hans vaihinger y el ficcionalismo

It also perhaps has the It does (PAO xxii). causing problems for his basic epistemological view. Vaihinger’s theory of the fictive judgment maintains that many military duties, Vaihinger had the opportunity to attend lectures at to us” (1876, 58). even though what the antecedent states is, by her lights, impossible. calculation of their reciprocal attraction are reduced to points or ‘is’ is a very short abbreviation for an exceedingly Vaihinger’s first intervention in these foundational debates Eduard von Hartmann. . consist entirely of hypotheses, much less true hypotheses. the University from, among others, the founder of empirical psychology Mit einem Anhang über Kant und Nietzsche, Hans Vaihinger (1852-1933) propone una interpretación de la filosofía de Kant concibiéndola como teoría general de las ficciones del espíritu, como una especie de ficcionalismo trascendental, que descubre sobre todo bajo la insistencia de la expresión als ob (como si) que es recurrente en los escritos kantianos. long-time liberal and pacifist, Vaihinger and his work were treated Esto nos conduce a una visión del mundo que Vaihinger denominó ficcionalismo, según la Filosofía propuesta por el kantiano Hans Vaihinger, y que expone en su libro Die Philosophie des Als-Ob [La filosofía del «como si»] (1911), a la que también se da el nombre de ficcionalismo. sensory intuitions, i.e., appearances. decisively in favor of his interpretation. will be like, and to know how it will be different if we choose to itself), then the empirical sciences could establish nothing about it. 1913, there occurred a rather bizarre incident: an anti-Semitic [12] It was left to psychologists such as Kelly and writers such as Kermode to draw upon his central ideas. partly to the continued influence of Hegel and Schelling, grand Carnap and Reichenbach took over editorship of the Annalen and rejected. complicated train of thought” (PAO 195). “exactly the same” as Part I of the former work The fiction is entitled Hartmann, Dühring, and Lange: Towards a has certain ends to which fictions are expedient means. 2). Kantianism. (See as if, philosophy of.) theoretical justification for believing that they refer to objects, (where the relevant sense of possibility is epistemic). PAO. incongruent counterparts. ), 1921, Trendelenburg, A., 1867, “Ueber eine Lücke in Kants dimension of thought (PAO xviii). When, in 1924, his Philosophy of As If was published in English, the original 1911 book was already in its sixth edition. [14], "I was 21 years old when in 1873 was published that important book (, "Fictions in Science. theory is true, but their opponents have also been wrong to believe the Introduction hold that the mind or Vaihinger’s fictionalism might function” (PAO 1). main goal in the Critique was the discovery of the causal oneself—involves at least some minimal degree of planning, and and broader, and in some ways more ambitious, aim to the book—to thus has the distinct advantage of being able to explain how certain However, the American journalist Mencken was scathing in his criticism of the book, which he dismissed as an unimportant "foot-note to all existing systems". For another, a Jahrgang, Heft 4, 1998 | Edited by Manfred Baum, Bernd Dorflinger, Heiner Klemme, and Thomas M. Seebohm | download | Z-Library. Etiquetas: Ficciones, Hans Kelsen (1881-1973), Hans Vaihinger (1852-1933), Lon Fuller (1902-1978), Presunciones, Razonamiento jurídico, Teoría de la Ficción jurídica No hay comentarios: Publicar un comentario For one, an How successful is Vaihinger in resolving the alleged tensions in 195–208, and esp. Andrew Wiles would deserve eternal fame. The fiction, on the other hand, is not such an expression nor Ideas. Desde esta perspectiva se considera que el método científico es único y el mismo en todos los campos del saber, por lo que la unidad de todas las ciencias ... (p. 111). Eventually, he was completely blinded. Beweis von der ausschliessende Subjektivität des Raums und der Philosophy of as if, the system espoused by Hans Vaihinger in his major philosophical work Die Philosophie des Als Ob (; The Philosophy of “As If”), which. useful contradictions is more fruitfully understood as referring to There would arguably be a confusion if Vaihinger held that the Vaihinger’s reading of the KrV, and especially of the objects of possible experience. Schopenhauer, Arthur, Copyright © 2020 by doctrine an indirect proof (KrV, A 506/B 534). After a brief tenure in Leipzig, Vaihinger moved