THE EFFECTS OF DECRIMINALIZATION OF DRUG USE IN PORTUGAL The Beckley Foundation Drug Policy Programme (BFDPP, is a non-governmental initiative dedicated to providing a rigorous independent review of the effectiveness of national and international drug policies. Here in the U.S., we have heard the phrase “War on Drugs” for more than 40 years. The Portuguese policy of decriminalization of the ‘consumption, acquisition, and the possession for personal use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances’ is known in the entire world as one of the most successful policies of its kind. 1 May 2013. Prescription drugs are covered either through a health plan’s pharmacy or medical benefit. Drug policy profiles • Portugal Though drug policy was not high on the agenda, political debates and changes to the legislation in the post-revolution period focused on: the need to adapt services; the provision of scientific research and data for supporting drug policy decision-making; The foundation for the strategy is the Healthy Ireland Framework. The policy saw the status of using or possessing drugs … Portugal's location on the south-western border of Europe makes it a gateway for drug trafficking. This placement is based upon the substance’s medical use, potential for abuse, and safety or dependence liability. How was Portugal’s drugs policy formed? Benefit definition is - something that produces good or helpful results or effects or that promotes well-being : advantage. According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, “Portugal’s policy has reportedly not led to an increase in drug tourism. When Portugal decriminalized all illegal drugs in 2000, officials hoped to reduce addiction rates and drug-related violence. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services . Content. Some idea Lisbon would turn into a drug traveler asylum, others anticipated use rates among young people to surge. The chapter then considers Portugal's drug framework and the circumstances that led to its implementation. Before 2001 Portugal confined around 100,000 drug users. In 1999, after the approval of a national strategy to combat drugs and drug addiction, the Portuguese government issued Law No. LISBON, Portugal – These days, Casal Ventoso is an ordinary blue-collar community — … July 13, 2016. In Europe, the case is no different. Now, with a decade of experience, Portugal provides a valuable case study of how decriminalization coupled with evidence-based strategies can reduce drug consumption, dependence, recidivism, and HIV infection, … The United States is at a crossroads in its drug policy. How was Portugal’s drugs policy formed? Thus decreasing the spread of HIV and other blood-borne diseases amongst drug users (Miron, 2014). Although both Portugal and Mexico decided to explore drug decriminalization, as a result of their divergent drug legislation, the systems in each country are remarkably different. Drug Policy and the incarceration of low-level drug offenders is the primary cause of mass incarceration in the United States. Then Portugal changed course and took a radical step, eliminating criminal penalties for drug use and possession and making a commitment to provide treatment to all who want it. : 10%. For insured persons up to age 30, up to 420 days; if aged 31 to 39, up to 660 days; if aged 40 to 44, up to 840 days; if older than age 45, 1,140 days. Europe, to ease drug policies, when it passed a bill decriminalizing the possession of small amounts of drugs. When deciding coverage, the member specific benefit plan document must be referenced as the terms of the member specific benefit plan may differ from the standard plan. The Drug War is a failure only if the state exists to serve you. Plan And Develop A Clear And Comprehensive Drug-Free Workplace Policy The first step in becoming a carrier certified workers' compensation drug-free workplace will be to plan, organize and develop your drug-free workplace policy. Becker and Murphy (2013) argue that an alternative to the “war on drugs” policy declared by the U.S. is to follow Portugal's lead and decriminalize drug use while maintaining drug trafficking illegal. It also appears that a number of drug-related problems have decreased.”31 1 Artur Domoslawski, Drug Policy in Portugal: The Benefits of Decriminalizing Drug Some idea Lisbon would turn into a drug traveler asylum, others anticipated use rates among young people to surge. Portugal's treatment of addicts changed to a Restorative in lieu of Punitive Drug Policy. Directed by Johnny Whitaker. Dr. João Goulão sits in a board room at his office in Lisbon, facing me across a large round table. In the past 15 years they are now a world leader in positive change for Drug Policy. Daphne Bramham: Canada should learn from, but not copy, Portugal's drug policy. Portugal’s reformed drug policy emphasizes two key components: decriminalization and expanded treatment and harm reduction. It also appears Economists have estimated that the drug cartels… This first profile describes the national drug policy of Portugal, a policy that has attracted significant attention recently in the media and in policy debates. Portugal's drug policy Treating, not punishing The evidence from