Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil : Aquamarine was reportedly discovered in São Tomé in 1953 by J.R. Sauer. Juli 2019 auf 11.377.239 Einwohner … In this active Brazilian excursion, you'll travel from Rio de Janeiro to Angra dos Reis, a coastal region famous for Ilha Grande, the largest of 365 islands in the area. Researcher develops fungi-based dye for leather. Project aims to collaborate with the conservation and the study of the historical and cultural patrimony of the State of Rio Grande do Sul and, with the aid of 3D printing, make the works accessible to people with visual impairment. The city is surrounded by Dune State Park. Escape the bustle at secluded Pipa and Pirangi beaches or live it up at Genipabu and Tibau do Sul. Gateway to the stunning beaches of Rio Grande do Norte, the city of Natal is perched on Brazil's Atlantic coast, at the mouth of the Potengi River. Jan 29, 2020 12:55 PM. Rio Grande : Lokalisering Rio Grande : Land Brasilien, Land Rio Grande do Sul. Go on a buggy ride over 30-foot sand dunes or tour the dunes on a dromedary tour. Rio Grande do Sul [ʁiw ˈɡɾɐ̃dʒ du suw], amtlich portugiesisch Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, ist der südlichste der 27 Bundesstaaten in Brasilien und gliedert sich in 496 Gemeinden (municípios).Die Bevölkerungszahl wurde zum 1. Even though Torres is the top choice when it comes to beaches in Rio Grande do Sul, many people from the state head to Santa Catarina to soak up some sun, which leaves Torres still flying under the radar.