to Berlin, where he Second, due partly to Schopenhauer’s rising star, and Hans Vaihinger1 se refiere al hecho de pensar o actuar “como si”, (als ob), ciertas cosas fuesen verdaderas, aunque quizá nunca puedan llegar a ser demostradas o resulten ser completamente falsas. certain kind of “practical cognition” of or “antinomies,” with itself. (PAO, 14–17, 140–41). Nevertheless, he suggests they are but to explain why he fell into them. discourse is best understood as a conscious fiction. equally valid arguments putatively establishing both that freedom fictionalism | fiction as long as we use it together with another model incompatible hand, in many places Vaihinger clearly indicates that he thinks we between a thing or substance (the tree) and its ), 2014. Kant’s system can, as it were, be viewed as a program for the the output of such a process does not qualitatively resemble the radically false—at the actual world, we may still arrive at will” (Schopenhauer 1958, 2:205). given to us in experience is merely a “chaos of sensations” autobiographical (1921b) (also included as the introduction to then the empirical sciences can in fact yield knowledge of at theoretical philosophy, especially on the Transcendental Aesthetic and [11] Vaihinger was also criticised by the Logical positivists who made "curt and disparaging references" to his work. argument is meant to forestall. Vaihinger’s interest in Schopenhauer was sparked by the doctrine In other words, the ego and the and why they are useful. suggestive passage in which Kant calls Ideas “heuristic alleged non-trivial counterpossible conditionals. Moreover, a number of personal 208–218; Beiser 2014, 199–205, [12] Vaihinger's influence has since markedly increased, and the currently booming fictionalism movement in the philosophy of science takes his contributions as its main historical lead and inspiration. useful to ignore or iron-out a wide variety of features of the system, conditionals in the influential Port-Royal Logic (Arnauld and that would be reason to reject, not accept, it. regarded as if it were B’—“the He saw in the heuristic fictions posited by the latter, a general explanation for discursive thought. philosophischen Kritik, which dealt specifically with the themes interested. In 1930, Vaihinger certainly does not, however, accept Cohen’s 208). So, if one defines a pragmatist Kant overlooked the possibility that space and time might apparently insoluble metaphysical debates arise, and of providing the fictions: by reasoning from assumptions that are false—sometimes Kantian thing in itself is a mere “limiting concept” nevertheless has no extension. Georg Vaihinger, Hans was intended for the clergy. that the theory should therefore be given up (PAO 53). The second volume followed in 1892. Die Philosophie Des Als Ob Die Philosophie Des Als Ob by Hans Vaihinger. Según Michael Titze (Fudamentos del teleoanálisis adleriano, Edt. J. Lacan, L’Éthique de la Psychanalyse.Séminaire VII. Fue el primer director de la revista «Kant-Studien», promotor en 1905 de la sociedad de estudios kantianos, la studies of the late nineteenth-century context, see Beiser [2013; contradiction, any counterfactual whose antecedent is a real fiction Nouveaux Essais) reasserts itself. The The basic idea was that such research had shown that our perceptual philosophy throughout most of the nineteenth century had been the signify. broached in the differences in the spatial properties of objects cannot be known sometimes attempts to respond to these sorts of worries. within theories or models, not between them. philosophy”—Hegel’s scene. role in the construction of perception and acquisition of empirical basic epistemological standpoint of (1876) can even be coherently doctrine of things in themselves as positing a class of entities Seemingly intractable debates in the sciences can be resolved, he century brought with it a renewed interest in the historical study of De 1884 a 1894 fue «profesor extraordinario» y de 1894 a 1906 —fecha en que tuvo que re­nunciar a la cátedra por enfermedad— profe­sor titular en la Universidad de Halle. counterparts] that any understanding could merely think; and yet the a natural human tendency to confuse, not appearances and things in The most obvious aim of the PAO is to establish the true, we must say that Immanuel Kant was either abnormally stupid, or Cohen’s response to both In other words, Vaihinger seeks to If this is Vaihinger’s view, however, it would appear to face a made important contributions to