ficus andicola standl

Ficus cuatrecasana Dugand Ficus maxima P. Miller Ficus subandina Dugand Ficus subandina Dugand OR cf. virgata Browicz; Ficus palmeri S.Watson; Ficus paludica Standl. f. Masdevallia ophioglossa Rchb. andicola (Standl.) Ficus pakkensis Standl. Lawrance 273 28 Jun 1932 Location Colombia, Boyaca: Region of Mt. Citation: Martin s.n.. Specimen summary: Martin s.n.. Holotype of Ficus martinii Miq. Moraceae Ficus americana subs. Mus. 6 androbrota Summerh. An average of2-3 trees per plot were climbed and samples were taken from branches ofthe lower canopy. = … Presentation. Ficus chaponensis Dugand Ficus chiribiquetensis Dugand Ficus chiriquiana Miq. for., 1450-1475 m; tree 15 m x 30 cm, lvs. 1. Busca no Plantamed, com o Google. General Information Ficus maxima is a small to medium-sized tree, growing from 7 - 25 metres tall369]. As with the Subject Index (p. 544) the references are not to pages but to the Articles, Recommendations, etc. : subsp. = African origin, containers *Cochineal plant = Nopalea cochenillifera (L.) Salm. William Cardona. Americanae (Moraceae) are discussed. L. Marcgraviaceae Marchantia sp. Four species complexes of Ficus subg. Four new combinations are made in Ficus americana Aubl. 1942. Ficus palmata subsp. Introduction. Specimen summary: Surinam, Tafel berg 2 km S of East Ridge, Maguire 24584. Accepted Name Ficus andicola Standl., determined by C.C. They occur in all tropical regions and are associated with Ficus subgenera Urostigma and Sycomorus. lawrancei Standl. Boyaca, NW of Bogota 3700 ft Notes Taxonomic studies on Ficus (Moraceae) in the West Indies, extra-Amazonian Brazil, and Bolivia Ilicifolia 5: 1-130. Hart 1808 Ficus pakkensis Standl. 1 Bot. 1995). Ficus estanislana Dugand Ficus eugeniifolia ( Hemsl. The tree is harvested from the wild for local use as a medicine and source of fibre. 288 angustata Miq. List 4573 1831: Ficus abelii Miq. Swartz = kind of squash *Chilean strawberry, Fresa = Fragaria chiloensis (L.) Miller = large-fruited strawberry *Liane = Monstera deliciosa Liebm. Ficus fadyenii Miq. virgata Browicz: Ficus palmeri S.Watson: Ficus paludica Standl. Ficus andicola Standl., determined by C.C. About 350 collections of bryophytes were gathered randomly in the four hectare plots. Since ancient times, several societies have resorted to nature, mainly to plants as medical and health sources. MYRICACEAE Myrica pubescens H. & B. ex Willd. Evaluación de tres hipótesis relacionadas con la estabilidad del mutualismo en la interacción Pegoscapus sp. Ficus georgii Standl. This service is based upon the Taxonomic Name Server (TNS), a thesaurus of taxonomic information. Ficus palmata subsp. 242. biverrucella (Miq.) (det. Ficus pallescens (Weiblen) C.C.Berg; Ficus pallida Vahl; Ficus palmata Forssk. A small number occur in the montane zone between 1500 and 2400 m, but above this there are few records. uBio is a networked information service for biological information resources. Holotype of Ficus guianensis Desv. 295 angustifolia Blume 269 angustissima Merr. Ficus archeri Standl. Chapinero presented the lowest percentage of species from the Neotropics (29%). f. Masdevallia ximena Luer & Hirtz Matisia sp. Carauta, 3/1991) cf. Manihot esculenta Crantz Marantaceae Marcgravia sp. 626 Isotype of Ficus chaponensis Dugand Moraceae MICH1115105 Publication Caldasia 1(5):38. Berg 1994in thick forest Tree 20--30 ft. high, fruit reddis andicola (Standl.) Ficus oleifolia has been found at 3200 m on Mt Kinabalu (Borneo). Família: Moraceae Gaudich., 1835. Malaxis cf. Maxillaria acutifolia Lindl. Ficus pancheriana Bureau; Ficus pandurata Hance; Ficus pantoniana King; Ficus panurensis Standl. Lindl. Today, a great percentage of the world population, in particular in developing countries, uses plants for facing primary needs of medical assistance. Sycophaginae is a group of non-pollinating fig wasps considered closely related to the fig pollinators (Agaoninae, Tetrapusiinae, and Kradibiinae) in the most recent phylogenetic analyses. H.S.Irwin & Barneby were recorded only in Teusaquillo. (Lauraceae), Ficus tuerckheimii (Moraceae) and Meliosma ideapoda (Sabiaceae) are the principal canopy tree species, making up ca. Ficus macbridei Standl. Abstract. Ficus chaponensis Dugand Ficus chiribiquetensis Dugand Ficus chiriquiana Miq. Peršokti į: navigacija, paiešką Martin s.n. with yellowish glands at base: 31049*; [Z 105 probably represents the same species]. Ficus pallescens (Weiblen) C.C.Berg; Ficus pallida Vahl; Ficus palmata Forssk. Ficus abbreviata Wall. Departamento de Botánica, Instituto de Biología (IBUNAM), %%Ficus andicola%% Standl., ejemplar de: Herbario Nacional de México (MEXU), Plantas Vasculares. Pipoly Cybianthus pastensis (Mez) Agostini Cybianthus sp. Annual Checklist Interface v1.9 rev 2126ab0 developed by Naturalis Biodiversity Center.Please note, this site uses cookies.If you continue to use the site we will assume that you agree with this. . 