ethelfleda de wessex the last kingdom

Aethelflaed (r. 911-918 CE) was the daughter of King Alfred the Great of Wessex (r. 871-899 CE) and became queen of Mercia following the death of her husband Aethelred II, Lord of the Mercians (r. 883-911 CE). The historian Ann Williams regards this view as partial and distorted, that he was accepted as a true king by the Mercians and by King Alfred. At this time Wessex took de facto control over much of Devon, although Britons retained a degree of independence in Devon until at least the 10th century. Oxford University Press, pp. Her mother Ealhswith who was married to King Alfred in 868, was the daughter of Ethelred Mucel, Alderman of the Hwicce, an area which mainly … The battle appears to have ended as a draw, and the expansion of Wessex ended for about thirty years. However, there was increasing internal conflict across the Roman Empire. They granted the church of Worcester a half share of the rights of lordship over the city, covering land rents and the proceeds of justice, and in return the cathedral community agreed in perpetuity to dedicate a psalm to them three times a day and a mass and thirty psalms every Saturday. Æthelflæd of Mercia (before, Æthelflæd of Wessex) is a main character in both The Saxon Stories novel series, and The Last Kingdom television series. Then in 871, the Great Summer Army arrived from Scandinavia, to reinforce the Great Heathen Army. In the book and television series The Last Kingdom, Wessex is the primary setting, focusing on the rule of Alfred the Great and the war against the Vikings. It is in Cynegils' reign that the first event in West Saxon history that can be dated with reasonable certainty occurs: the baptism of Cynegils by Birinus, which happened at the end of the 630s, perhaps in 640. After his return, Cenwealh faced further attacks from Penda's successor Wulfhere, but was able to expand West Saxon territory in Somerset at the expense of the Britons. With Alexander Dreymon, Eliza Butterworth, Ian Hart, Arnas Fedaravicius. As the rights of lordship had previously belonged fully to the church, this represented the beginning of transfer from episcopal to secular control of the city. Dragon standards were in fairly wide use in Europe at the time, being derived from the draco standard employed by the later Roman army and there is no evidence that it explicitly identified Wessex. Near the end of his life he followed in Cædwalla's footsteps by abdicating and making a pilgrimage to Rome. Koch, J.T., (2006) Celtic Culture: A Historical Encyclopedia, ABC-CLIO, Myres, J.N.L. [3][4], Theories about the settlement of Saxons, Jutes and Angles in Britain are divided into two categories by the historian Peter Hunter Blair (1956), namely "Welsh" and "English". En 866, le fils ainé du roi saxon de Bebbanburg voit arriver des drakkars et est tué par le comte danois Ragnar. [60] No charters of Edward survive for the period between 910 and his death in 924,[61] whereas two survive in Æthelflæd's sole name, S 224, possibly dating to 914 and S 225, dated 9 September 915, issued at Weardbyrig, one of the burhs she built at an unidentified location. The Last Kingdom recap: series two, ... Æthelflæd who learned diplomacy at her father’s knee and understands the problems of being a pawn in the hands of Wessex’s enemies. The Danish conquests had destroyed the kingdoms of Northumbria and East Anglia and divided Mercia in half, with the Danes settling in the north-east while the south-west was left to the English king Ceolwulf, allegedly a Danish puppet. Ethelfleda de Wessex (Æthelflæd, 869-918) fue la hija mayor de Alfredo el Grande y de su esposa Ethelswitha. Her mother was … Ethelfleda (alternative spelling Aethelfled, Æthelfleda or Æthelflæd) (872/879?-918) was the eldest daughter of King Alfred the Great of Wessex and his wife Ealhswith. The Lady of the Mercians had made herself both feared and respected. (William of Malmesbury claimed that the Britons and Saxons inhabited Exeter "as equals" until 927.) By 878, most of England was under Danish Viking rule – East Anglia and Northumbria having been conquered, and Mercia partitioned between the English and the Vikings – but in that year Alfred won a crucial victory at the Battle of Edington. In the Midlands and the North she came to dominate the political scene. The Last Kingdom es el primero de siete libros pertenecientes a la serie Sajones, vikingos y normandos. On his return, Æthelwulf agreed