god of war 4 wiki kratos

El contenido de la comunidad está disponible bajo. Orkos consideró que lo ocurrido a Kratos era injusto y por ello decidió ayudar al Fantasma de Esparta revelándole también que Ares y las Furias buscaban convertir a Kratos en el Guerrero perfecto y para ello Ares y las Furias colocan en Kratos sin que lo supiera, tres misiones de sangre las cuales fueron, La sangre de sus enemigos derramada en sus combates simbolizada con el asesinato del Rey Bárbaro, la sangre de personas inocentes simbolizada con el asesinato de los seguidores de Atenea y por último, la sangre de sus seres queridos, simbolizada con los asesinatos de Calíope y Lisandra. Later, he encountered Athena again and was told by the goddess that it is now the dead he must fear. Icarus tackles Kratos, causing them both to fall off the ledge and plummet to Underworld. Having journeyed through Tartarus, he found the severed hand of Gaia resting in the palm of Cronos, who immediately accused Kratos of murdering Gaia. With Poseidon pinned down, Kratos moved in to attack. Mimir asks if they're the bad guys now, Kratos says that might be true, but she could never make that choice. Back on Mount Olympus, on the outskirts of the city of Olympia, Helios rode by on his chariot and threw some fireballs at Kratos, prompting him to give chase. "The cycle ends here, we must be better than this." As Kratos came of age, he became a respected member of the Spartan army, eventually marrying Lysandra and siring a daughter, Calliope. At the end of his service to the gods of Olympus, when it became clear that they would never relieve him of his nightmares, he became openly defiant and hostile towards them, even after being made a god himself, his hatred, however, reached its peak after learning of their role in his mother’s and brother's suffering after which he swore vengeance upon them. Once Kratos killed the Furies and broke his bond with Ares, his plans were ruined and both had nothing but contempt for each other. Mimir explains that Tyr used the travel rune to follow his own path, hence why he was able to travel to other lands, in the realm between realms. He likewise reassures her that, while he is still a monster, he is no longer her monster. Kratos once again emerged in Hephaestus' lair. Poseidon broke free of Gaia's grasp by attacking her with more Hippocampi. God of War Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Born in the Greek city-state of Sparta, Kratos is the demigod son of Zeus and a mortal woman named Callisto, although he would remain unaware of who his father was for most of his life. Although Helios was now dead, his head could still emit intense sunlight, and Kratos used it as a lantern to light his way through the dark caverns of Mount Olympus. Pandora se molesta y le dice algo que hará que Kratos piense de una forma un poco más madura: "La esperanza es lo que nos hace más fuertes. Kratos says that she does not know him well enough. Athena then explained to Kratos how she saw truths where she did not before, and to regain his trust, she transformed Kratos' ruined blades into the Blades of Exile, which would help him survive the Underworld and the foes that awaited him. As Zeus had forbidden the Gods from waging war on one another, Ares sought to breed a warrior capable of destroying Zeus in his stead, so that Ares may usurp him and rule Olympus for himself. 4. This revelation deepened Kratos' hatred for the Gods even further. También en el camino Kratos se va encontrando con los cadáveres de aquellas personas que buscando el poder máximo perecieron. Al oír la voz de Hades cree que es otro truco suyo. He told Kratos how he used to be the prize craftsman in Olympus, and how he enjoyed his life on Olympus, but when Kratos killed Ares, that was when his life changed. However, once he figured out that Pandora was needed to gain Pandora's Box, the very thing that Kratos needed to kill Zeus, he went to rescue her. God of War is an action-adventure, Hack n' Slash Video Game Series loosely based on Greek mythology, created by David Jaffe and developed by Santa Monica Studios. He is nearly taken in by this, for he saw his wife and daughter again. Kratos and Atreus find themselves halted when there appears to be Black Breath blocking their way up the mountain. He initially wields the Leviathan Axe, a magic axe which was originally owned by Faye, the mother of his future son, Atreus. They eventually reached Zeus and, in an attempt to kill them, Zeus fired a lightning bolt at them. Junto a su hijo Atreus se aventurará en lo más profundo e inclemente de las tierras de Midgardy luchará por culminar una búsqueda profundamente personal. Stricken with horror and grief at what he had done, Kratos left the bodies of his family to be burned within the temple, ultimately renouncing his allegiance to the God of War. Over time, Atreus starts to become arrogant and cocky after learning of his godhood which deeply concerns Kratos. Ares, noticing Deimos' strange birthmarks, decided to invade Sparta with an army of centaurs and take him to Thanatos, the God of Death. Hera recibe a Kratos y le comenta sobre el miedo que invade a su esposo Zeus. Atreus, however, doesn't feel like a god, but in time, both father and son will learn. Enraged, Alecto drops the illusion and threatens to execute him if he would not serve Ares. Shocked by Kratos' sudden reappearance, Zeus assumed that