War - Drake ️ lyrics, letra, cancion, songtekst, text, lirik, текст песни, testi, lletra, paroles de chanson, tekst piosenki, mele, letra da música, versuri AXL (AXL), AXL (AXL), AXL (AXL) Woi-oi Ayy. War Song Detail. War song lyrics are written by Drake. Written by: AXL Beats & Drake. War Lyrics. AXL (AXL), AXL (AXL), AXL (AXL) Woi-oi Ayy. War Lyrics-Drake “War” AXL (AXL), AXL (AXL), AXL (AXL) Woi-oi, ayy. War Lyrics – Drake: From his album, Dark Lane Demo Tapes with produced music of JB Made It which written by Sosa Geek, Fivio Foreign, JB Made It Made It with him & he releasing this on 1 May 2020 with the other 14 songs with various artists. I don't cop things for resale, don't do iCloud, don't do email Feds wanna tap up man and wire up man like Chubbs did Detail Back when Ricky was doin' up Teesdale, I was doin' dinner with Teezy War Lyrics by Drake is latest English song with music given by Him. On February 4, 2020, New York artist Sosa Geek teased a collaboration with Drake via his story on his verified Instagram account, where he previewed a small snippet of the track War Lyrics. Introduction: Drake War Lyrics Drake had disclosed supporting visuals on the 24th of December 2019 which is embedded below. War – Drake Lyrics, Letra: Intro AXL (AXL), AXL (AXL), AXL (AXL) Woi-oi, ayy. War is a song interpreted by Drake, released on the album Dark Lane Demo Tapes in 2020. War lyrics. The video portrays Drake at a snowy cliff with several partners which means there is a cold side of the OVO team together and nothing can break them apart. AXL (AXL), AXL (AXL), AXL (AXL) Woi-oi Ayy. Singer: Drake Composer: Drake Lyrics by: Drake.

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