to divide the kingdom with his son to avoid bloodshed, ruling the new territories in the east while Æthelbald held the old heartland in the west. This system is recorded in a 10th-century document known as the Burghal Hidage, which details the location and garrisoning requirements of thirty-three forts, whose positioning ensured that no one in Wessex was more than a long day's ride from a place of safety. The tradition embodied in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, and in the genealogies of the West Saxon dynasty, is open to considerable doubt. [6], The most important source for history in this period is the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle but Æthelflæd is almost ignored in the standard West Saxon version, in what F. T. Wainwright calls "a conspiracy of silence". In 917 she sent an army to capture Derby, the first of the Five Boroughs of the Danelaw to fall to the English, a victory described by Tim Clarkson as "her greatest triumph". [44], Mercia had a long tradition of venerating royal saints and this was enthusiastically supported by Æthelred and Æthelflæd. "The presence of both kings on the two emperor coins suggests some sort of pact between the pair. To the West Saxon version of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, Æthelflæd was merely King Edward's sister, whereas for the Mercian Register she was Lady of the Mercians. Some additional details of the Hengest and Horsa legend are found in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. [13] Many Mercians disliked the subordination of their ancient kingdom to Wessex, and Wainwright describes the Mercian annalist's description of the deposition of Ælfwynn as "heavy with resentment". The rampaging Viking army on the continent encouraged Alfred to protect his Kingdom of Wessex. Placement next to the saint would have been a prestigious burial location for Æthelred and Æthelflæd. Only then did Mercia's independent existence come to an end.[78]. From the Neolithic onwards the chalk downland of the area that would become Wessex was traversed by the Harrow Way, which can still be traced from Marazion in Cornwall to the coast of the English Channel near Dover, and was probably connected with the ancient tin trade. It features government agencies such as Wessex Police and Wessex Crown Court, and several characters are seen attending South Wessex Secondary School. ... Ethelfleda de Wessex fue representada por la actriz británica Millie Brady en la serie The Last Kingdom desde su segunda temporada (2017). The now disbanded West Somerset Yeomanry adopted a Wessex Wyvern rampant as the centre piece for its cap badge, and the current Royal Wessex Yeomanry adopted a similar device in 2014 when the Regiment moved from wearing individual squadron county yeomanry cap badges to a unified single Regimental cap badge. In the mid-880s, Alfred sealed the strategic alliance between the surviving English kingdoms by marrying Æthelflæd to Æthelred. Simultaneous Danish raids on the north coast of France and Brittany occurred in the 870s – prior to the establishment of Normandy in 911 – and recorded Danish alliances with both Bretons and Cornish may have resulted in the suppression of Cornish autonomy with the death by drowning of King Donyarth in 875 as recorded by the Annales Cambriae. Ceawlin is one of the seven kings named in Bede's Ecclesiastical History of the English People as holding "imperium" over the southern English: the Chronicle later repeated this claim, referring to Ceawlin as a bretwalda, or "Britain-ruler". Æthelflæd (auch Ethelfled, Ethelflaed, Æthelflæda oder Ethelfleda; * um 870; † 12.Juni 918 in Tamworth) war von 911 bis 918 Herrscherin von Mercia, einem angelsächsischen Königreich im frühen Mittelalter. The dates are uncertain but it was probably in the late 640s or early 650s. After the conquest of England by the Danish king Cnut in 1016, he established earldoms based on the former kingdoms of Northumbria, Mercia and East Anglia, but initially administered Wessex personally. [54] At the end of the year, the East Anglian Danes submitted to Edward. As The Last Kingdom depicts, he was a well-liked ruler with a reputation among his people for being level-headed and merciful. [86], This article was submitted to WikiJournal of Humanities for external academic peer review in 2018 (reviewer reports). It did not suffer major attacks and it did not come under great pressure from Wessex. [11], Æthelflæd