The protocol is as follows: initially, plant material was submerged in a iodine solution for an hour, then in a laminar flow chamber maintained in 2 ml.L-1 of a timorex solution (terpinen-4-ol and γ-terpinene) for two hours; these were then submerged in 50 mg.L-1 of vancomycin and 100 mg.L-1 of cefotaxime for three hours, and then in ethanol 70 % for a minute, and followed by sodium hypochlorite at 2 % for ten minutes. This also suggests a differential response of nodal segments in the same vitroplant. Material de propagación de calidad declarada Protocolos y normas para cultivos propagados vegetativamente Esta publicación incluye un conjunto de protocolos y normas para la ... Plantas in vitro prontas para plantar. <> La patente de invención fue otorgada por la Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio de Colombia mediante Resolución No. Figure 2 Height reached by the apical explants during three subcultures in different treatments with growth regulators and the control. [ Links ], Nhut, D., Thi, N., Khiet, B. T E S I S QUE PARA OBTENER EL TÍTULO DE ... Importancia del Aguacate en México ..... 3 1.2. Fuente: Actualización tecnológica y buenas prácticas agrícolas BPA en el cultivo de aguacate.pdf Fuente: Actualización tecnológica y buenas prácticas agrícolas BPA en el cultivo de aguacate.pdf Fuente: Actualización tecnológica y buenas prácticas agrícolas BPA en el cultivo de �S�������\"k����$r,� Hass vía morfogénesis Catalina Restrepo Osorio 1, Felipe Andrés Gómez Velásquez 2, Alejandro Gil Correal 1, Javier Mauricio Torres Bonilla2 and Aura Inés Urrea Trujillo 3 1 Department of Biological Sciences. Stock plant etiolation. Zutano Palto . In vitro introduction of apical explants and nodal segments was carried out from grafted parent plants. In vitro propagation of avocado (Persea americana Mill.) YA NO ESPERES AÑOS PARA QUE TU AGUACATE DE FRUTOS? Catalina Restrepo Osorio 1 * , Felipe Andrés Gómez Velásquez 2 , Alejandro Gil Correal 1 , Javier Mauricio Torres Bonilla 2 , Aura Inés Urrea Trujillo 3 1 Department of Biological Sciences. Request PDF | On Feb 15, 2009, Luis Manuel Valenzuela-Núñez and others published AVANCES EN LA PROPAGACION IN VITRO DE NOGAL | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate Propagación in vitro en Especies Ornamentales FIA – VALORIzACIóN DE RESULTADOS – 86 6 Como objetivos específicos, según se describe en el proyecto, se plantearon los siguientes: • Desarrollar e implementar técnicas intensivas de cultivo in vitro, a nivel experimental, que permitan solucionar las dificultades de propagación a los productores de especies ornamentales Agronomiamesoamericana, 1(20), 153-175. MICROPROPAGATION AND IN VITRO RESISTANCE TESTS AGAINST Phytophthora cinnamomi OF MEXICAN-RACE AVOCADO GENOTYPES MICROPROPAGACIÓN Y PRUEBAS DE RESISTENCIA IN VITRO A Phytophthora cinnamomi DE MATERIALES DE AGUACATE RAZA MEXICANA en Colombia, y los problemas que se presentan para el cultivo eficiente en campo, principalmente por la variabilidad genética del material de propagación y por condiciones fitosanitarias adversas, el presente trabajo tuvo como finalidad desarrollar una metodología para la propagación clonal in vitro del cultivar "Hass". x�� ����=�{��О�D�詇\U����=��S��f&@ �3au��D�3ɫ�SsS�Nɗ_^=?���m}�|�z�?���]�������ͮ:5����Ox��~�Ϟ%/^�L^���� KʴT����OX���Y"2��"�YʤL�oa��t�>>}�%k�*��ۧO>,��_���=}� "�N�2����H���>}�3�� OK3��Q�)�[�H%��O^�{�$W�! cultivation in Colombia and its problems for an efficient field cultivation, which includes the genetic variability of propagated material and adverse phytosanitary conditions, the aim of this study was to develop a method for in vitro clonal propagation for avocado cv. Effect of culture conditions and growth regulator combinations in shoot induction and development. y células de parénquima del exocarpio de aguacate producto de la. SK VIVERO 45,088 views. In this stage, nodal segments were cultivated in