by Sundus B. February 27, 2019. Famous Quotes IN German. (Schiller) Ach, wie glücklich sind die Todten – Ah, how happy are the dead! Personally, one of the biggest reasons why I love quotes is because of … Inspirational Quotes About Life and Success. My undergraduate degrees were in Music and German, and I’d always thought I’d get a job singing in Germany. 1879-1955) Similar Quotes. Brought to you by GermanPod101. German phrases, words, mottos, and quotes in heraldry, and popular use (with translations) Ach, die Weld is Sterbenden so süss – Ah, the world is so sweet to the dying! I mean someone did “quote” these words for a reason :). Get the translations, sample sentences, and more audio lessons inside. Quotes by Germans from BrainyQuote, an extensive collection of quotations by famous authors, celebrities, and newsmakers. Obsessed with travel? Dec 6, 2016. Photo: sebaso. Ellen Rabiner. MY FIRST TRIP TO GERMANY was courtesy of my law school, which gave me the opportunity to apply for a summer job in Hamburg. Quotes are very powerful. But I was in law school, so I took the law … Learn the top 10 German quotes about family. (Schiller) Affen bleiben Affen, wenn man sie auch in Sammet kleidet – Apes are still apes, though you clothe them in velvet Alle Länder … For more precise results use top quotes filters below. On the surface, they are just a bunch of words but when you ponder over them they reveal powerful ideas that resonate with your very core. I’ve also compiled a free e-book of quotes that you can get by clicking the link. 55 Powerful Short Quotes & Sayings About Life . Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921. Discover unique things to do, places to eat, and sights to see in … If you are looking for another way to stay motivated in life, be sure to … 10 extraordinarily useful German phrases. I’ve compiled a list of some of the best motivational quotes so you can start the year by taking control of your thoughts, thinking positively and setting new goals. About: Life quotes, Education quotes… “Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death” Albert Einstein quotes (German born American Physicist who developed the special and general theories of relativity. Learn German with famous German quotes and sayings. Self care and ideas to help you live a healthier, happier life. To illustrate the grammar units of our Advanced German lessons we have collected famous quotes and sayings from all over the world.. Browse our collection of quotations. Famous german quotes Showing top results. German Author Quotes from BrainyQuote, an extensive collection of quotations by famous authors, celebrities, and newsmakers.