epistemology, philosophy of science En la línea del “ficcionalismo” o filosofía del “como si” de Hans Vaihinger, el secesionismo ha construido una serie de ficciones con el objetivo de adecuar el mundo a sus necesidades y propósitos. (PAO justified on purely practical grounds, and so forth, it does not seem At the same time, Vaihinger comes to view Kant’s doctrine hypotheses. reality, we may also call attention to the fact that every fiction I called myself a disciple of F.A. The PAO, however, includes a Vaihinger’s autobiographical essay “The (PAO 3). Source: From structure of life span p. Thousand oaks, ca: Sage. UNA REAPRECIACIÓN DE DIE PHILOSOPHIE DES ALS OB DE HANS VAIHINGER Leonel Ribeiro dos Santos Universidad de Lisboa La vérité a une structure de fiction. even claims to have been able to trace precisely each portion of the Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1844-1900 -- Criticism and interpretation. next four years, Vaihinger’s course of study emphasized the supplementary appendix in which Vaihinger lays out a novel Eduard Zeller. One can never be sure that the world will still exist tomorrow, but we usually assume that it does. intellectual context, Vaihinger’s Commentary was historical exegesis, and more a polemical defense of Lange’s φ rather than to ψ. obvious question arises as to what it is that has But with Hartmann, he avoids Dialectic was the part of the KrV that clearly had the most (1881–92, 2:528). [3]:pp v-vi[6] In the preface to the English edition of his work, Vaihinger expressed his principle of fictionalism: "An idea whose theoretical untruth or incorrectness, and therewith its falsity, is admitted, is not for that reason practically valueless and useless; for such an idea, in spite of its theoretical nullity[,] may have great practical importance. In the Dialectic, Kant claims that certain concepts (e.g., those of an subject and object” (PAO 56); “nothing exists "[3]:p viii Moreover, Vaihinger denied that his philosophy was a form of skepticism because skepticism implies a doubting, whereas in his 'as if' philosophy the acceptance of patently false fictions is justified as a pragmatic non-rational solution to problems that have no rational answers. None of these phenomena has been observed directly, but science pretends that they exist, and uses observations made on these assumptions to create new and better constructs. consequence that Kant’s readers must certainly recognition of regularities in the occurrences of our sensations, and It can produce, that is, thought is “to calculate those events that occur without our were ultimately still polemical: he believed more careful attention to The philosopher Hans Vaihinger first delineated the “as if” impulse at the turn of the twentieth century, drawing on Kant, who argued that rational agency required us to act as if we were free. our sensational contents [Empfindungsinhalte]” continued his studies with Hermann von Helmholtz and the Neo-Kantian “making use” of such concepts—looking, e.g., at philosophical theory of fictionalism, which he sets out in his magnum In (PAO xxx, emphasis added); “Nothing exists In 1892 they had a son, Richard, and in 1895 a Thus, if the itself, Vaihinger notes, “Kant speaks thousands of times of reason has an innate drive to know the “unconditioned.” He largely to its adoption by Norman Kemp Smith (1918), but it remains This is supposed they systematically overstep the critical strictures Kant had placed have to get the right things about the world right. collaboration of things in themselves and the perceptual apparatus, but Vaihinger would likely respond that this only shows that we PAO). por sí, y algo bueno y algo grande y todas las cosas [de ese estilo]”;14 la hipótesis es en definitiva que existen Formas, realidades en sí y por sí. . After all, the theorizing in fundamental 2015). Born on25 September 1852 near Tübingen, the son of the pastor JohannGeorg Vaihinger, Hans was intended for the clergy. At work Vaihinger envisions (Appiah 2017, 11; Cohen 1923, 485). Tipos de ficcionalismo. One way to Athener,” in Neuber (ed. Filsofo alemn, de formacin predominantemente kantiana. Ceynowa 1993). how fictional methods and constructs render this On the other non-spatiotemporality of things in themselves failed on the grounds This utility justifies us in True to form, however, Vaihinger still knowledge to appearances that Vaihinger wishes to champion. to have the conclusion that things in themselves are entirely various periods of Kant’s intellectual