Please check KLIPS for the dates of the second ‘Belegphase’ and the ’Restplatzvergabe’. E-mail: Phone: +49 (0)221 / 470-76312 (9 - 10 am, Henrike Bassenge) Consultation hours Application, Admission and Enrolment Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 10 am - 12.30 pm Wednesday: 4 pm - 6 pm or by individual appointment: international-masters-students In the SSC (Student Service Center) ground-floor Mentoring … Postfach 10 19 42 / 50459 Köln Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 21 50669 Köln Tel. Study Coordination: International Coordination: Study Coordinator: Vera Häckel: International Coordinator: Dr. Sabine Hübner-Monien, PhD: Freshmen Counseling Until 15 June 2020 you may interrupt editing your online application, save it and continue at a later date. Sie studieren bereits Economics - Master of Science und möchten sich über Einzelheiten Ihres Master-Studiums informieren? Mehr als 178 Studiengänge werden von 540 Professoren betreut. Online Application Platform. Costs & Financing. uni-assist. Unser Angebot – Ihre Wahl Unternehmensberatung oder eher Wirtschaftsprüfung? 0221 / 4981 774 kolev(at) 02 Apr 2020 Repair instead of renew: damaged powerhouses of cells have their own ‘workshop mode’ 01 Apr 2020 Acute brain injury – New finding reveals a crucial role of glial cells in enabling vascular remodelling Queries on the application process: You can finde more information about our programmes as well as the application and admission procedure on our website. Die Uni Bonn gehört laut THE Ranking zu den 100 besten Unis der Welt und überzeugt besonders in den Naturwissenschaften und Philosophie. KLIPS-Belegphase. These changes are subject to the condition that your application is submitted to the MIM Master Application Portal of the University of Cologne and - if you have a non-German bachelor‘s degree - to uni-assist by 31 March 2020. Vielleicht streben Sie eine Karriere im Personalmanagement an oder wollen ein Startup gründen? ... You are required to apply to uni-assist. Womöglich liegen Ihnen aber auch Online-Marketing und Produktmanagement? Organise your Stay in Cologne Immigration & Residence. The organization into modules allows a flexible curriculum, matching each participant's scientific background. Die Mitschriften AG ist eine ehrenamtliche Organisation der WiSo-Fachschaft der Universität zu Köln und vertreibt Mitschriften aus Vorlesungen und Übungen der wirtschafts- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Fächer Dann sind Sie bei uns an der WWU genau richtig! Kolev, Dr. Galina Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft Köln e.V. In case of technical problems please contact our Admissions Office. In case of technical problems please contact our Admissions Office. Application Procedure for Non-EU-Citizens Studienstart International integrale. Press Releases. All applicants for a master study place in Business Administration, Economics, Health Economics, Information Systems, Political Science as well as Sociology and Social Research including our Double Master’s Programmes (DMP) must submit their application via this portal. Once you have created an account, you will receive an email to verify that the email address provided is working. Please follow the processing instructions in this email. Please Note: This degree course scheme is a full time study program.In the first year the program is organized in blocks of full day courses (subject modules) which run from October to February and from April to July and flexible time-blocks for self-study and self-organized modules.The second year is self-organized and full time. Please use also the numerous tips and hints in the FAQ section.. For further questions on the application process, please contact our WiSo Student Service Point. 1) Admission tests: You can send your test result to wiso-zulassung[at] until 15 April 2020. Kotzorek, Dr. Andreas Geschäftsführer Industrie- und Handelskammer Cottbus Goethestr.