Portugal since 2001 is that decriminalisation of drug use and possession has benefits and no harmful side-effects San Francisco likes to think of itself as on the cutting edge of everything. Joint Committee of the American Bar Association and the American Medical Association on Narcotic Drugs, Interim and Final Reports, 1961: Zip file of the entire report - about 110K: This report was the result of the only major combined study of drug policy made by two of the most important professional societies in the country. The drug policy of Portugal was put in place in 2001, and was legally effective from July 2001. The new law maintained the status of illegality for using or possessing any drug for personal use without authorization. However, the offense was changed from a criminal one, with prison as possible punishment,... for both policies) have modified the ban to allow individuals with felony drug convictions to receive TANF or SNAP benefits under certain circumstances. The Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) leads and coordinates the nation’s drug policy so that it improves the health and lives of the American people. Legalizing All Drugs Is Just the Beginning of a Compassionate Drug Policy. The Carnation Revolution, a bloodless military coup, resulted in the former republic transitioning to a democracy, which it has been ever since. Magda Ferreira: I’m a peer worker of Gat, the group of activists of treatments. Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 . opponents and advocates of drug policy reform are sometimes guilty of misrepresenting this evidence, with the former ignoring or incorrectly disputing the benefits of reform, and the latter tending to overstate them. Furthermore, Portugal has a governmental structure specifically responsible for coordinating policy regarding illicit drugs and alcohol. In 1998, the Commission for a National Drug Strategy (CNDS) produced a report, recommending a series of reforms for the country’s drug policy. Since Portugal instituted this law, drug-related deaths have dropped, as has drug use overall, and those who went to drug treatment increased 147%. I have no doubt that there were some benefits to the change in Portuguese policy. of the problem of drugs and drug addiction, on national and international levels, make the preparation of this document an imperative for Portugal. In short, they are gangs that illegally traffic drugs. Gangs make an extremely large amount of money every year smuggling and selling drugs. Report . Nicola Sturgeon admits to failure in 'aspects of drugs policy' ... Holyrood was given power over 11 benefits worth £3billion, roughly 15 percent of social security spending north of the border. Today Portugal boasts one of the lowest drug-usage rates in all of Europe. To understand Portugal’s contemporary approach to illicit drugs it is essential to delve into the historical context of the country’s development over the past 50 years and its distinctive patterns of drug consumption. Then Portugal changed course and took a radical step, eliminating criminal penalties for drug use and possession and making a commitment to provide treatment to all who want it. The policy consisted of multiple methods to reduce the spread of HIV, among which were: Harm reduction efforts; … There is also evidence that drug enforcement has diverted resources from law enforcement of … I hear that prison is one of the best places to get drugs, so it’s not surprising that imprisoning drug users does not help them to combat their addiction. Following decriminalization, Portugal had the lowest rate of lifetime marijuana use in people over 15 in the E.U. However, while judicial costs have fallen, other As in the U.S., Portugal’s … The reality is that Portugal’s drug situation has improved significantly in several key areas. This designation largely depends on whether the drug is self-administered or given in a clinical setting. There are many vested interests and pressures on policy makers. During the period of implementing the Portugal drug decriminalisation policy, the government also introduced another package to society, the Portuguese wellness state. Drug Policy in Portugal is a lucid, penetrating and timely study about the impact of drug decriminalization on people’s health and public security. Even remaining steady through several conservative government leaders who had been elected since its inception. Dr João Goulão is credited as being an architect of Portugal‘s drug policy.Established in 2000, this revolutionary drug policy maintains the illegality of using or possessing any drugs for personal use without authorization, but the offense was no longer criminal but administrative if the amount possessed was no more than a ten-day supply. In this report, they suggested focusing less on the criminalisation of drug users, and more on reducing harm and improving treatment. It is a transit nation for trafficking of cocaine from Brazil and Mexico, heroin from Spain, hashish from Morocco and liamba (the local word for herbal cannabis) from Southern Africa. Fuelled in part by risky practices like syringe sharing among those who injected drugs, the country reported the highest rate of drug-related AIDS deaths in the European