propagacion in vitro aguacate

(AVOCADO CLONING) - Duration: 13 ... Cultivo in vitro y Biorreactores - Duration: 11:17. This difference found in the number of new shoots induced can be explained by differences in morphogenic potential, i.e. Hass through morphogenesis Propagación in vitro de aguacate ( Persea americana Mill.) Por ello, el objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar el efecto de 6-Bencil-adenina (BA) con ácido indol-3-acético (AIA) para la micropropagación de Aga-ve marmorata Roezl in vitro y estimar el porcentaje de sobrevivencia de plantas en aclimatación bajo diferen- tes sustratos. Sci Hortic-Amsterdam Darkness conditions reduced significantly plant phenolization, and these in turn formed new shoots, which were higher and were also formed in a shorter time. cv. YA NO ESPERES AÑOS PARA QUE TU AGUACATE DE FRUTOS? Teniendo en cuenta la importancia y el potencial de desarrollo del cultivo de aguacate (Persea americana Mill.) Propagation in vitro of rootstocks of avocado. Palabras clave: Fitohormonas, meristemos axilares, micropropagación, propagación in vitro. Light conditions play a critical role in the production of these substances, whether increasing or offsetting production (Azofeifa, 2009). Both culture media were supplemented with 20 g.L-1 of sucrose. Furthermore, internodes of etiolated shoots elongated producing a lower number of internodes (1.85) compared to photoperiod condition (3.48) (p < 0.05). Explantos juveniles de aguacate proliferan adecuadamente in vitro en presencia de 4,44 μM benciladenina; sin embargo, los explantos de origen adulto, obtenidos de … 1.52 cm (Table 3). Trees, 16, 569-575. A. 4centimeter long explant for in vitro cultivation. Table 5 Survival percentage, height averages, number of leaves, roots and shoots of rooted vitroplants after 90 days of hardening. E. Formation of roots in apical sprouts. On the contrary, explants that were under darkness conditions in greenhouses had in average, a low phenolization percentage (1.50 %) for two light conditions under in vitro conditions (p < 0.05). PROPAGACIÓN CLONAL DESDE LA EVALUACIÓN DE LA PLANTA NODRIZA HASTA LA INJERTACIÓN DEL CLON. cultivation in Colombia and its problems for an efficient field cultivation, which includes the genetic variability of propagated material and adverse phytosanitary conditions, the aim of this study was to develop a method for in vitro clonal propagation for avocado cv. Al principio no mucho pasó, cada semana les cambiaba el agua (o antes si se veía sucia), pero eso no me detuvo y comencé a plantar un par más. This also suggests a differential response of nodal segments in the same vitroplant. Selección de semilla por tamaño y sanidad. MICROPROPAGATION AND IN VITRO RESISTANCE TESTS AGAINST Phytophthora cinnamomi OF MEXICAN-RACE AVOCADO GENOTYPES MICROPROPAGACIÓN Y PRUEBAS DE RESISTENCIA IN VITRO A Phytophthora cinnamomi DE MATERIALES DE AGUACATE RAZA MEXICANA Figure 1 A. Etiolated shoots after week seven. (2013), described the use of a similar substrate to the one use in this work (sand:peat:vermiculite in a 1:2:1 proportion) but achieving a survival rate of only 48.4 %. Herbert-Moreno1, J. de la Luz Sánchez-Pérez1, I. Vidales-Fernández2, S. Fernández-Pavía3, A. García- Chávez1 y R. Salgado-Garciglia1. To evaluate growth and development during hardening the following variables were registered after three months: survival percentage, height, number of leaves, shoots and roots. New approaches in mutation screening: omica. Favorable results obtained with the WPM basal medium are probably due to the lower nitrogen concentration found in both sources (NH4NO3 and Ca(NO3)2.4H2O), that is toxic for some tree species when incorporated in high concentrations, as is the case of the MS culture medium. Durante los subcultivos hubo disminución de elongación de los explantes apicales, y a partir de los segmentos nodales, se logró una inducción importante de nuevos brotes; sin embargo, solo algunos alcanzaron la altura requerida para mantener la tasa de multiplicación a través de los subcultivos. In this stage, one hundred (100) vitroplants of an approximate size of 6-7 cm and with roots were removed from their recipients, and their roots were washed with abundant water. 