was born around 870, the oldest child of King Alfred the Great and his Mercian wife, Ealhswith, who was a daughter of Æthelred Mucel, ealdorman of the Gaini, one of the tribes of Mercia. [38], On her husband's death in 911, Æthelflæd became Myrcna hlædige, "Lady of the Mercians". [25] Over the following years Alfred carried out a dramatic reorganisation of the government and defences of Wessex, building warships, organising the army into two shifts which served alternately and establishing a system of fortified burhs across the kingdom. This article is about Æthelflæd, but you may be looking for this Æthelflæd. The balance of power tipped steadily in favour of the English. During 383–4, in the context of the overthrow of Emperor Gratian, Maximus took most of the garrison from Britain to Gaul, where he was made Augustus of the West, ruling Britain, Gaul, Spain and Roman Africa. V roce 872, kdy mnohá království na místě dnešní Anglie padla do rukou Vikingů, velké království Wessex zůstalo samotné ve vzdoru pod velením krále Alfréda Velikého. A série épica apresenta várias figuras importantes da história britânica e se inspirou em diversos personagens da vida real para alcançar o … Both sides claimed victory but Ragnall was able to establish himself as ruler of Northumbria. During this period Wessex continued its gradual advance to the west, overwhelming the British kingdom of Dumnonia (Devon). Æthelstan took control of it in 927 but after his death in 939 the kingdom was contested until the expulsion of the last Norse king in 954. However, he too was baptised only a few years later and Wessex became firmly established as a Christian kingdom. Wessex remains a common term for the area. [24] In 883 Æthelred granted privileges to Berkeley Abbey and in the 890s he and Æthelflæd issued a charter in favour of the church of Worcester. As a result of the Mercian conquest of the northern portion of its early territories in Gloucestershire and Oxfordshire, the Thames and the Avon now probably formed the northern boundary of Wessex, while its heartland lay in Hampshire, Wiltshire, Berkshire, Dorset and Somerset. It is one of the main locations in the series. Aethelflaed is strong, brave and intelligent; she has a mind as thoughtful as her father’s and a will as strong as her mother’s. [23] No subsequent 'Kings' of Cornwall are recorded after this time, but Asser records Cornwall as a separate kingdom from Wessex in the 890s.[24]. The Register covers the years 902 to 924, and focuses on Æthelflæd's actions; Edward is hardly mentioned and her husband only twice, on his death and as father of their daughter. At the beginning of the books Uhtred is 9 years old (12 in the series) so by the end of book two Uhtred is 21 years old and in the TV show, 24. Aethelflaed, Anglo-Saxon ruler of Mercia in England and founder of Gloucester Abbey. The Kingdom of Wessex (c. 519-927 CE or c. 519-1066 CE) was a political entity founded by the West Saxon Chieftain Cerdic (r. 519-540 CE) in 519 CE in the Upper Thames Valley of modern-day Britain which would later evolve into the modern nation. He also obtained the overlordship of the Northumbrian king. The Pale Horseman spans 2 years, 876-878. Aethelflaed became the [citation needed]. The Last Kingdom é um drama histórico da Grã-Bretanha medieval baseada nos romances The Saxon Stories de Bernard Cornwell. He argues that King Edward was anxious not to encourage Mercian separatism and did not wish to publicise his sister's accomplishments, in case she became a symbol of Mercian claims. The attributed arms of Wessex are also known as the "Arms of Edward the Confessor", and the design is based on an emblem historically used by King Edward the Confessor on the reverse side of pennies minted by him. This victory postponed Danish conquests in England for fifteen years, but raids on Wessex continued. However, a war arose in Kent due to a dispute between Hengest and Vortigern's son. [41] Simon Keynes describes the town as "the main seat of their power" and Carolyn Heighway believes that the foundation of the church was probably a family and dynastic enterprise, encouraged by Alfred and supported by Edward and Bishop Werferth. Wessex, also known as the Kingdom of the West Saxons, was a large and influential Anglo-Saxon kingdom from 519 to 927AD. [39] The Mercian rulers built a new minster in Gloucester and, although the building was small, it was embellished on a grand scale, with rich