Never fear, you can simply sign up for a Rewards Account by clicking below. The Best Western Rewards Mastercard offers a decent bonus of up to 32,000 points—16,000 after making your first purchase with the card and a like amount after your first Best Western purchase. As a Best Western Rewards member you will get even more for your stays, like free room upgrades, early check-ins, late check-outs and much more as you work your way up our membership tiers. REWARDS MITGLIEDER SPAREN BIS ZU 10% FÜR IHRE AUFENTHALTE! Was Euch erwartet und welche Statuslevel es gibt, zeigen wir Euch in diesem Guide. All members start out with Blue status, which includes benefits such as points that don't expire, no blackout dates on award bookings, … Best Western Rewards® premia i clienti fedeli con differenti livelli di associazione: Blue, Gold, Platinum, Diamond e Diamond Select, ciascuno con diversi benefits. Best Western Points Status Calculator. Perché iscriverti a Best Western Rewards®? Bin im August im Best Western Bergamo gebucht und The Best Western Rewards program offers five levels of elite status to earn based on total qualifying stays or points earned. Ne vom potrivi statutul de ELITE în orice alt program de loialitate al hotelului, GRATUIT. Ihre Vorteile Profitieren Sie von zahlreichen Vorteilen rund um Ihren Hotelaufenthalt . For assistance with your Best Western Rewards® account, please contact a Customer Service Representative in your Country of residence. If you are a member of Best Western Rewards who has earned Platinum, Diamond, or Diamond Select elite level status, you are now eligible to receive a discount of ten percent off of the redemption of points for free nights only at hotel and resort properties in the United States and Canada in the form of a rebate back to your account for ten percent of the required redemption amount. Best Western Rewards® a fost clasificat drept unul dintre cele mai bune programe de loialitate de trei ani la rând! Um ihren ELITE-Status aus einem anderen Hotelprogramm zu übernehmen, füllen Sie bitte das folgende Formular aus und senden es ein. Best Western Rewards announced its Covid-19 reservations and elite status response two weeks ago (read more here). Now, Best Western has decided to rewards Front Line Heroes by giving them an elite status or by upping their existing one. Moin zusammen, für die Best Western Vielübernachter sicher leicht zu beantworten. Get. Now that you're aware of the benefits that comes with Best Western Elite Status, lets focus on the point bonus.