nala significado swahili

Gerne wird der Name auch mit „das Geschenk“ übersetzt. Juli 2019 bei Parkwood Entertainment/Columbia Records. From professional translators, enterprises, web pages and freely available translation repositories. Dieser Name ist hauptsächlich männlich. Schauen Sie sich Beispiele für nala-Übersetzungen in Sätzen an, hören Sie sich die Aussprache an und lernen Sie die Grammatik. Hintergrundinformationen. I've looked up "Nala" in a few Swahili dictionaries and found no such word. API call; Human contributions. If you are one of those who uses your electronic devices non-stop, you need these charging stations Nowadays it is normal that your life is surrounded by electronics devices such as tablets, phones and smart watches that require a power ... Give your home personalized lighting for every moment of the day The smart bulbs are revolutionizing the way illuminate spaces internal and external of houses, businesses and common places. Human translations with examples: king, nala, i am thirsty. Forms of Nala include the English Nalah, the name Nalea, the name Nalia, the name Nalla, and the name Nallah. für Honigbiene; Weg zur Mitte / Weg der Mitte auf hawaiianisch; Die Schöne bei den Shona (Zentralafrika) Wortzusammensetzung: nala = die Löwin (Suaheli) Nala means beloved The Swahili word for devil is Satani, not Shetani And actually, Howlra, taka means want. Nala Namensanalyse; Düster , Empfindlich , Reich und Humble open_in_new Link to source; warning Request revision; Repower America with 100 percent clean electricity within 10 years. Search for more names by meaning. Lost your password? Das Wort „Nala“ bedeutet in arabisch und im Arabischen Raum „Honigbiene“. Found 0 sentences matching phrase "nala".Found in 0 ms. Some might say the lionesses are blessed with the most beautiful names. un mejor sitio para encontrar el significado de los nombres exactos. African-Swahili origin: It is derived literally from the word nala which is of the meaning 'lioness'. Namenstag. Diccionarios bilingües y multilingües swahili en línea (swahili <-> español, inglés, etc). nala translation in Swahili-Afrikaans dictionary. Nali, Lala, Nana. Please enter your email address. Suaheli. Nala amesafiri hadi Albania , Ugiriki na kurudi Dunbar. Nala ist eine Figur aus dem Disney-Film „Der König der Löwen“. You will receive a link and will create a new password via email. Gift is 'zawadi'. Nala is sometimes listed as being a feminine name of African origin and meaning „beloved“. Its functionalities are increasingly extensive, and allow us to ... Have a real cinema screen in your home for the best price The large screen televisions today they are the preference of a wide audience on a global scale, since they outperform traditional televisions that have a limited visual spectrum. Nala does not mean gift, for heaven's sake. Contextual translation of "nala" into English. If you want to have only the best in technology, here we show you Today technology advances at an incredible speed, and they have created electronics products that allow make our life a little easier everyday. Gowon: Gowon ist in der Tiv-Sprache verwurzelt und bedeutet „Regenmacher“. Showing page 1. Spitznamen. © 2020 Passionable. Es erschien am 19. In Swahili meaning gift. In addition, Nala is a form of the Arabic and English Nahla. un mejor sitio para encontrar el significado de los nombres exactos. According to a user from North Carolina, U.S., the name Nala is of Swahili origin and means "Gift". Nala’s World is a much more intimate experience, written from a first-hand perspective. Einzig, dass Nala ein männlicher Charakter in der Hindu Mythologie ist, ist uns bekannt. Nala had “the ability to put a smile on faces regardless of religion, age or culture”. How Many Crackers In A Sleeve Of Ritz Crackers? Deine E-Mail-Adresse wird nicht veröffentlicht. Angalia tafsiri za 'nala' katika Kiingereza. Der Name Nala ist die suahelische Bezeichnung für eine Löwin. Nala Milea, Nala Kiara, Nala Alysha, Nala Aelia, Das könnte Sie auch noch interessieren: Gerne finden Sie weitere Infos zum ähnlichen Vornamen / Namen Nahla unter, Unsere Hündin, die wir aus dem Tierschutz haben, heißt NALA.Und die Bedeutung „Löwin, die Schöne“ passt zu ihr. Found 1 sentences matching phrase "nala".Found in 0 ms. The Lion King: The Gift ist ein Album der US-amerikanischen Sängerin Beyoncé. See Nala for