basal MS medium with different growth regulators (Table 1). Alicia Castillo, MSc Investigadora, Unidad de Biotecnología, INIA Las Brujas La expresión cultivo in vitro de plantas, significa cultivar plantas dentro de un frasco de In the MS medium B. On the other hand, in this research we found significant differences in the induction and growth (height) stages of the new shoots under in vitro conditions, finding that under darkness conditions the highest height values were registered, i.e. In this sense, Dalsaso and Guevara (1998) and Rodríguez et al. [ Links ], Premkumar, A., Barceló-Muñoz, A., Pliego-Alfaro, F., Quesada, M. A., & Mercado, J. Ester Vargas El proyecto buscar propagar patrones con el fin de obtener uniformidad y material vegetal que tenga buenas características agronómicas. endobj Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences. Two basal culture media were used for different in vitro cultivation phases: MS (Murashige & Skoog, 1962) and WPM (Lloyd & McCown, 1980). During subculturing there was a decreasing in apical explant elongation, but there was a significant induction of new shoots from nodal segments. [ Links ], Zulfiqar, B., Akhtar, N., Ahmad, T., & Ahmed, I. El cultivo de tejidos consiste en aislar una porción de la planta (explanto) y proporcionarle artificialmente las condiciones físicas y químicas apropiadas para que las células expresen su potencial de regenerar una planta nueva. Various authors have already carried out trials to propagate avocado material using tissue culture (Wessels, 1996; Rodríguez, Capote & Zamora, 1999; Premkumar, Barceló-Muñoz, Pliego-Alfaro, Quesada & Mercado, 2002, Nhut, Thi, Khiet & Luan, 2008; Zulfiqar, Akhtar, Ahmad & Ahmed, 2009); notwithstanding, several limitations affect multiplication rate and rooting of in vitro material, and this in turn influences plant hardening. December 09, 2016; Accepted: Teniendo en cuenta la importancia y el potencial de desarrollo del cultivo de aguacate (Persea americana Mill.) Values in parenthesis indicate bootstrapping confidence intervals at 95 % confidence. Micropropagation of adult avocado. Grupo Investigador En las pruebas de desinfección no se encontraron diferencias entre This also suggests a differential response in nodal segments in the same vitroplant. This difference found in the number of new shoots induced can be explained by differences in morphogenic potential, i.e. Bioversity. ��&j���ь��d`ℏS��G����h��bD��Q ���]`��@:����"����2�� �l0vk9�.���� Multiplication rate in the MS and in the WPM media with different growth regulator combinations and control, Survival percentage, height averages, number of leaves, roots and shoots of rooted vitroplants after 90 days of hardening, Premkumar, Barceló-Muñoz, Pliego-Alfaro, Quesada & Mercado, 2002, Rache-Cardenal, Pinzón, & Maldonado, 2008, Barceló-Muñoz, Encina, Simón-Pérez & Pliego-Alfaro, 1999, Rohim, Wanas, Abou-Aziz, El-Hamid & Abd (2013),,,, Statistical analysis showed that an induction of shoots was not influenced by combination of growth regulators (p < 0.05) (Table 4). ��.%,* %�b�,Y����UG��b�.�L�"���ڭ�E}�|��2@�2#�W��-ķ�9B��o�f���%_\ ���=��x¨��P7[\;�P�u���zP�Vq@�h�ks���w� 5 cm and 4 cm in the MS and the WPM media, respectively. Plants under darkness conditions developed shoots whose tissues had a whitish color due to lack of chlorophyll, and also showed small and non-expanded leaves (Figure 1A). Different letters indicate significant differences p < 0.05). Additionally, sampling techniques with bootstrapping replacement and with 10.000 permutations was carried out. Dentro de la familia Myrtaceae, se ha intentado establecer la propa-gación in vitro … Highest number of shoots and height in the explants subject to etiolation, both ex vitro as well as in vitro, are due to de-etiolation; this process from growing under continuous darkness conditions to then growing under light conditions triggers some morphological and molecular changes. 