These areas must be adapted to the needs of modern logistics in terms of capacity and must provide for a safe and secure environment with adequate rest facilities for drivers and their cargo. Not only find available truck parking areas but also parking spaces that match your requirements. We are here to help you keep your driver and cargo safe and secure. Parking areas may be selected by available features, such as 24/24 guard, fences, flood-light, video, lorry repair, hotel, restaurant, or medical assistance (DocStop). Truck Parking Europe, kostenlose Plattform für Lkw-Parkmöglichkeiten wird um eine Reservierungsfunktion erweitert. Photo: Truck Parking Europe For truckers on the road, finding a secure truck parking spot has long remained an inconvenience. Der Fahrer kann eine ruhige Nacht verbringen und das Fahrzeug sowie die Ware des Kunden sind sicher abgestellt. - free app (iOS/Android) for truckers with over 37.000 truck parking areas, truck stops and spots. Sufficient parking areas along the European road transport network are needed to allow drivers to rest. Nous proposons aux chauffeurs un moyen facile de trouver une place de parking à proximité. The app shows vacant spots and allows for reporting their occupancy. • Auditing responsibilities and guidelines to ensure reliability. TRANSPark is a free mobile and web app to help you find over 20,000 secure parking areas and fuel stations in 60+ countries for lorries along your itinerary, a one-stop shop. Řidič . Sie können nicht nur verfügbare LKW-Parkplätze finden, sondern auch andere Parkmöglichkeiten, die Ihren Anforderungen entsprechen. Driver. Sie planen Ihre nächste Reise im Inland oder international? Find parking on your route. How can I contact Truck Parking Europe via e-mail or phone? You can always drop us a note via e-mail or give us a call during opening hours. Via Truck Parking Europe you can buy virtual objects which can be used in the app, for which your personal data are necessary to handle and register your orders. Mit einem Fingerschnippen. Truck Parking Europe over 34.000 parking locations and truck stops, we provide you with the option to "Book and Pay" for certain safe and secure truck parking areas (SSTPA). - free app (iOS/Android) for truckers with over 37.000 truck parking areas, truck stops and spots. Contact us We are here to help you find a safe and secure parking location across Europe. We need this data because of our agreement with you. Simplify your daily search for parking facilities; find parking for your truck on the fly. Tous les emplacements pour camions, parkings et aires de repos sont réunis en une seule application pour les chauffeurs de camions. En perpétuelle évolution et reposant sur la communauté elle-même, la base de données des emplacements de stationnement contient aussi bien les emplacements de stationnement officiels pour camions, en bord …