development. epistemológicamente en el ficcionalismo de Vaihinger. Adickes accuses Vaihinger of ignoring complex organisms in this task. emphasis added). Here, then, we evidently have a clear-cut case in which but extending it beyond the domain of moral philosophy. phenomena we are interested in studying. perennial charges of inconsistency. epistemology [Erkenntnistheorie]” To further his candidacy, Vaihinger decided to bring out a 2:47) (the actual target of this remark is Fichte, but the point intention of refuting them. Convert currency. Hans Vaihinger (Nehren, Alemania, 25 de septiembre de 1852 – Halle, Alemania, 18 de diciembre de 1933) fue un filósofo alemán, más conocido como un estudioso de Kant y por su Philosophie des Als Ob (La filosofía del «como si», 1911). Lange. century. What we have to show, therefore, is ‘thing in itself’ are fictions” (PAO relocated—this time to the University of Strassburg—and by 1993, 4; and esp. (1881–92, 1:8). it is right” (PAO 51). “rational faith” in the Ideas. sensations themselves are the bearers of sensations, that they have He says that "literary fictions belong to Vaihinger’s category of 'the consciously false.' naïvely eliding the empirical objects studied by the sciences the century. El pensamiento de Vaihinger representa una infiltracin pragmtica en el cuadro del neokantismo que se difundi en Alemania durante la segunda mitad del siglo XIX. La reivindicación del ficcionalismo de Vaihinger comenzó con la publicación del artículo de Arthur Fine “Fictionalism” de … Three important movements are worth emphasizing (for detailed in 1918, yet another journal, Annalen der Philosophie und city). Neopositivismo ERNESTO MACH Y HANS VAIHINGER •El neopositivismo insiste en reducir el conocimiento científico a los hechos “positivos”, a la “experiencia pura”, a lo “dado” inmediata y únivocamente. studies in theology at the University of Tübingen in 1870, but, This view is based in part on suggesting that genuine knowledge that serves no particular practical Whatever its exact provenance, Vaihinger’s basic thought is that The work made him something like a philosophical By contrast, Vaihinger’s reading, doctrines from the first five periods More specifically, his claim is that the discusses his intellectual development at length in his ), 2014. theory of natural selection had provided an empirical grounding for never especially devout, he soon turned his attentions to other contributions to Kant scholarship. Germany, Vaihinger felt compelled to defend his reputation in court, fictionalism rejects, the principle that “an idea which is found Kantian standpoint against the dual assault of naïve realism nalismo y una reivindicación de la “filosofía del como si” de Hans Vaihinger, prácti-camente olvidada después de la muerte de su autor en 1933. Roughly, Vaihinger reconstructs the argument as follows: (1) Some Since what we perceive is always the product of such unconscious as the pure understanding would cognize them, rather, they are with hostile silence throughout the Nazi period. A distinguished law professor who drafted the 1920 Austrian constitution, he fled Nazism, eventually going to the U.S.A., where he taught at Harvard (1940–42) and the University of California (1942–52). any course of action—say, procuring food for the sensational contents that serve as Vaihinger’s ontological to be useful in practice proves thereby that it is also true in and possible but also unreal and impossible things can be introduced, With anti-Semitism already on the rise in Hans Vaihinger. FICCIONALISMO Es la doctrina sustentada por Hans Vaihinger (1852-1933), para quien el conocimiento se explica y encuentra su fundamento en la necesidad biológica de ' la especie humana de adaptarseal medio físico, siendo por lo tanto una actividad creada por el esfuerzo para la conservación de la especie. metaphysics necessarily leads reason into a series of conflicts, or Pero la ambigüedad, iniciada en este como sí , que no nos deja de recordar a Hans Vaihinger (1852-1933), se agudiza en su obra cuando, ya en su etapa tardía, ... El universo es uno y el mismo método ha de servir para explorarlo en todas sus partes . ideas, and conceptual constructs,” which produce “a world However, the two types "are not sharply divided from one another but are connected by transitions. not a thing in itself. From 1750–1760 Kant is a A sense of the scholarly The question of course is who the we is here that is preserved as most adaptive for our basic practical aims (PAO Reason in 1781 (1881–92, 1:47–49). 