Union. So and I work for the rights of people that use drugs. Interestingly, researchers and politicians both for and against general drug decriminalization have used Portugal as an example. Studies show that over 23 million people use illicit drugs every year, and only a percentage of those people end up facing serious consequences like addiction or overdose. In this report, they suggested focusing less on the criminalisation of drug users, and more on reducing harm and improving treatment. Back in the 1990s, Portugal faced a heroin crisis. Last week Virgin chairman Sir Richard Branson appeared before the Home Affairs Select Committee as part of their inquiry into drugs policy. A fter massively reforming its drug policy at the turn of the century, Portugal stands as a global leader of evidence-based policy grounded on the principle of harm reduction. According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, “Portugal’s policy has reportedly not led to an increase in drug tourism. Portugal, slightly above the median worldwide, incarcerates 136 people per 100K of population. In July 2001, Portugal decriminalized the personal use and possession of all illicit drugs. The social benefit rate is €419.22 a month. The Controlled Substances Act of 1970. The DEA’s policy shift has prompted physicians and patients to realize some key benefits of e-prescribing: 1. Even so, the same effects have been achieved across all drugs (eg heroin, cocaine) in Portugal which decriminalised the use and possession of all illicit drugs in 2001 alongside a more comprehensive approach that expanded investment in drug … Portugal left and liberal parties for an adult-use legalization on cannabis; What are the Left Bloc and Liberals proposing? Warsaw: Open Society Foundations. Advocates of drug legalization believe that making high-quality drugs cheaply and widely available will eliminate the illegal drug market, regulate quality and price, and decrease law enforcement costs including arrest and incarceration. Although cost-benefit analysts use the term frequently, "net benefit" can be slightly misleading — it is the difference between total costs and total benefits. European Drug Policy: The Cases of Portugal, Germany, and The Netherlands Steve Anderson Abstract Drug abuse is a problem that reaches all corners of the globe. But new research on Portugal’s drug policy suggests that this isn’t necessarily so. Since 1996, when California voters approved the medical use of marijuana, most of the high-profile political progress that has been made towards legalizing marijuana has been made in the United States. Not punishing drug possession in the penal system has signi cantly lowered the costs regarding police o cers, lawyers and courts dealing with these issues as well as the costs of imprisoning drug o enders. flipped into news10nbc. NextSource Biotechnology is exiting a federal discount program, leaving its $1,000-a-capsule drug unaffordable for patients who depended on the Medicare Part D drug benefit… This contention is based primarily on the findings published in a 2009 Cato Institute report.1 It is difficult, however, to draw any clear, Drug Policy. This report examines the impact that denial of welfare benefits due to a felony drug conviction has on individuals affected by this policy. Mythbusters: Drugs are legal in Portugal. 14 surprising benefits and risks of using marijuana,... Insider - Lia Tabackman • 8h. Drug Policy in Portugal: The Benefits of Decriminalizing Drug Use is the second in a series of publications by the Open Society Foundation’s Global Drug Policy Program that seeks to document positive examples of drug policy reform around the world. The Misuse of Drugs Act (1971) and the Psychoactive Substances Act (2016) both reinforce the criminalisation of drug use in the UK. A lot of the benefits over the years from Portugal’s policy shift … Finally, the chapter considers Australia's current drug policies and the appropriateness of decriminalisation in Australia. Dr. Susan Weiss testifying on "Researching the Potential Medical Benefits and Risks of Marijuana" before the Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism. Abstract In 1996, President Clinton signed into law the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act that included a number of changes to cash assistance and food stamp programs. After eleven years, it turns out they were both off-base. Originally a family care doctor, Goulão spearheaded the Portuguese drug addiction program, and for the past 15 years has witnessed his small country transform from one with a heroin addict o… Source: Prison Policy Initiative. Northport To Consider Proposed Group Home, New Benefit Policy - Tuscaloosa, AL - Here's a look at the agenda for Monday's regular meeting of the Northport City Council. It is designed to … The report, Drugs: international comparators, describes a selection of policy and operational responses to drugs misuse in other countries. In … Sir Richard, who is a commissioner in the Global Commission on Drugs Policy, prominently featured Portugal as an example of a successful national drugs policy. Costs and benefits of each policy option were classified into five categories (direct intervention costs, costs