For example, dogs with immune-mediated non-regenerative anemias often have high ANA titers (usually < 1:160), despite not having SLE. I have symptoms of aches and pain in my knees and my hands. Doctors give unbiased, helpful information on indications, contra-indications, benefits, and complications: Dr. Lawless on ana titer 1 160 speckled: If your previous CBC's have been okay, I'd address whether you are iron deficient (which seems likely) and if so why (your physician can address this with you), follow the very mild neutropenia (not a danger yet) and since the … There are people with a titer of 1:160 without any symptoms. My second round of tests did not show any positive's for lupus, rh or any other disease. I'm not anemic anymore. I was shocked when the same nurse called yesterday and said my ANA was positive, 1:160, HOMOGENOUS PATTERN. In order to understand the ANA blood test (antinuclear antibody test), it is important to first understand different types of antibodies. One of the criteria for lupus is a + ANA. Antinuclear antibodies (ANA) are a group of autoantibodies produced by a person's immune system when it fails to adequately distinguish between "self" and "nonself." ANA test detects antinuclear antibody that is associated with autoimmune disorders like lupus. My sed rate was 2 in july and 4 in Sept. C-T of chest showed granulomatous scarring with calcified lymph node in Bilateral hila and diffusely fatty liver. as in your case these are 1:160 this means that they are positive. Some labs will report any titer above 1:160 as positive. Due to the low prevalence of SLE (50 cases per 100,000 persons) in the general population, the majority of persons randomly discovered to have a positive ANA result do not have SLE. ... less than 5% of healthy people have a titer of 1:160 or higher. De nombreux types différents de protéines se trouvent dans le noyau, et ils peuvent tous être des cibles pour une […] FANA titer reading is determined by adding saline (salt water) to the liquid portion of the blood. I was shocked when the same nurse called yesterday and said my ANA was positive, 1:160, HOMOGENOUS PATTERN. With a nucleolar pattern to it, I would want to be tested for anti-Scl70 and anti-RNP, the first related to systemic sclerosis (scleroderma) and the second related to mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD). Your physician will interpret ANA results based on your clinical history. ANA react with components of the body's own healthy cells and cause signs and symptoms such as tissue and organ inflammation, joint and muscle pain, and fatigue. Le noyau est essentiellement le « centre cérébral » de n’importe quelle cellule du corps. The previous ANA test (back in early June 2010) came back positive, 1:160, fine speckled. ANA is a popular initial test to evaluate lupus. Interpretation guidelines for canine Antinuclear Antibody … smith, dna and "muscle" antibodies were normal. One multicenter study reported that 31.7% of normal individuals were ANA positive at 1:40 dilution, which was decreased to 13.3% at 1:80 and 5.0% at 1:160 dilution. homgenous pattern is seen is diseases like SLE, while spekled is more commonly seen in SLE, sjogren, scleroderma. Not yet, don't want to worry if - Answered by a verified Doctor Some people use the ANA titer to support an immune-mediated pathogenesis in a variety of other diseases. a titer of 1:160 is a titer above the normal range. An ana test performed on 7.19/09 showed Homogeneous pattern 1:80 and then on 9/2/09 the pattern was 1:160 with speckled 1:160 too. They usually don't consider this a definite diagnosis for SLE or other connective tissue disorder unless you have a characteristic symptom. Hi, I tested positive for ANA, it is 1:160 with a speckled and homogenous pattern. Le test ANA (anticorps anti-nucléaire) est un test sanguin qui recherche des anticorps dirigés contre les protéines présentes dans le noyau cellulaire. Now that was my GI doc interpreting the results because he was trying to figure out my unexplained anemia (iron and GI were ok). Hi, thanks for input, presence of more than 1:320 titers of ANA are considered as positive. Your level is considered clinically significant at 1:160. Antibodies are proteins produced by white blood cells, which normally circulate in the blood to defend against foreign invaders, such as … My ANA blood test came back positive 1:160 homogeneous pattern, what does this mean? when these both patterns are seen together means more chances of SLE, connective tissue disease. The ANA test detects these autoantibodies in the blood. Now that was my GI doc interpreting the results because he was trying to figure out my unexplained anemia (iron and GI were ok). I'm not anemic anymore.