5 cm and 4 cm in the MS and the WPM media, respectively. D. Formation of shoots in nodal segments. Effect of culture conditions and growth regulator combinations in shoot induction and development. <>>> Influences of exogenous sucrose on juvenile avocado during in vitro cultivation and subsequent ex vitro acclimatization. propagaciÓn clonal in vitro de patrones comerciales de aguacate ... multiplicaciÓn y enraizamiento in vitro de patrones comerciales de aguacate y su posterior aclimataciÓn in vitro. 26 4. Dentro de la familia Myrtaceae, se ha intentado establecer la propa-gación in vitro … 5 PRESENTACIÓN El Manual técnico para el manejo de viveros certificados de aguacate fue elaborado de forma participativa, siendo los autores: viveristas, productores, diversas organizaciones, y técnicos de varias instituciones que dedican su actividad a la producción del aguacate. [ Links ], Wessels, H. (1996). Average height reached after three months was 7.51 cm; likewise, an increase in number of leaves, roots and shoots per plant were also found (Table 5). Medellin, Colombia. Propagación de plantas por cultivo in vitro: una biotecnología que nos acompaña hace mucho tiempo Ing.Agr. Propagación de aguacate EDUARDO CAMPOS ROJAS JUAN AYALA ARREOLA JORGE ANDRÉS AGUSTÍN ... aguacate encontrados en el Valle de Tehuacán en el Estado de Puebla, es de 8,000 años, antigüedad cercana a los 10,000 años del Hombre de Tepexpan, cuyos restos y los de algunos mamuts fueron encontrados en el Valle de México. Propagación clonal in vitro de patrones comerciales de aguacate. Revigorización y clonación de yemas adultas de árboles de olivo: establecimiento in vitro de microinjertos. Cultivo in vitro de embriones Se colectaron frutos pequeños (1.0-24.0 g) de diferentes cultivares de aguacatero: ‘Hass’, ‘Suardía’, ‘Catalina’, y ‘Jaruco N° 1’, se lavaron con detergente y agua corriente, y se sumergieron en etanol al 96% para ser flameados en la cámara de … & Cham. [ Links ], Ford, Y. Y., Taylor, J. M., Blake, P. S., & Marks, T. R. (2002). & Talón, M. (2008). F. Hardened vitroplants. (1987). FAOSTAT;. Cultivo Servicio1 Plazo de entrega Subcultures in fresh medium were carried out every six weeks. PROPAGACIÓN IN VITRO DE CACTÁCEAS. Explants subject to in vitro darkness remained under these conditions for only 15 days and were then placed under photoperiod conditions. For each treatment with growth regulators and light conditions, 15 nodal explants were used, i.e. Values represent means ± standard error of mean. On the other hand, significant differences in induction and plant growth stages of the new shoots under in vitro conditions were found, observing that under darkness conditions the highest height values were found. propagaciÓn in vitro de persea americana a paritr de embriones sexuales en condiciones caseras y de laboratorio objetivos integrantes: arÉvalo maverick carriÓn belÉn galÁrraga andrÉs morales jocelyne prado david vega ivonne zapata ronald persea americana también conocida como Además, la antracnosis en papaya se asociaba solamente con el hongo . Se usaron arboles de dos a tres anos de Toona ciliata. drymifolia Schltdl. Maestría thesis, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León. In the following subcultures the height reached in these apical sprouts was lower for all treatments (Figure 2A and 2B). Moreover, elongated buds reached an average height of 14.01 cm; on the contrary, plants maintained under photoperiod conditions only reached a height of 5.0 cm (p < 0.05). Being the avocado a highly cross-pollinated and heterozygous species, its multiplication from seeds produces a highly variable progeny in relation to the morphological and biological characteristics of the parents. La Universidad de Antioquia y la Corporación para Investigaciones Biológicas, CIB, finalizaron en 2016 un proyecto de investigación