or cost savings to other agencies, benefits or lost benefits to the individual or the family, other impacts on third parties, and adverse or spill over events). Most people knew someone affected by the lethal drug. Portugal was once Europe's worst country for drug misery and deaths. Portugal, which decriminalized the personal possession of all drugs in 2001 in response to high illicit drug use, has much lower rates of drug use than the European average. According to the Drug Policy Alliance report, It’s Time for the U.S. to Decriminalize Drug Use and Possession, which examined the results of Portugal’s drug policy: Between 1998 and 2011, the number of people in drug treatment increased by more than 60 percent (from approximately 23,600 to roughly 38,000). Some drugs, like cannabis, have reported health benefits — but even these drugs don’t come without their risks. The panels can refer people to drug treatment programs, hand out fines or impose community service. Most people knew someone affected by the lethal drug. Which is the aim of the adult use cannabis bill? Lessons from Portugal: The Case for Drug Policy Reform. It is a transit nation for trafficking of cocaine from Brazil and Mexico, heroin from Spain, hashish from Morocco and liamba (the local word for herbal cannabis) from Southern Africa. Article content João Goulão, the architect of is Portugal’s 2001 overhaul of drug policy, says drug decriminalization would be a disaster without easy access to treatment. A fter massively reforming its drug policy at the turn of the century, Portugal stands as a global leader of evidence-based policy grounded on the principle of harm reduction. According to a New York Times analysis, the number of heroin users in Portugal has dropped from about 100,000 before the law to just 25,000 today. Portuguese citizens forged both a comprehensive national drug … The total incarceration rate in the US is 40% higher than #2, Cuba. This was a time of major change for this European nation; freedom and celebration was felt nationwide and as a result, citizens suddenly began to experiment with drugs at a neve… The drug policy of Portugal, informally called the "drug strategy", was put in place in 2000, and came into effect in July 2001. From a community perspective, containment and amelioration of drug-related harms may be a more pragmatic or feasible option than efforts to eliminate drug use entirely. Portugal's drug policy gets a lot of attention as a model policy, but details get considerably less attention. Portugal’s drug policy exceed the existing scientific basis” (2010). I have no doubt that there were some benefits to the change in Portuguese policy. in Portugal . Can Learn From Portugal About Decriminalizing Drugs. This decision played a crucial role in achieving the nation’s success, as citizens were now entitled to a minimum income and an improved living standard. Over 10 years has gone subsequent to Portugal changed its logic from […] On July first, 2001, Portugal decriminalized each believable drug, from marijuana, to cocaine, to heroin. Mythbusters: Drugs are legal in Portugal. It is comprised of both brand name and generic drugs that have been determined by a committee to offer the greatest overall value. According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, “Portugal’s policy has reportedly not led to an increase in drug tourism. Thus far, Marijuana. Australia has had a government subsidized universal system of pharmaceutical provision for 50 years. Drug Policy in Portugal describes the process, context, ideas, and values that enabled Portugal to make the transition to a public health response to drug use and possession. The situation seems to be working, with more people in treatment and fewer new cases of HIV. It was a great opportunity to hear about it straight from the source. The Effects of Portugal’s Drug Decriminalization Model Aspects of Portugal’s model have been used to either support or critique decriminalization as an answer to various social problems. Specifically in Mexico, the drug cartel problem is severe. Drug policy experts attribute those positive trends to the enhanced ability of the Portuguese government to offer treatment programs to its … This is the first article of a two part series discussing drug decriminalization and its implications for Portugal, the United States and Mexico. The distribution and sale of controlled substances is still a criminal offense in Portugal, but possession and use of drugs are handled as a … In Portugal, for instance, virtually all drug use was decriminalized in 2001. "Our drug problems were present across all social groups - … So I took Mr Jones to meet the architect of Portugal's drug policy, Dr Joao Goulao, and asked him if it could work in Wales. Shifting from a criminal approach to a public health one—the so-called Portugal model—has had dramatic results. 3040 E. Cornwallis Road . With Brendan Hughes, João Goulão, Thomas Babor. 