the Sisters of Fate had helped him somehow But as Kratos pulled the Blade of Olympus out of his past self, he informed Zeus that all three Sisters are dead. Telling his son that they would complete the journey together. It could be that they did not feel like calling him a demigod, or that they used it to make him appear weak. Lo último que se puede ver es a Zeus junto a Hades, Poseidón, Hermes y Helios viendo a Kratos arriba de Gaia y gritando "Zeus, tu hijo ha vuelto y trae la destrucción del Olimpo". You also gain The Aspis of Spartan Fury Shield, for completing "Give Me God of War" mode, a Golden shield with a Bloody makeshift "V", a reminder of his past. Al principio parece ser frío y no mostrarle cariño a Atreus pero la verdad es que lo protegería de cualquier mal, al pasar del juego se relaciona mejor con su hijo y en una ocasión le dice que por salvarlo perdería su propia vida. As they arrive home, Atreus says that he will sleep through winter. Sometime later, Kratos experienced visions of his mother being held at the Temple of Poseidon in Atlantis. Kratos was unable to harm Aphrodite because of her powers but he could resist her attempts to seduce him as his revenge against Zeus was more important to him. After a long and vicious battle, Kratos emerged victorious by impaling the Hydra's front head on the ship's mast. Hermes sped across the large chasm and made his way to the top of the statue, telling Kratos to "keep up". David Jaffe, creador de God of War y director del videojuego, trató de crear un personaje que luciera brutal sin ser el típico estereotipo del tradicional héroe griego. Kratos a God Of War sorozat főhőse és egyben egy anti-hős. With Pandora in his possession, he had one final task ahead of him: neutralize the Three Judges. Orkos'a continuing pleas ultimately forced Kratos's hand. Years later, Kratos regretted killing Zeus, for despite the pain Zeus caused him, vengeance from his death only felt empty. By the time of God of War III, Kratos is so blinded by rage and obsessed with killing Zeus that he does not notice, or care, that he is destroying entire Greece in his quest for revenge, coldly ignoring the warnings of Athena, Poseidon, Hera, and Zeus himself that his murdering of the gods would bring about the end of life on the Grecian world. Why have you lured me here?" Kratos se encuentra volando mientras busca la salida por arriba, mientras tendrá que evitar chocarse contra las paredes, cimientos y escombros que caen desde arriba, una vez que parece que ha encontrado la salida, es atacado por Perses, el titán que destruyó el carruaje de Helios, pero Kratos desenfunda la Espada del Olimpo y le asesta un golpe en el ojo, el titán cae por el tremendo poder de la espada y Kratos salta y llega a colocarse a salvo sobre unos cimientos de madera. In spite of his cruel acts, Kratos is shown to care deeply for his wife and daughter, with the memories of their deaths driving him to the point of madness. Aquí es el lugar en donde se libra la batalla entre los olímpicos y los titánes, es un lugar funesto y lleno de las almas de Hades. With the reign of Olympus now over, Kratos looked out over the horizon and finally came to realize just what he had done. He then stabbed the last remaining bone that connected her arm to her nearly severed hand with the Blade of Olympus, causing it to explode and the Titan to fall beyond the cliff edge, leading Kratos to believe she died. Kratos rarely instructed Atreus to perform any chores since he was always away and did not know how healthy Atreus was. Zeus would then proceed to use the Blade's power to kill everyone else present during the battle of Rhodes, most notably most of the Spartan warriors, much to Kratos' horror. Only in God of War: Chains of Olympus is Kratos seen without the ashes, not including flashbacks and bonus costumes. Fighting through Morpheus' minions, Kratos entered the temple of the Sun God and, after learning of the events that transpired, was tasked by Eos, the sister of Helios, to awaken her brother's Fire Steeds, which would take Kratos to where Helios was being held prisoner. While Faye thought Kratos was looking to pick fights, Kratos was actually seeking to control his rage by not fighting and only defending and deflecting attacks until his enemies tire themselves out. She told her husband to kill Kratos when he was a child, but Zeus instead took pity on him and refused, enraging Hera even more. – Kratos invocando a Ares para que lo ayude. Abandonó Esparta y viajó por toda Grecia, sólo para encontrar algún consuelo en la navegación del Mar Egeo. Official Kratos artwork from Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny. Zeus, overlooking the destruction his son caused, mused that he would have a lot of work to do after defeating Kratos, who urged his father to face him in combat, stating "it is time to end this", to which Zeus agrees. Kratos de camino a buscar a las hermanas entra a una cueva en la que están presos Prometeo y Tifón, Prometeo que robó el Fuego del Olimpo como castigo fue condenado a una tortura perpetua. She told him this to end the cycle of patricide, to make Kratos abandon his revenge on Zeus. Gaia wrapped her palm around Zeus' platform, trapping him there as an eager Kratos jumped down from Gaia's hand to confront Zeus. Atlas told Kratos more about the Great War and how it ended when Zeus created the Blade of Olympus. Se encuentra con el