5 PRESENTACIÓN El Manual técnico para el manejo de viveros certificados de aguacate fue elaborado de forma participativa, siendo los autores: viveristas, productores, diversas organizaciones, y técnicos de varias instituciones que dedican su actividad a la producción del aguacate. For height variable, differences among hormonal treatments were found; highest values were registered for MS basal medium supplemented with 1 mg.L-1 of BAP and 0.5 mg.L-1of GA (1.74 cm in average). )��U���1ĵ�R2р 2 0 obj Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) propagaciÓn clonal in vitro de patrones comerciales de aguacate ... multiplicaciÓn y enraizamiento in vitro de patrones comerciales de aguacate y su posterior aclimataciÓn in vitro. Propagación de aguacate EDUARDO CAMPOS ROJAS JUAN AYALA ARREOLA JORGE ANDRÉS AGUSTÍN ... aguacate encontrados en el Valle de Tehuacán en el Estado de Puebla, es de 8,000 años, antigüedad cercana a los 10,000 años del Hombre de Tepexpan, cuyos restos y los de algunos mamuts fueron encontrados en el Valle de México. �ċ���i6�4v�L�*��Gy��TƮRP��"U䒃'��� Subcultures in fresh medium were carried out every six weeks. is a plant species that belongs to the botanical family Lauraceae. Campus Medellín. Propagación clonal de aguacate Duke 7 (Persea americana Mill.) (AVOCADO CLONING) - Duration: 13 ... Cultivo in vitro y Biorreactores - Duration: 11:17. An important biotechnological tool is the in vitro techniques that have emerged to have achieve, among other things, selection of clonal multiplication material and to scale. Avances en la propagación in vitro de aguacate, por la Dra. All the statistical analyzes were carried out using the software R 3.1.2 R© Core Team 2014. Real decreto 929/1995 (anexo XI) y Real Decreto 234/2002, de 1 de marzo: Reglamento técnico de 2006 31 5. Table 1 Hormonal treatments evaluated for the induction of in vitro shoots, Table 2.Hormonal treatments evaluated in the MS and WPM basal culture means in the in vitro multiplication stage. (2009) . Differences among more than two groups were evaluated with the Kruskal-Wallis test or with an ANAVA in case of normality, followed by a Pairwise Wilcoxon Rank Sum or a Tukey HSD test, respectively, when at least one group was different (a < 0.05). La micropropagación es un sistema de propagación asexual, a partir de un segmento de una planta madre, que da como resultado la propagación masiva de plantas genéticamente idénticas, denominadas clones. Plant Biotechnology Laboratory. Likewise, and according to Zulfiqar et al. Campus Medellín. & Cham. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Agrícolas, 7(2), 337–347 & Cham. propagación de material elite de guanábano mediante el “Proceso para propagación clonal in vitro, empleando la microinjertación cíclica”. Although no significant differences for the height variables between treatments and control were found during the subculture stage, in this last one, explants reached a higher height in average, i.e. a total of 420 explants per replicate, as the essays were carried out by triplicate. es una importante fruta tropical, originaria del área de Mesoamérica. Revista mexicana de ciencias agrícolas, Jan 2015 Ivón Montserrat Cerda-Hurtado, Ma. Inducción in vitro de callogénesis y organogénesis indirecta a partir de explantes de cotiledón, hipocótilo y hoja en Ugni molinae . Agron Costarric, 13(1), 61-71. [ Links ], Received: Hass. Propagación de tejidos vegetales en cultivo in vitro. Multiplicación o reproducción de frutal in vitro Cultivo in vitro El cultivo in vitro es un método de propagación de plantas de aplicación profesional, puesto que se realiza en laboratorio, en unas condiciones estériles y con unas instalaciones especiales. Explantos juveniles de aguacate proliferan adecuadamente in vitro en presencia de 4,44 μM benciladenina; sin embargo, los explantos de origen adulto, obtenidos de … & Luan, V. (2008). 