30/2000, which decriminalized the acquisition, possession, and use of specified plants, substances, or preparations for a person’s own consumption, and turned such conduct into misdemeanors. It started in 1971, with Richard Nixon labeling drugs as “public enemy No. Portugal reduced spending on enforcement and increased spending on drug counseling / services, which helps this last group to exit addiction and stop using drugs. Compared to the European Union and the U.S., Portugal's drug use numbers are impressive. As in the U.S., Portugal’s … 2. But now, some worry that stability has turned into stagnation — a stagnation that risks peeling back progress. “Drug criminalization fuels the United States’ dual crises of mass criminalization and overdose deaths,” said Widney Brown, managing director of Policy at DPA. The success of the Portugal Drug Policy has seen a dramatic recovery in the nation’s drug problem. Weiss, Ph.D. - Director, Division of Extramural Research. For example, Arkansas, Florida, and North Dakota allow people to receive TANF if they were convicted of possessing drugs, but not manufacturing or distributing drugs. The situation seems to be working, with more people in treatment and fewer new cases of HIV. 501-319-6565 Costs and Benefits of Selected Policy Tools to Promote Drug Development. Today, more users are in rehab, but drug … 1 That does not, however, mean that drug use is legal. Portugal’s decriminalized drug policy has been cited as proof that softening drug laws does not increase illicit drug use or the consequences of drug use. But new research on Portugal’s drug policy suggests that this isn’t necessarily so. In contrast, Portugal may be winning the war on drugs — by ending it. WHEC-TV. Thus, net benefits can be positive (i.e., drug court participants used fewer resources overall than the comparison probationers) or negative (where the total end result is negative). I decided to pull … The Drug Policy Alliance, among other decriminalization and legalization advocates, point to Portugal, where all drugs have been decriminalized for the last two decades. 16 June, 2021. We will introduce HOW and WHY Portugal's system is working. Portugal to retake cannabis legalisation debate by proposing adult-use bills in parliament. Its purpose was to reduce the number of new HIV/AIDS cases in the country, as it was estimated around half of new cases came from injecting drug use. Thornton’s results are rather curious, because most of the theory and research on the issue of drug policy has contrasted prohibition with legalization, and the effects of decriminalization remain largely unstudied. of its drug policy efforts to be sustained human security and capital development that bonds rural residents with the state and sustainably, if gradually, reduces the size of illicit crop cultivation. Transform Drug Policy Foundation ... and health resources for at-risk populations for the past decade are a major factor in evaluating the evolution of Portugal's drug situation. On July 1, 2001, Portugal … 1199SEIU Benefit Funds new drug testing policy and reimbursement terms (PDF) Legal notices. Portugal’s drug policies have endured despite multiple changes in governments. Drug Policy in Portugal describes the process, context, ideas, and values that enabled Portugal to make the transition to a public health response to drug use and possession. And 40,000 drug users are now in treatment as opposed to jail, which saves the government enormous amounts of money. Drug use among 15- to 24-year-olds has decreased dramatically and drug-induced deaths dropped from 80 in 2001 to 16 in 2012. Portugal decriminalized possession of all drugs in 2001. Portugal's drug policy shows what common-sense approach looks like. This report about Portugal from the U.K.-based Guardianis must reading and may convince the doubters that we can end the War on Drugs without Street drug–related deaths from overdoses drop and the rate of HIV cases crashes. That move was decriminalizing the consumption of all drugs and Portugal became the first country to do it. Portugal's drug usage rates are now among the lowest of EU member states, ... More: Drug Policy Drugs Portugal Decriminalization. Today, 25% of the incarcerated population is in prison for drugs. New Report: Understanding Portugal’s Approach to Drug Policy Presented by Susan R.B. The duration of benefits is calculated according to the insured's age and the number of contributions made. Today, the Health Ministry estimates that only about 25,000 Portuguese use heroin, down from 100,000 when the policy … Peter Reuter, another leading drug policy expert, claimed that despite achieving its central goal (decreased consumption) it could be explained by the fact that Portugal was a small country and that drug abuse is cyclical in nature. 5 Years After: Portugal's Drug Decriminalization Policy Shows Positive Results. Summary. Don’t confuse this criticism of the report with criticism of the policy. 1 May 2013. We drink espresso as our conversation rolls along leisurely, an advantage of interviewing leaders in small countries that enjoy a slower-paced life. Government policy on drug and alcohol use is set out in the national drugs strategy, Reducing Harm, Supporting Recovery 2017 – 2025. Now, it’s a public-health success story with a system that's been copied by its European neighbours. 6.1 This chapter considers decriminalisation of illicit drugs and briefly compares that with legalisation.
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