A touch of Down Under in Mitte: enjoy cocktails, snacks and fresh salads, Australian-inspired dishes, steaks, pastas and desserts in a relaxed atmosphere. The Berlin Welcome Card is available as an online ticket and a printed ticket by mail or as a voucher.

Answer 1 of 9: Looking for peoples favorite restaurant experiences using the discount with the Berlin Welcome card ..we are going in February 2017 Answer 1 of 9: Looking for peoples favorite restaurant experiences using the discount with the Berlin Welcome card ..we are going in February 2017
Guide pour visiter, étudier, travailler et investir avec informations: hôtels, musées, attractions touristiques, culture, événements et plus. The Welcome Card cost me 36.50 euros. Mit der Berlin Welcome Card all inclusive haben Sie ganz Berlin in einer Card. Berlin isn't just about history though, as this young and vibrant city also has a lot to offer in terms of contemporary culture, restaurants and sporting activities. Was auch immer Sie in Berlin unternehmen, der offizielle City Pass öffnet Ihnen die Türen für einen komfortablen Urlaub: Eintrittspreise für Museen und Top-Sehenswürdigkeiten sind schon … The 48 hour and 72 hour versions of the Berlin WelcomeCard have a sliding validity period. The Berlin Welcome Card includes a travel ticket for the public transport service (such as bus & rail) and the Berlin Welcome Card guide. The 4, 5 & 6-day version is valid from the first calendar day of use until midnight of the last calendar day.

Genießen Sie Berlin von seiner komfortablen Seite mit der neuen Berlin Welcome Card all inclusive. The Welcome card with Museum island pass is not offered with the 5 day pass option - which is only € 30.90 , if you are only considering zone AB.

In … Las Malvinas - Steakhaus Restaurant Berlin, Berlin: "I was reading in the Berlin welcome card booklet..." | Check out answers, plus 793 unbiased reviews and candid photos: See 793 unbiased reviews of Las Malvinas - Steakhaus Restaurant Berlin, rated 4 of 5 on Tripadvisor and ranked #268 of 7,887 restaurants in Berlin. Alto Bar & Restaurant at Central Station. The difference between the 36.50 euro cost of the 5-day ABC Welcome Card, and the total of the single and day tickets you would need, is 16.30 euros, so if the places you listed were the only places you visited, you would not save money with the Welcome Card. During this visit, I went to a concert, a play, and two operas, as well as the Deutsche Guggenheim Museum, the Museum fur Naturkunde, and the Nolde Stifftung. On my last, 11-day, visit to Berlin earlier this month, I bought a 5-day, ABC Welcome Card and a 7-day card. Berlin Welcome Card, Berlin Pass + Other Discounts This post compares the Berlin Welcome Card, the Berlin Pass and several other tourist discount attraction passes available to you in Berlin, updated for 2020.

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