escriba del Hecatónquiro, que revela que él fue el primer mortal en ser encarcelado por las Furias. After the massacre, Kratos had realized that he had not only murdered all in the temple, but he had unintentionally murdered his wife and child. Kratos acepta sus armas primero, las Armas de Esparta, como un regalo del guerrero espartano, y se marcha. Zeus then commented that he had underestimated Kratos, but that he would not do so again. Kratos begged Gaia for aid but Gaia refused to help Kratos, for if she did, they would both fall. Kratos tells his son to cross the bridge, but Atreus ignores his father's orders and shoots Baldur several times before being knocked aside. Para llegar primero tienes que atravesar un sendero el cual está lleno de trampas, centauros, esqueletos y por fin una gran puerta que te impide el paso (las puertas de Tisífone). As they made their way to the Lake of Nine, they found a rune saying, "Sacrifice your arms to the centre of the water, awaken again the cradle of the world". She told Kratos that his final task would be to find Pandora's Box and use the power inside it to destroy Ares. When he learned the truth from his mother, that Deimos was alive, he vowed to save him no matter what. However, Kratos immediately knew that this was a lie, as Hephaestus had already told him that the Flame is lethal to both mortals and Gods alike. Kratos gets angry with her for not telling him about her true identity and they leave without thanking her. It was at this point that Gaia revealed her true colors- that she saw Kratos as nothing more than a pawn who had lost its usefulness and told Kratos that Zeus was no longer his concern, that was their war, not his, after which she purposely let him fall off the mountain into the underworld. Kratos survived, however, by plunging the Blade of Olympus into one of his palms, eventually making his way to Cronos' shoulder joint. Initially believing her to be nothing more than an object, she reminded Kratos so much of his daughter that he grew to care for her as his own child. Kratos admitted that Ares succeeded in turning Kratos into a great warrior. The Witch proceeded to open a portal leading them to their destination, wishing them luck on the way out. Y Atenea se dió cuenta de que Kratos en God of War I liberó la energía positiva para matar a Ares, y que la energía negativa se esparció por el mundo, que infectó a los Dioses, los cambió. Atlas acaba la conversación diciendo que algún día se volverán a ver. In that side mission, Kratos didn't face the ghost of the father as he told his tale, possibly still ashamed of what he did. It was at that point that Zeus became the monster he was now. A distraught Kratos asked Athena why she sacrificed herself, to which she replied: "to save Olympus". Kratos responded that the world now stands in ruin, and therefore whatever message she has is now useless. Todo ello por solo un trato: el olvido de las pesadillas que le atormentan. Mimir is surprised that Zeus was his father. His absorption of many of the powers of the Gods seemingly enhanced his powers. It also can be applied to Kratos' situation with other gods and titans, as he was often being underestimated, only to came out on top in the end. Kratos es el protagonista principal de todos los juegos de la saga God of War. Sin embargo, el hijo de Hermes, Cérix, es enviado a entregar un mensaje a Kratos de parte de Zeus, que está cada vez más preocupado con la cantidad de destrucción que deja atrás Kratos. However, in spite of this, Kratos respected Hephaestus' desire to protect Pandora as he told her that her father died doing what any father should do: protecting the life of his child and even tried to stop Pandora from killing herself even requiring her convincing to allow her to sacrifice herself. Enraged at Kratos for costing him the wager, Poseidon unleashed a handful of hazards at sea in the hopes of killing him but failed. Después cae hasta el río Estigia, donde las almas que lleva el río, agarrarán a Kratos hasta quitarle todo su poder. He comments that Zeus, Ares, and Athena chose the wrong "marked warrior" that day: it was Kratos who should have been taken away, not Deimos. Kratos atravesando las trampas del laberinto. Por esta razón, al morir nuevamente en la segunda entrega, las garras del Hades van por él, pues su alma había escapado del inframundo (en palabras de Gaia "reclaman" su alma). The Sun God soon relented and told Kratos that in order to receive the Flame's power, he must step into the Flame itself. Before Callisto could tell him, she is transformed into a hideous beast, forcing Kratos to fight and critically wound her. He entered the temple and encountered his long presumed dead mother Callisto, who assured Kratos that it is really her, to his shock. On Zeus' orders, Ceryx told Kratos to cease his pursuit. Soon after the duo make their way to the top of the mountain where they find out that Sindri was being attacked by Hræzlyr, a dragon living in the mountain. Freya explains that she has paid many times and if seeing herself dead will make things better, she lets Baldur strangle her. Appears in When speaking with Freya about Helheim, he implies to her that he is familiar with another afterlife, a reference to him travelling through the, While in Hel, Kratos witness a reenactment of his final battle with Zeus at the end of.

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