sculpture. He thereby became the Bretwalda, or high king of Britain. By the time of the grant of armorial bearings by the College of Arms to Somerset County Council in 1911, a (red) dragon had become the accepted heraldic emblem of the former kingdom. Serie sobre el nacimiento de Inglaterra, de la mano de la BBC y de los productores de "Downton Abbey". Æthelwold joined forces with the Vikings when he was unable to get sufficient support in Wessex, and his rebellion only ended with his death in battle in December 902. (3) To the "proud tyrant" he gave the name Vortigern, and the Saxon commanders he named Hengest and Horsa. This position of dominance was short-lived, as Wiglaf returned and restored Mercian independence in 830, but the expansion of Wessex across south-eastern England proved permanent. [8] It is presumed[by whom?] Ælfthryth, Princess of Wessex (1) F, #102629, d. 7 June 929 Last Edited=25 Feb 2008 Ælfthryth, Princess of Wessex was the daughter of Ælfræd, King of Wessex and Eahlwið, Princess of Mercia. The Dumnonian victory of AD 722 seems to have remained largely unchallenged for almost a century, but in the early ninth century the West Saxons won a series of devastating advances of their own (click or tap on map to view full sized) This was one of several occasions on which the kingship of Wessex is said to have passed to a remote branch of the royal family with an unbroken male line of descent from Cerdic; these claims may be genuine, or may reflect the spurious assertion of descent from Cerdic to legitimise a new dynasty. Alfred of Wessex was a main character in both The Saxon Stories novel series, and The Last Kingdom television series. Under Egbert, Surrey, Sussex, Kent, Essex, and Mercia, along with parts of Dumnonia, were conquered. A translation of the Mercian Register is an appendix in Tim Clarkson's biography of Æthelflæd. In Keynes's view, "the conclusion seems inescapable that the Alfredian polity of the kingship 'of the Anglo-Saxons' persisted in the first quarter of the tenth century, and that the Mercians were thus under Edward's rule from the beginning of his reign". In 865, several of the Danish commanders combined their respective forces into one large army and landed in England. [57], Little is known of Æthelflæd's relations with the Welsh. [11] The thirty-year period of peace was temporarily interrupted[12] when, according to the Chronicle, the Saxons conquered the Isle of Wight in 530 at a battle near Carisbrooke.[8]. It is likely that this was the last straw for the Witan and that Alfred lost their support due to the fact that his attempts to pay off the Vikings had not worked. She may also have translated the relics of the martyred Northumbrian prince Ealhmund from Derby to Shrewsbury. According to Nick Higham, "successive medieval and modern writers were quite captivated by her" and her brother's reputation has suffered unfairly in comparison. In 877 the Vikings partitioned Mercia, taking the eastern regions for themselves and allowing Ceolwulf to keep the western ones. Wainwright argues that he probably sent his oldest son Æthelstan to be brought up in Mercia, to make him more acceptable to the Mercians as king; Æthelflæd does not appear to have tried to find a husband for her daughter, who must have been nearly thirty by 918. THE LAST KINGDOM season 3 is available to watch on Netflix now. She was praised by Anglo-Norman chroniclers such as William of Malmesbury, who described her as "a powerful accession to [Edward's] party, the delight of his subjects, the dread of his enemies, a woman of enlarged soul". [6][e] She was succeeded as Lady of the Mercians by her daughter, Ælfwynn, but in early December 918 Edward deposed her and took Mercia under his control. [35] After Æthelflæd's death, Edward encountered fierce resistance to his efforts to consolidate his control of the north-west and he died there in 924, shortly after suppressing a local rebellion. Æthelflæd was succeeded by her daughter Ælfwynn, but in December Edward took personal control of Mercia and carried Ælfwynn off to Wessex. Cædwalla later conquered Sussex, Kent and the Isle of Wight. The Norse Vikings then joined with the Danes in an attack on Chester, but this failed because Æthelflæd had fortified the town, and she and her husband persuaded the Irish among the attackers to change sides. Historians consider this unlikely, but she may have sent a contingent to the battle. She was the eldest daughter of