Solutions for industrial automation | Holistic automation for machinery and equipment | Scalable software and hardware | Find out more today This event is directed at veterinarians who practice in the farm animal and small pet segment, veterinary medicine professionals in the public veterinary system, and veterinary scientists. Trade Fairs in Germany. These links offer you useful and amusing information on dates and products, travel, accommodation and entertainment. – 2016 | 08 | 19 – Einhorn Open Air – Leipzig – 2016 | 07 | 29 – Zilp Zalp Festival – Berndorf/Leipzig – 2016 | 07 | 01 – Elipamanoke – Leipzig With an average 40-45 exhibitors and approximately 600 participants, the International Automobil-Elektronik Kongress in Ludwigsburg is considered one of the most important conventions for the branch. 14.08.2012. dpa. 01/16 - 01/18/2020 | Leipziger Messe The Leipzig Veterinary Congress is the most-visited and most diverse professional education event for veterinary medicine in the German-speaking region. Contact Person. Further information can be found in our Privacy Policy at the end of this page. If you continue to surf the site, you consent to the use of cookies. Nicolai von Gratkowski. Service & Support. Mit einem positiven Ergebnis von 12.260 Besuchern endeten am Freitag die efa und die parallel stattfindende HIVOLTEC. Hervorragende Stimmung, sehr gute Ergebnisse (20.09.2019) Drei Tage lang drehte sich auf der Leipziger Messe alles um Innovationen und wegweisende Technologien der Elektro- und Gebäudetechnik. Make use of this opportunity to establish important contacts in direct dialogues with participants and speakers! Anuga. +49 (0) 8707 9200 Deutsche Messe uses cookies in order to adapt the website to your needs as best as possible. The world’s leading food industry fair opens its doors in Cologne every two years to give trade visitors an overview of the latest developments in food and beverages. Anuga revolves around creature comforts. Service Worldwide; Service worldwide; Support Center; Distributors in Europe
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