometry for the Determination of the Trace Element Content of Selected Fruits Consumed in the United States, Benzyl Isothiocyanate: Double Trouble for Breast Cancer Cells, Isolation, screening and identification of Benzene degrading Bacterium, Computer-aided design of bromelain and papain covalent immobilization, Reduction in peroxidase in Cucumis, Brassica and other seedlings cultured in saline waters. 1.2. PDF | On Aug 1, 2017, Rajasekhar Pinnamaneni published NUTRITIONAL AND MEDICINAL VALUE OF PAPAYA (CARICA PAPAYA LINN.) Fatty acids, crude proteins, crude fibre, papaya oil, carpaine. Plant Mol. Amino Acids, 2001; 38(1): 155-165. Carica papaya is a perennial large herbaceous plant known for diverse biological activities. Papaya has low carotene which helps to, enzymes. Sekaki/ Hong Kong to evaluate antibacterial activities and determine chemical composition of Carica papaya cv. useful as a diet and also as medicinal purposes like leaves, medicinal uses. Carica Papaya is a neutracuetical plant having wide range of medicinal uses (3).The medicinal uses of this particular plants lies in various chemical constituent(5).The two important enzymes extracted from carica papaya are widely used to cure many diseases(6).The latex from carica papaya fruit can be used to cure wounds such as burns and etc. © 2015, National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources (NISCAIR). J. Other active compounds of papaya are lipase, or CP. In addition, molecular physicochemical, drug-likeness, ADMET (Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, Excretion and Toxicity) and TOPKAT (Toxicity Prediction by Komputer Assisted Technology) analyses were done. Although it is native to Central America, it has been transported to many parts of the tropics (Samson, 1986). Carica papaya a monoecious, dioecious or hermaphrodite tree; it belongs to the family Caricaceae. 2. Biol. Papaya peels (PP) are discarded after consuming the fruit. throughout the year. Carica jamaicensis Urb. The seeds of Papaya have been reported to have both antimicrobial and antihelmintic activities. Die Papaya war 2008 die fünfte Pflanzenart, deren Genom komplett sequenziert wurde. Phytother Res, 2006; 20(7): 591-594. papaya leaf extract. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Lipids, 1986; 33(10): 981-984. with carotenoid-rich foods. Carica Papaya L (A)The plant bearing fruits, (B) Pistillate flower, (C) Bisexual flower, (D) Staminate or male flower cut open, (E) LS of berry, (F) LS seed: a: True testa, b: Sarco testa, c: Edndosperma, (F) Floral diagram. This review aims at presenting the current literature on phytochemical preoperties of carica papaya leaves and also its uses in indigenous populations and its therauptic applications and future research directions . nowadays, and is regarded as a Nutraceutical. Thus papaya-cereal flakes could be stored successfully without any significant changes in quality characteristics at ambient temperature conditions for 6 months in aluminium laminated pouches. Were determined the maximum protein quantity to immobilize, the optimum immobilization pH (in terms of functional activity retention), was predicted the most probable configuration of the immobilized derivative and the probabilities of multipoint covalent attachment. Papaya cereal flakes prepared by using different combinations of both flours were compared on the basis of sensory evaluation with standard recipe in which maida was used. Conclusion: Use of proteolytic enzymes to induce meltability and stretchability of Nabulsi cheese was proved to be an efficient method. quality characteristics such as moisture, total soluble solids, titratable acidity, ascorbic acid, in ayurvedic medicines from very long time. During the last few decades considerable progress has been achieved regarding the biological activity and medicinal application of papaya and now it is considered as valuable nutraceutical fruit plant. It is recommended to include the papaya in our diet as fruit. Total yeast and total coliform were not detected in the juice samples, however, the juice had low (1 × 105 - 1.5 × 105 log10 cfu/ml) total viable count. About four species are found of which Carica papaya, Linn. El tamaño de la fruta varía , pues puede pesar entre 100 g y 10 kg. zeaxanthin all the five ligands were predicted to have plasma protein binding (PPB) effect.Docking studies and binding free energy calculations revealed that p-coumaric acid exhibited very least binding energy irrespective of its target protein. Since glibenclamide is made of chemicals with adverse health effect, it is advisable to use C. papaya to yield the same result with little or no side effect instead of glibenclamide. acids and molic acid (green fruits), volatile compounds : linalol, benzylisothiocynate, cis and trans 2, 6-dimethyl-3,6 expoxy-7 octen-2-, glucoside, 4-hydroxyl -phenyl-2 ethyl-B-D glucoside and four isomeric. The effects of tannins and related polyphenols on the superoxide anion radical were also compared with those on the 1, 1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical. Samp les were collected and assayed for the renal function markers (urea, creatinine and electrolyte). Common Name(s): Papaya. (control)was ad ministered with rat chow and water. PDF | Carica papaya belongs to caricaceae family and it is commonly known as ‘papaya’. Tawaha K, Alali FQ, Gharaibeh M, Mohammad, Maisarah AM, Nurul Amira B. Asmah R and Fauziah O. Antioxidant anal, Adebowale A, Garnesan AP, Prasad RNV. Antifungal effectiveness was determined by using different leaf extracts of C. papaya against Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger, Fusarium sp. Since, each part of papaya tree possesses economic value, it is grown on commercial scale. Carica papaya leaves have been used traditionally to treat indigestion, as a vermifuge. The plants methanolic leaf extracts showed better activity against Aspergillus niger, Cladosporium sp. papaya, we are trying here to convey the reports studied especially for the anticancer activities of the age- Asian Pac J Trop Biomed, 2012; 2(6): 449-453. nut seeds. Papaya cereal flakes prepared by using different combinations of both flours were compared on Produce Marketing Association (PMA). The Kuikuro Amerindian word for the black soil is igepe, which is also their word for cornfield. However, these characteristics are rarely available when usual processing and preservation methods were used. Further the prepared product were packed in aluminium laminated pouches and stored for 6 months under ambient temperature conditions.

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