Alfred the Great , king of the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Wessex , and his wife Ealhswith . Edward did not conquer the Viking Kingdom of York in southern Northumbria. Porém, Utread jura sua espada ao rei de Wessex, Alfredo, o Grande, tornando-se temido como o matador de daneses. King Burgred of Mercia was joined by King Æthelred of Wessex and his brother, the future King Alfred, for a combined attack on the Vikings, who refused an engagement; in the end the Mercians bought peace with them. The reinforced army invaded Wessex and, although Æthelred and Alfred won some victories and succeeded in preventing the conquest of their kingdom, a number of defeats and heavy losses of men compelled Alfred to pay the Danes to leave Wessex. [35], A coat of arms was attributed by medieval heralds to the Kings of Wessex. In 904 Bishop Werferth granted a lease of land in the city to Æthelred and Æthelflæd, to be held for the duration of their lives and that of their daughter Ælfwynn. Ethelfleda, staroang. Hywel Dda was king of Dyfed in south-west Wales, Clydog ap Cadell probably king of Powys in the north-east, and Idwal ab Anarawd king of Gwynedd in the north-west. Edward's son, Æthelstan, conquered Northumbria in 927, and England became a unified kingdom for the first time. In 855–856 Æthelwulf went on pilgrimage to Rome and his eldest surviving son Æthelbald took advantage of his absence to seize his father's throne. Media in category "Æthelflæd of Wessex, Lady of Mercia" The following 4 files are in this category, out of 4 total. Following the death of Maximus in 388, Roman authority in Britain again declined. Cædwalla reigned for just two years, but achieved a dramatic expansion of the kingdom's power, conquering the kingdoms of Sussex, Kent and the Isle of Wight, although Kent regained its independence almost immediately and Sussex followed some years later. Alfred was forced to leave Wessex in fear for his life. [12] Tim Clarkson, who describes Æthelflæd as "renowned as a competent war-leader", regards the victory at Derby as "her greatest triumph". Mercia was the dominant kingdom in southern England in the eighth century and maintained its position until it suffered a decisive defeat by Wessex at the Battle of Ellandun in 825. On their way back they were caught by an English army in Staffordshire and their army was destroyed at the Battle of Tettenhall, opening the way for the recovery of the Danish Midlands and East Anglia over the next decade. The process by which this transformation of the status of Mercia took place is unknown, but it left Alfred as the only remaining English king. The Welsh tradition is exemplified by Gildas, in De Excidio et Conquestu Britanniae. In the 890s, Æthelred and Edward, Alfred's son and future successor, fought off more Viking attacks. [4], Ceolwulf is not recorded after 879. And the way in which she used her influence helped to make possible the unification of England under kings of the West Saxon royal house. After this, there occurred a peaceful period for the Britons, under which Gildas was living at the time he wrote the De Excidio et Conquestu Britanniae. This is largely because the founder of the dynasty and a number of his alleged descendants had Brittonic Celtic, rather than Anglo-Saxon Germanic, names. When it came to the true parentage of Aethelflaed of Mercia’s daughter Aelfwynn, The Last Kingdom tore up the history books and introduced some Danish blood into the royal line… At its greatest extent Wessex encompassed the modern areas of Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Dorset and Wiltshire, as well as the western half of Berkshire and the eastern hilly flank of Somerset. A existência de Utread, pode ser romanceada, porém o governo do Rei Alfredo, conhecido como O Grande (e interpretado na série “The Last Kingdom” por David Dawson) são parte importante na formação da Inglaterra. Æthelflæd, Lady of the Mercians (869/870-918) Æthelflæd, has been described as 'our greatest woman-general', was was born around 864, the eldest daughter of Alfred the Great, King of the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Wessex, and his queen, Ealhswith. Eventually it, like the other southern kingdoms, came under the control of Wessex when Mercia was defeated. When this failed they applied to Æthelflæd, her husband being ill, for permission to settle near Chester. Para Cornwell la historia de la unificación de Inglaterra demuestra, por