Wellgunde (a Rhine daughter) - soprano. The unsullied enchantment of E-flat major harmonies in the initial bars of Das Rheingold doesn’t last very long. Das Rheingold. Text in PDF-Format. Alberich (king of the Nibelungs) - bass-baritone. Conductor: Pierre Boulez. In this world, nature is violated, and laws are ignored. Heia jaheia! Wotan (ruler of the gods) - … Director: Patrice Chéreau. Das Rheingold. Die drei Rheintöchter (zusammen das Riff anmutig umschwimmend) Heia jaheia! Um den gleißenden Tand, der Tiefe entwandt, erklang mir der Töchter Klage: an dich, Wotan, wenden sie sich, daß zu Recht du zögest den Räuber, Mit wachsender Wärme. Cast includes: Donald McIntyre (Wotan), Gwyneth Jones (Brünnhilde), Manfred Jung (Siegfried), Peter Hofmann (Siegmund). das Rheingold da raubte sich rächend der Dieb: das dünkt ihm nun das teuerste Gut, hehrer als Weibes Huld. Addeddate 2011-05-13 19:21:34 Bookplateleaf 0004 Call number b2472161 Camera Canon 5D External-identifier urn:oclc:record:1042897365 Foldoutcount Libretto Das Rheingold - PDF. “ Das Rheingold ” by Richard Wagner libretto (English German) Woglinde (a Rhine daughter) - soprano. Although 'Das Rheingold' comes first in the sequence of 'Ring' operas, it was the last to be conceived. Instead, a world comes into being; a world that fifteen hours of music later will be unable to stave off its own downfall. Wonnige Spiele spenden wir dir: DAS RHEINGOLD Vorabend zu dem Bühnenfestspiel Der Ring des Nibelungen. Helmut Pitsch. Das Rheingold received its premiere at the National Theatre in Munich on 22 September 1869, with August Kindermann in the role of Wotan, Heinrich Vogl as Loge, and Karl Fischer as Alberich. Heia jahei! Greed, power and malediction are the order of the day. Wagner wanted this opera to be premiered as part of the entire cycle, but was forced to allow the performance at the insistence of his patron King Ludwig II of Bavaria. Published on the 17 of September, 2015 Das Rheingold - De Nederlandse Opera. Wagner's plans for the cycle grew backwards from the tale of the death of the hero Siegfried, to include his youth and then the story of the events around his conception and of how the Valkyrie Brünnhilde was punished for trying to save his parents against Wotan's instructions. Das Rheingold at the Ruhrtriennale. Flosshilde (a Rhine daughter) - mezzo-soprano. Um den gleißenden Tand, der Tiefe entwandt, erklang mir der Töchter Klage: an dich, Wotan, wenden sie sich, daß zu Recht du zögest den Räuber, Mit wachsender Wärme. Published on … Das Rheingold (L’oro del reno) prologo della sagra scenica Der Ring des Nibelungen, in quattro scene libretto e musica di Richard Wagner Prima rappresentazione assoluta: Monaco, Königliches Hof- und Nationaltheater, 22 settembre 1869 Editore proprietario Schott Music, Mainz September 1869, München. Fricka (goddess of marriage) - mezzo-soprano. Helmut Pitsch. The complete centennial Bayreuth production filmed in 1980. Dateigrösse: 60 Seiten. Leuchtende Lust, wie lachst du so hell und hehr! 2016 Wiener Staatsoper Richard Wagner.