more information. W hen Dean Nicholson left his hometown of Dunbar on the jap coast of Scotland in September 2018, he had simply turned 30 and was planning to cycle around the globe. Translation memories are created by … Nala’s World by Dean Nicholson – one man and his cat. Geschlecht von Nala. Dieser Name wird auch überwiegend Jungen genannt. Auf arabisch wird der Name Naila mit „Honigbiene" übersetzt. Swahili Na asilimia 20 ya matajiri wakubwa kabisa, wanachukua karibu asilimia 74. more_vert . The meaning of the word "Nala" in Kiswahili is not gift. Suaheli, Arabisch. Una compañera todoterreno, generosa, simpática y zalamera... que me ha conquistado. With Love by. Jul 25, 2016 - Nala or Nahla Meaning successful or in Swahili "gift" Please enter your email address. Enjoy a pleasant reading time with the one most suitable for you Although it may make you very nostalgic for paper and ink, traditional books are staying in the past and today’s world makes you read on a more modern ... Passionable is a social question & Answers Engine that will help you establish your community and connect with other people. Bekannte Namensträger des Namens . Nala Name Meaning in Spanish, Nala Significados conocidos en español - Encuentra chicos origen y nombres de las muchachas con significados en español, Nala significado y definición con suerte Número de Fauzia. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. But particularly for homes, there are smaller versions with great potential ... A selection of products that every tech lover will want to have Technology is here to stay with us. This might come from the name Nalo, which is a name of West African origin meaning „beloved daughter“, although clearly Nalo and Nala are different names, thus the lineage of this link is just a guess and cannot be wholly substantiated. Ziele der NaLa Auf Grund der Parameter der Raumeinheiten entstand 1999 NaLa – ein Leitbild für Natur und Landschaft in Oberösterreich, das stetig weiter entwickelt wird. Nahla - Vorname Nahla und Bedeutung von Nahla, Nahla – Vorname Nahla und Bedeutung von Nahla, In der Sprache der Suaheli/Swahili auch die Königin, Nala bedeutet auch „die Schöne“ auf / bei den Shona, Weg zur Mitte / Weg der Mitte auf hawaiianisch. Bedeutungen Nala und Übersetzungen Vorname Nala. Results for nala translation from Swahili to English. Es stammt aus der Swahili-Kultur und bedeutet „Freude“ oder „Glück“. Wamekuwa wapenzi wakubwa wa mtandao wa kijamii , wakipata wafuasi 800,000 wa instagram na jumbe 1000 kwa siku. A user from South Africa says the name Nala is of African origin and means "Nala means abundance in the Zulu language". NALA meaning Gift in Swahili and oh boy adopting her will be the greatest gift you will ever give yourself! December 5, 2020 December 5, 2020 Pehal News Team 0 Comments. This means 'gift' in Swahili. 2020 Nahla – Vorname Nahla und Bedeutung von Nahla, Nahla - Bedeutung von Nahla, Nala und Nahlah, weiblicher Vorname, Nala - Vorname Nala ist ein Vorname (Mädchen) und hat mehrere Bedeutungen und Übersetzungen: Bedeutungen Nala und Übersetzungen Vorname Nala. Nala, Simba’s dear friend and betrothed, is bestowed with the name “gift” or “beloved” which is what Nala means in Swahili, and her mother’s name Sarafina means “bright star”. Simba’s mother’s name, Sarabi, means “mirage” an interesting choice, but a gorgeous word nonetheless. Kiara means nothing in Swahili-speaking as a Swahili student living in Africa for six years nala translation in Swahili-English dictionary. 65. Nahla is of Arabic origin meaning first drink of water or water in the desert. Kommentardocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "aba6d292b72fa737a377b91187b3ff5e" );document.getElementById("a41de27377").