encima de los hechos históricos y de la aventura épica, que todos somos inmigrantes, un tema de imperiosa actualidad. When Sophie, Countess of Wessex was granted arms, the sinister supporter assigned was a blue wyvern, described by the College of Arms as "an heraldic beast which has long been associated with Wessex". Stafford sees her as a "warrior queen", "Like ... Elizabeth I she became a wonder to later ages. Richard Abels describes him as "somewhat of a mysterious character", who may have claimed royal blood and been related to King Alfred's father-in-law, Ealdorman Æthelred Mucel. Aethelflaed worked to fortify more cities to help protect the kingdom. [50] Alfred had constructed a network of fortified burhs in Wessex, and Edward and Æthelflæd now embarked on a programme of extending them to consolidate their defences and provide bases for attacks on the Vikings. [34] Simon Ward, who excavated an Anglo-Saxon site in Chester, sees the later prosperity of the town as owing much to the planning of Æthelflæd and Edward. Æthelflæd (Oudengels: Æðelflæd, Koninkrijk Wessex, rond 869/870 - Tamworth, 918) was de oudste dochter van koning Alfred de Grote van Wessex en zijn echtgenote Ealhswith.Bij Æthelflæds geboorte teisterden de Deense Vikingen het vasteland van West-Europa met hun plundertochten en hadden zij een groot deel van wat nu Engeland is in hun macht. The Last Kingdom (en español, El Último Reino), es una serie de televisión británica estrenada el 10 de octubre del 2015 por medio de la BBC América [1] y el 22 de octubre del 2015 por la BBC Two.Es un drama histórico de la Gran Bretaña medieval, basada en las novelas The Saxon Stories de Bernard Cornwell. Finally, in 410, when Romano-British officials requested military assistance from Emperor Honorius, he told them to manage their own defences. Two subsequent Roman rulers of Britain were murdered. La primera temporada se emitió en octubre de 2015, pero el programa no regresó hasta marzo de 2017. Wessex, also known as the Kingdom of the West Saxons, was a large and extremely influential Anglo-Saxon kingdom from 519 to 927AD. In 802 the fortunes of Wessex were transformed by the accession of Egbert who came from a cadet branch of the ruling dynasty that claimed descent from Ine's brother Ingild. He gathered scholars from around England and elsewhere in Europe to his court, and with their help translated a range of Latin texts into English, doing much of the work personally, and orchestrated the composition of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. [12] Ian Walker suggests that Æthelflæd accepted this loss of territory in return for recognition by her brother of her position in Mercia. Æthelflæd agreed and for some time they were peaceful. [7] Brief details of her actions were preserved in a pro-Mercian version of the Chronicle known as the Mercian Register or the Annals of Æthelflæd; although it is now lost, elements were incorporated into several surviving versions of the Chronicle. Gildas states that the Saxons were completely defeated in the battle, in which King Arthur participated according to Nennius. Æthelflæd, Lady of the Mercians (c. 870 – 12 June 918) ruled Mercia in the English Midlands from 911 until her death. With his accession the throne became firmly established in the hands of a single lineage. During the 8th century, as the hegemony of Mercia grew, Wessex largely retained its independence. [1] In 380–1, Magnus Maximus defeated further raids. Æthelred's health probably declined early in the next decade, after which it is likely that Æthelflæd was mainly responsible for the government of Mercia. Æthelwulf was succeeded in turn by his four sons, the youngest being Alfred the Great. There were no conflicts between the British and the Saxons for a time, but following "a dispute about the supply of provisions" the Saxons warred against the British and severely damaged parts of the country. A few months later, the leading men of Danish-ruled York offered to pledge their loyalty to Æthelflæd, probably to secure her support against Norse raiders from Ireland, but she died on 12 June 918, before she could take advantage of the offer. The English author Thomas Hardy used a fictionalized Wessex as a setting for many of his novels, adopting his friend William Barnes' term Wessex for their home county of Dorset and its neighboring counties in the south and west of England.

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