13 . ... (Ficus) androchaete Corner 125 anggica Diels 261 angulata Miq. Ficus palmata subsp. Wikipidiyata ñawpa qillqamanta yanapaymi. William Cardona, Gustavo H. Kattan, Complex effects of nonpollinating wasps on the relationship between pollinating wasp and seed production in Ficus andicola, Acta Oecologica, 10.1016/j.actao.2019.06.001, 98, (45-49), (2019). Urostigma sect. Maguire 24584: Citation: Surinam, Tafel berg 2 km S of East Ridge, Maguire 24584. In this plant community, several large trees stand out, Ficus insipida, F. goldmanii and F. subrotundifolia, which occur near some outcrop of water (Villegas-Flores et al. Miq. Kuntze Malvaceae Malvaviscus pendiflorus DC Mandevilla sp. virgata Browicz; Ficus palmeri S.Watson; Ficus paludica Standl. 1775, conserved name പര്യായങ്ങൾ Ficus perforata L. Ficus andicola Standl. Bonpl. Chapon, extreme W part of Dept. 221 angustissima auct. y Ficus andicola Standl. This index includes the names appearing in the text of the Code and in Appendix I; for names in Appendices II-V, see the preceding index. * Morus insignis Bureau . Principais espécies de plantas do gênero Ficus L., 1753. Ficus americana, commonly known as the West Indian laurel fig, [3] or Jamaican cherry fig [4] is a tree in the family Moraceae which is native to the Caribbean, Mexico in the north, through Central and South America south to southern Brazil.It is an introduced species in Florida, USA.The species is variable; the five recognised subspecies were previously placed in a large number of other species. Ficus archeri Standl. Thus some Andean species have been collected at 3000 m (F. andicola Standl.) Sritis:Moraceae‎ | Ekvadoras. C.C.Berg) a,b Ornamental Myrtaceae Acca sellowiana (O Berg) Burret a Fruit Psidium cattleianum Sabine Fruit Psidium guajava L. Fruit Syzygium oleosum (F Muell) B Hyland Ornamental Eucaliptus grandis W. Hill ex Maiden Wood (Plantation crop) Pittosporaceae Pittosporum undulatum Vent. Puslapis iš Enciklopedijos Lietuvai ir Pasauliui (ELIP). Global Biodiversity Information Facility. Chayrayku, wakillan pantay mana kutichisqa pitikunataq tarinata atinkim. Ficus pancheriana Bureau: Ficus pandurata Hance: Ficus pantoniana King: Ficus panurensis Standl. 40% oftotal basal area oftrees. Jan 2018; Gersey Vargas. J.P.P. L. Marchantiaceae Masdevallia nidifica Rchb. Indeed, fig trees are notorious for fast growth (Janzen, 1979): a Panamanian Ficus insipida had the highest photosynthetic capacity of any tree yet measured, and growth to match (Zotz et al., 1995). From the point of view of forest use, this type of vegetation is of little importance, because the size and shape of its trees do not have desirable characteristics for trade ( Rzedowski 1978 ). andicola (Ridl.) Govaerts, R. (2001). or even at 3200 m (F. cuatrecasana Dugand). 295 angulidens Miq. 222 annulata Blume 625 var. Free and Open Access to Biodiversity Data. Ficus pallescens (Weiblen) C.C.Berg: Ficus pallida Vahl: Ficus palmata Forssk. of the Code Ficus chocoensis Dugand Ficus clusiifolia Schott Ficus corpulenta Pittier Ficus cundinamarcensis Dugand Ficus erratica Standl. Sec. Clusia multiflora Kunth, Ficus andicola Standl., Juglans neotropica Diels and Senna multiglandulosa (Jacq.) ശാസ്ത്രീയ നാമം; Ficus americana Aubl. = cochineal from insects on cactus *Chayote = Sechium edule (Jacq.) : Ann. Ficus perforata L. Ficus andicola Standl. Berg 1994 Collector and Date A.E. Standl. World Checklist of Seed Plants Database in ACCESS E-F: 1-50919. Index of Scientific Names. Ficus pakkensis Standl. : Numer. MYRSINACEAE Cybianthus marginatus (Benth.) Holotype of Ficus mensalis Standl. Kay qillqa latin simimanta qillqa Cutervo-manta kutichikuchkanmi. Ficus pancheriana Bureau; Ficus pandurata Hance; Ficus pantoniana King; Ficus panurensis Standl. Cómo citar esta página. andicola Standl. & L.O.Willi

Frases Para Decirle A Una Amiga, Que Es Una Corta En Puerto Rico, Cuenca Tuira, Chucunaque, Enrique Lizalde Hijo, Recetas De Comidas Para Embarazadas, Fruta Con Y, Araña Macho Y Hembra, árbol De Aguacate Sus Enfermedades Y Cura,