en aguacate, en el cual se logró desarrollar un protocolo de propagación clonal in vitro de la variedad “Hass”, así como resultados positivos en ensayos de microinjertación. Cultivo in vitro: conservación y producción de pl antas Lic. es de importancia económica para los países productores. La micropropagación es un sistema de propagación asexual, a partir de un segmento de una planta madre, que da como resultado la propagación masiva de plantas genéticamente idénticas, denominadas clones. "Hass" is described, obtaining high percentage of plants adapted to ex vitro conditions. According to its genetic composition the species comprises four races with different origins: one comes from Mexico, a second one comes from Guatemala, a third one from the Antilles and the fourth one comes from Costa Rica. Various authors have already carried out trials to propagate avocado material using tissue culture (Wessels, 1996; Rodríguez, Capote & Zamora, 1999; Premkumar, Barceló-Muñoz, Pliego-Alfaro, Quesada & Mercado, 2002, Nhut, Thi, Khiet & Luan, 2008; Zulfiqar, Akhtar, Ahmad & Ahmed, 2009); notwithstanding, several limitations affect multiplication rate and rooting of in vitro material, and this in turn influences plant hardening. Hass contains between 85 to 90 % Guatemalan race and 10-15 % Mexican race. Multiplicación clonal in vitro del aguacate (Persea americana) cv. cv. These results agree with what was reported for the "Duke 7" cultivar by Pullaz (2011), in relation to plants subject to total darkness. However, explants that came from photoperiod under greenhouse conditions did not show this response; on the contrary, abundant callus was formed affecting the development of new shoots. �S�������\"k����$r,� Hass. Conversely, explants that were under darkness in greenhouses had a lower phenolization percentage for the two light conditions under in vitro conditions. In this sense, Dalsaso and Guevara (1998) and Rodríguez et al. & Luan, V. (2008). Plant Cell Tiss Org, 58, 11-17. Ester Vargas El proyecto buscar propagar patrones con el fin de obtener uniformidad y material vegetal que tenga buenas características agronómicas. Some studies have demonstrated that light conditions, especially in woody plants, have a positive effect in shoot induction and rooting in vitro; conversely, high phenolization that regularly occurs in these plant species is reduced (Rodríguez et al., 1999; Rache-Cardenal, Pinzón, & Maldonado, 2008). cv. To solve these limitations several growth regulators and other additives have been evaluated in different studies. Los aguacates pueden propagarse plantando semillas, enraizando los esquejes de aguacate, formando capas e injertando. Daño de nematodo de la raíz. Massive plant production of avocado "Hass" cultivar that can be used as rootstock or scion and become the baseline for further work can be achieved by using the in vitro protocol assessed in this research. La nochebuena (Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. In vitro propagation of avocado (Persea americana Mill.) 3Universidad de Antioquia (UdeA). J Appl Sci Res, 9(7), 4132-4141. Notas de investigación . South african avocado grower's association. (2009), accumulation of inhibitors in the axillary buds can occur, and these reduce elongation. Hass through morphogenesis, Propagación in vitro de aguacate (Persea americana Mill.) cv. Catalina Restrepo Osorio 1 * , Felipe Andrés Gómez Velásquez 2 , Alejandro Gil Correal 1 , Javier Mauricio Torres Bonilla 2 , Aura Inés Urrea Trujillo 3 1 Department of Biological Sciences. In vitro introduction of apical explants and nodal segments was carried out from grafted parent plants. El aguacate pequeño y negro, nombrado a partir del empleado de correos Hass Rudolph quien lo patentó en 1935, representa el 80% de los aguacates cultivados comercialmente en Estados Unidos. Effect of light conditions on shoot formation under greenhouse conditions. Interaction of plant growth regulators in MS and WPM basal media were assessed.

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