12 6.1.3. These results agree with what was reported for the "Duke 7" cultivar by Pullaz (2011), in relation to plants subject to total darkness. In the mesh house the plants were sown in individual pots (9 x 10 cm); plants were sown in a chopped mixture of peat, sand and Pinus patula bark (3:1:1) previously sterilized in autoclave. In vitro shoot induction in darkness condition. In total, 420 explants per replicate were evaluated; essays were carried out per triplicate and contamination percentage 15 days after planting was established. germoplasma y la propagación clonal; la selección del explante depende de los recursos y objetivos finales de la técnica. <>>> This high rooting percentage was obtained in the three subcultures with the treatment that had 1 mg.L-1 of BAP and 0.5 mg.L-1 of GA3 (Figure 1E). 3Universidad de Antioquia (UdeA). This research was carried out in the Plant Biotechnology laboratory of Corporación para Investigaciones Biológicas (CIB), Medellin, in the department of Antioquia (Colombia). descriptores. Campus Medellín. Se usaron arboles de dos a tres anos de Toona ciliata. propagaciÓn in vitro de persea americana a paritr de embriones sexuales en condiciones caseras y de laboratorio objetivos integrantes: arÉvalo maverick carriÓn belÉn galÁrraga andrÉs morales jocelyne prado david vega ivonne zapata ronald persea americana también conocida como cv. Furthermore, in some species it might be able to induce rejuvenation that is associated to plant capacity to produce roots (Ford, Taylor, Blake & Marks, 2002). drymifolia Schltdl. Finalmente durante el endurecimiento, se obtuvo un 82 % de supervivencia de las vitroplantas. [ Links ], Azofeifa, A. propagacion del aguacate. This growth inhibition is more severe in species that contain high levels of tannins or other hydroxyphenols. Nodal segments response to in vitro shoot induction. A. Problemas de oxidación y oscurecimiento de explantes cultivados in vitro. El aguacate pequeño y negro, nombrado a partir del empleado de correos Hass Rudolph quien lo patentó en 1935, representa el 80% de los aguacates cultivados comercialmente en Estados Unidos. PROPAGACIÓN IN VITRO DE CACTÁCEAS. The apical explants are not an explant to re commend in the multiplication phase since their height is restricted through the subcultures, on the contrary with the nodal segments a greater number of new shoots are obtained and a high percentage of rooting in the medium of culture added with BAP (1 mg.L-1) and GA3 (0.5 mg.L-1), making it possible to eliminate the phase of rooting in vitro. El explante más usado para los procesos de propagación in vitro son las yemas apicales y axilares de las plantas. 1Instituto de Investigaciones Químico-Biológicas, Universidad Michoacana de … Mayra Esparza de Fundación Produce Sinaloa. Unidad de Biotecnología Vegetal - UNALMED-CIB. In this study, high phenolization followed by necrosis in explants cultivated in MS medium show the influence of concentrations of mineral salts on explant response. Moreover, elongated buds reached an average height of 14.01 cm; on the contrary, plants maintained under photoperiod conditions only reached a height of 5.0 cm (p < 0.05). Peptone stimulates in vitro shoot and root regeneration of avocado (Persea americana Mill.). Establecimiento in vitro de Persea Americana Var. endobj Hass through morphogenesis Propagación in vitro de aguacate ( Persea americana Mill.) Palabras-clave: Endurecimiento; enraizamiento; etiolización; fotoperiodicidad; in vitro; invernadero; propagación vegetal. According to its genetic composition the species comprises four races with different origins: one comes from Mexico, a second one comes from Guatemala, a third one from the Antilles and the fourth one comes from Costa Rica. In this regard, there are very few reports that describe micropropagation of avocado plants until the hardening phase with high