Students can find Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts programs in international business.
The Bachelor in International Management program not only broadens and deepens the student‘s understanding and knowledge of business and management by its content but also strengthens communication, interpersonal and leadership skills through various associations and other collective undertakings. Profit and loss and balance sheet.
The Bachelor in International Management of Brest Business School readies you for your future career.
International Management, Bachelor of Science Overview International Management professionals apply their cross-cultural and global analytic skills to solving complex challenges facing businesses in a variety of industries in the global marketplace. Bachelor of International Business: Degree Overview.
Meldung; Full-Time Studies. Während der ersten drei Semester werden die Grundlagen des internationalen Managements vermittelt, z. Projects, excursions and lectures ensure a high practical relevance during the programme. Students attending international business schools learn about goods, services, management, finance, marketing, and the impact of national and international regulations on commerce and markets. Courses lay a foundation across key areas of business and build on that foundation with specialized courses in international business and management. International Management berufsbegleitend an der FOM im Präsenzstudium absolvieren! Das International Management Studium schafft die Grundlage für Deine internationale Karriere: Mit dem Mix aus Betriebswirtschaft, Unternehmensführung und Fremdsprachen strebst Du eine Führungsposition in großen Konzernen an. Learn to utilize your own expertise and academic knowledge in addition to building interpersonal and business skills. Home > Bachelor International Management.
Schiller International University. Bachelor of Arts in International Management: 3 study modells 1 School: Dual studies, fulltime studies, and distant studies. Der Studiengang International Management dauert 7 Semester und führt nach erfolgreichem Abschluss zu einem Bachelor in International Management. What Is International Management? Learn to utilize your own expertise and academic knowledge in addition to building interpersonal and business skills. You will progress at your own pace in a new and stimulating environment while developing your entrepreneurial spirit. AN INTERNATIONALLY-ORIENTED … With the Bachelor in International Management you will study to a high international standard with integrated practice-oriented content. »Der Bachelor-Studiengang ‚International Management‘ vereint für mich vieles: Das Studium vertieft mein Interesse an einer Tätigkeit in einem internationalen wie interkulturellem Umfeld und bestärkt mich in meinem Wunsch, mich den Herausforderungen der Globalisierung zu stellen.