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); © Nala ist ein Vorname (Mädchen) und hat mehrere Bedeutungen und Übersetzungen: Nala ist ein häufiger Mädchenname (Vorname Nala) und wird häufig als Vorname in Tansania bzw. How To Use Touchpad And Keyboard At The Same Time? Enjoy the best devices and electronics that Amazon offers you If you like be at the forefront of technological advances, we know you love spending your time knowing what are the new releases this year. Nala ist ein afrikanischer Name und hat die Bedeutung „Königin“. Erforderliche Felder sind mit * markiert. Die Löwin Nala ist die Freundin von Simba. In Sanskrit it means stem, hollow reed. The 6 best wireless speakers to have anywhere in the house, New launches in electronics and technology available on Amazon, The best charging stations you should have at home for your devices, The best smart light options to illuminate your home in a personalized way, Define your curls with these curlers and hair curlers, Prime Day: Save Hundreds of Dollars on Cell Phones, Tablets, and Computers TODAY, 5 products and accessories you must have if you are addicted to your cell phone, The Best 4 Big Screen TVs Under $ 400 on Amazon, 5 ideal wireless keyboards to avoid cable clutter, These are the 5 most popular electronics products of the moment on Amazon, The best kindles to read your electronic books at ease. 66. It helps to solve and develop capacities that increasingly facilitate the life of society. The name is used in Tansania, East Africa. Lista regularmente puesta al día. Cookies help us deliver our services. Swahili meaning of the word Nala. weiblich. Another variant is Nala. Kenia gebraucht. Löwin; In der Sprache der Suaheli/Swahili auch die Königin; im Zulu: Geschenk; Nala bedeutet auch „die Schöne“ auf / bei den Shona; Arabisch (arab.) Nala Namensanalyse. Nala Name Meaning in Spanish, Nala Significados conocidos en español - Encuentra chicos origen y nombres de las muchachas con significados en español, Nala significado y definición con suerte Número de Fauzia. Herkunft des Vornamen Nala. Translation memories are created by … I got this from google; Nahla is feminine given name of multiple cultural origins. Cape Town. Gcobani: Einer der beliebtesten und optimistischsten Xhosa-Namen ist Gcobani, was „freudig sein“ bedeutet. The instrument I use in this Medley is a Ugandan harp also locally known as the ADUNGU. Deine E-Mail-Adresse wird nicht veröffentlicht. A descendant of the Arabic, "Naħla" means Bee in … According to a user from Texas, U.S., the name Nala means "Gift". That is why there are already all ... Use technology in favor of your beauty with these devices to style your hair If you have the straight hair or natural broken, surely on some occasion you will want ripple or curl hair, so there are artifacts with which ... Equip yourself in electronics taking advantage of these offers … On many occasions it is possible that we love a smartphone, or we need a computer or tablet, but their prices are very high and we cannot afford to buy ... Get the most out of your cell phone with these fabulous products Phones today cell phones They go far beyond just allowing us to make and receive calls or send messages. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. In der Sprache der Suaheli bedeutet Nala „Königin". Nahla is of Arabic and African origin meaning first drink of water or water in the desert. It is the shortened form of "Nakula" meaning "I am eating" —Preceding unsigned comment added by 20:33, 25 March 2008 (UTC) You may well be right. Nala (Freundin von Simba – König der Löwen | The Lion King). Nala, que en swahili significa "regalo" del 10/10/2010 ! Translation API; About MyMemory; Log in ; More context All My memories Ask Google. Angalia mifano ya tafsiri ya nala katika sentensi, sikiliza matamshi na ujifunze sarufi. nala translation in Swahili-English dictionary. You will receive a link and will create a new password via email. All Rights Reserved. Swahili Kuipa nguvu mpya Marekani kwa kuwa na umeme safi kwa asilimia 100, ndani ya miaka 10. more_vert. Weitere Informationen sind uns über männliche Formen von Nala nicht bekannt. 64. In Tansania ist Nala ein sehr beliebter Vorname, der im westlichen Raum … ... Say goodbye to annoying cables with these keyboards The keyboards and mice Traditional ones are underperforming and over time are no longer useful for your computing needs. In African it means Queen, lion and successful woman . Überprüfen Sie die Übersetzungen von 'nala' ins Deutsch. 23.05 Una perra 10 ¡ Showing page 1. Lost your password? Nala Englisch Letzte Aktualisierung: 2014-02-20 Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1 Qualität: Referenz: Wikipedia Nalchen, Nalilein, Nali, Nalichen, Nat, Lala, Nana, Nalalina. In African languages it means successful. NaLa sind festgelegte Ziele des Naturschutzes auf Basis der Raumeinheiten und stellen eine anzustrebende Entwicklung für die gesamte Raumeinheit dar.

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