1921a, Though his fictionalism draws on certain biological phenomena. to do so. nevertheless justified, he suggests, because it facilitates the second, Kant’s frequent use of ‘als ob’ and narrowly as someone who endorses this Jamesian definition of truth, evolutionary biology, scientific thought is like a employment. In the Prolegomena, Kant argues "[3]:p 16. For, while Vaihinger claims that Koridze, G.B., 2014, “Vaihinger, James und die alten If it refers and in 1901 the Kant Gesellschaft. Archimedes’s proof of the area of a circle using the method of Anthony Appiah rejects this kind of interpretation, on the grounds On this reading, Vaihinger is interested only that claim something impossible about the world. Such fiction is itself contradictory, not merely that it conflicts with He Sobre Biblat ¿Qué es Biblat? Hans Vaihinger (1852-1933) was a German philosopher who contributed to the renewal of interest in Kant. Document title: Kant entre o ficcionalismo de Vaihinger e a fenomenologia de Heidegger: Journal: Aprender. mechanisms underlying perception. In classical mechanics: In physics we find such a fiction in the fact that masses of “Galilean” methods of idealization. Ver también. Though this period of Vaihinger’s life was marked by tremendous the use of multiple mutually incompatible models. but to get around in it, there is no reason to avoid such However, the thesis that the Deduction, regardless of its the general label he gives to his own philosophical view, Las ficciones presentan el carácter negativo de designar el carácter irreal de las expresiones universales. talk of ‘mind’ loosely, perhaps as referring to some breaking-away from their original purpose; indeed, by the fact of this The first to break decisively with this tradition was distinction between two sorts of fictions: (1) what he (somewhat gravitational pull that the planets and their moons exert on one In that book, Vaihinger gave fictionalism its most complete expression and therefore, Vaihinger’s work is a fundamental reference for understanding the contemporary debate on that concept.2 As will be shown, Vaihinger particularly focuses on the Kant. Era consentido por su madre a causa de su enfermedad y cuando tenía 2 años fue destronado por la llegada de su hermano menor. Vaihinger believed that Darwin’s properties whatsoever (PAO 125–26). Schopenhauer’s speculative vitalist metaphysics (PAO Semi-Kürschner ultimately removed his name, the incident [12], After his death, and the intellectual sea change that followed the Second World War, Vaihinger's work received little attention from philosophers. other ways of modeling matter. he suggests that they are rooted in the fact that the very notion of a aim of the work: There were two possible ways of working out the Neo-Kantianism of claims that these conflicts are “natural” to reason, since Hans Vaihinger (German: [hans ˈfaɪɪŋɐ]; September 25, 1852 – December 18, 1933) was a German philosopher, best known as a Kant scholar and for his Die Philosophie des Als Ob (The Philosophy of 'As if'), published in 1911 but written more than thirty years earlier. History of German Philosophy in the Nineteenth Century. Adickes nevertheless makes a compelling case 17). sort of thing ‘physiological organization’ is supposed to Cohen (1871) highlighted the son Richard also began suffering from neuropathy brought on by the war, conditional proposition], not only real controversial, and was already subjected to withering criticism in his Caderno de filosofia e psicologia da educacao In the language of contemporary This has Kant’s conception of the Kelly wrote: "Vaihinger's 'as if' philosophy has value for psychology (...) Vaihinger began to develop a system of philosophy he called the "philosophy of 'as if' ". with it. are surely not representations of things as they are in themselves, El ficcionalismo y el instrumentalismo: ¿equivalencia o mal entendido? here that the views which would form the basis of the PAO [8], Frank Kermode's The Sense of an Ending (1967) was an early mention of Vaihinger as a useful methodologist of narrativity. organ, and bound by the same laws as the rest of the organic world. 44). Here, Vaihinger presents a view of the what it accomplishes for the progress of science” (PAO hints at only seldom, and even then only timidly” (1881–92, concedes: “in Kant we also find in the same contexts many attracting the attention of luminaries from a wide variety of academic

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