5.5m Followers, 37 Following, 140 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Bill Gates (@thisisbillgates) By Bill and Melinda Gates. She is the only woman in FIDE’s Top 100 list, where she ranks number 63 on the list. IQ-Werte von Stephen Hawking und Bill Gates. Yes, assuming this was from a verified test (not an internet-only test). IQ 170: Paul Allen (1953-2018) Amerikaanse investeerder en weldoener. Bill Gates shows Charlie Rose his collection of rare scientific documents from famous inventors, and weighs in on the question of why so many of … Gates went on to add, "The brain is like a muscle, you got to work it out and use supplements just like body builders use, but for your brain, and that’s exactly what I’ve been doing to enhance my mental capabilities." 5 books to enjoy this winter. Mark Zuckerberg IQ is estimated at 152, which is considered as a genius and in top 0.1% of the population in the world. 170 [BILL GATES IQ AND 7 THINGS PEOPLE DO NOT KNOW] Mark Zuckerberg's IQ is 152. Beantwortet 08.09.2019. Liz Scharf, Schülerin, man lernt nie aus. Boy, 4, who is so clever he started school two years early now has same IQ as Einstein, Bill Gates and Stephen Hawking. But that wasn't enough for Sherwyn Sarabi, who is now being compared to Albert Einstein, Bill Gates and Stephen Hawking after recording an IQ score of 160. 1 Piece of Advice Bill Gates Would Give His Younger Self ... Bill Gates didn't have to scratch his head long to come up with an answer. A father-daughter team is working to reduce child mortality in Bangladesh. Het IQ is geschat. Sherwyn Sarabi achieved an IQ score of 160 - the highest possible Bill Gates’ wife, Melinda Gates, was born Melinda Ann French to Ray French and Elaine French in Dallas, Texas August 15, 1964.She has an … Laut dieser IQ-Liste hatte Albert Einstein einen IQ von 160 und Goethe sogar 183. In an interview with Anderson Cooper, Bill Gates said that his brain is sharper than ever, more clear and focused and he credits a large part to using Intell X Pro. This Is the No. Judit Polgar also became the youngest Grandmaster at the age of 15 and still holds that record. IQ 180: Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) Italiaanse astronoom. Einstein's IQ was around 160 Bill Gates has an IQ of approx. What I’m thinking about this New Year’s Eve. Judit Polgar (IQ Level- 170) She is the greatest female chess player according to many. Aktualisieren Abbrechen. Wie hoch ist der IQ von Bill Gates? Alleged to have nabbed a perfect 1600 on the pre-1995 SAT, Allen beat out his Microsoft partner Bill Gates by 10 points, and according to the Megafoundation is reputed to have an IQ of 160. Hij richtte met Bill Gates Microsoft op en staat 55e op de lijst van de rijksten der aarde. Legde de grondslag voor de moderne astronomie met zijn inzicht dat de planeten om de zon draaien. At the age of four, he's already been made a member of Mensa and achieved fame for his intellect. Bill Gates, IQ > 170 Albert Einstein, IQ approx 160 or slightly higher. February 10, 2020. 5.5m Followers, 37 Following, 140 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Bill Gates (@thisisbillgates) 1 Antwort. In dieser IQ Liste sind überwiegend bereits verstorbene Personen, wie etwa Albert Einstein oder Johann Wolfgang von Goethe vertreten.