survival rates. cv. The response time for the induction of new shoots under in vitro conditions was variable; for the explants that came from darkness conditions it initiated after eight days (Figure 1C), while for the explants that came from photoperiod it began only after 20 days. [ Links ], Pullaz, D. (2011). In this study explants that were cultivated under photoperiod in greenhouse and maintained in vitro with the same light conditions, a higher phenolization percentage was found. cv. <> According to what Wessels (1996) reported for the "Duke 7" cultivar, etiolation was necessary for rooting to occur in 20 % of the plants. "Hass" is described, obtaining high percentage of plants adapted to ex vitro conditions. Physiol Plantarum, 15, 473-497. Plant Biotechnology Laboratory. Quito, Ecuador: Editorial Escuela Politécnica del Ejército. americana belonging to the Antillean race. California, USA: Avocado Society. 7869 - aguacate (arbol) La introducción in vitro de explantes apicales y segmentos nodales se realizó a partir de plantas madres injertadas. Medellin, Colombia. Avocado cv. Establecimiento in vitro de Aguacate (Persea americana - Zamorano Difference found in the number of new shoots induced can be explained by differences in the morphogenic potential, i.e. "Fuerte". Saneamiento y propagación El saneamiento in vitro de plantas madre de variedades vegetales seleccionadas permite la recuperación y posterior propagación de plantas sanas, libres de patógenos (virus, bacterias, hongos), los cuales causan una reducción del vigor y de la producción del cultivo. were maintained at a temperature of 21°C ± 1 with a photoperiod of 12 hours light; fluorescent white light lamps (Phillips TL5 14W/840) were used that gave an average light intensity of 32.43 μmol m-2 s-1. MICROPROPAGATION AND IN VITRO RESISTANCE TESTS AGAINST Phytophthora cinnamomi OF MEXICAN-RACE AVOCADO GENOTYPES MICROPROPAGACIÓN Y PRUEBAS DE RESISTENCIA IN VITRO A Phytophthora cinnamomi DE MATERIALES DE AGUACATE RAZA MEXICANA Culiacán, Sinaloa. Galería multimedia. El aguacate (Persea americana Mill.) Ventajas Competitivas: Reducción de tiempos y costes de multiplicación. Sin embargo, ten en cuenta que tu aguacate tardará un tiempo en comenzar a dar sus frutos … Effective control of phenolization in this last stage is achieved using the WPM basal medium instead of MS independent of the growth regulators used. Propagación clonal in vitro de patrones comerciales de aguacate Entrevista: Dr. Víctor Jímenez, B.Sc. On the other hand, significant differences in induction and plant growth stages of the new shoots under in vitro conditions were found, observing that under darkness conditions the highest height values were found. Maestría thesis, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León. In the in vitro avocado cultivation, the release of phenolic substances is common when the tissue is hurt; these oxidized compounds can inhibit the enzymatic activity and in occasions, these can be lethal for plant development. In each subculture new shoots were separated; these had to be larger or at least have the same size, i.e. La nochebuena (Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. New shoot formation was stimulated by making cuts on the leaves and on the apical meristem, and bending the branches to a horizontal position. [ Links ], Lloyd, G., & McCown, B. 4.1. No obstante, el uso de portainjertos de pie franco trae como inconveniente la segregación genética, porque el aguacate es una especie de fecundación cruzada, altamente heterocigótica y tiene semillas monoembriónicas. The relation between this growth regulator and rooting can involve factors as IAA biosynthesis stimulation or the polar transport of this hormone. Influences of exogenous sucrose on juvenile avocado during in vitro cultivation and subsequent ex vitro acclimatization.
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