line and staff organizational design strength and weaknesses brainly

By this method, specialisation is attained. Subunit conflicts. Line leaders develop strategic plans and make decisions that drive revenue and impact the bottom line. Strengths are often identified as part of strategic planning, swot analysis and competitive analysis. Creating a formal design for your organization can provide numerous advantages, but a solid design can carry distinct disadvantages for certain companies. Fluctuating cash flows. Staff authority Advisory only; there is no authority to take action and no responsibility for revenue generation. Ability to innovate. High cost of capital. It is also associated with the mechanical arrangement of reporting lines and positions on the organizational chart.. structures. As we talk about discipline, line organization, is strict, whereas line and staff organization is loose. In our previous articles we’ve covered types of org charts and best practices to follow when creating org charts.Now lets look at advantages and disadvantages of organizational charts so you can make an informed decision to whether to have one or not. Difficult to access to capital and funding. A SWOT analysis is an advanced strategic planning model that helps businesses and organizations identify where they are doing well and where they can improve, both from an internal and external perspective. The functional organizational structure has its own strengths and weaknesses that it provides the organization with. When an organization is able to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the various structures they can utilize it for improving their company. This analysis allows them to use it to their advantage and make it profitable. A well-designed structure can also make it easier to identify inefficiencies and new problems as the organization grows. In the event that you are asked about strengths and weaknesses at the same time, discuss your weakness first so that you can end on a positive note. ADVERTISEMENTS: Forms of Organisational Structure: Line , Functional, and Line and Staff Organisation (with respective advantages and disadvantages) The adoption of a particular form of organisational structure largely depends upon the nature, scale and size of the business. One of the weaknesses of the traditional top-down organizational structure is that middle management can eventually grow quite large and consume a sizable portion of revenue. strengths, weaknesses/areas for improvement, and the factors in their environment. Reviewing your organizational structure on a regular basis will help ensure that you are set up for optimal growth well into the future. Features of Line and Staff Organization There are two types of staff : Staff Assistants- P.A. to Managing Director, Secretary to Marketing Manager. Line and Staff Organization is a compromise of line organization. Division of work and specialization takes place in line and staff organization. The managers learn by experience within the organization concerned. SWOT Analysis Example 1 It is simple but excellent for judging exactly where power lies. Functional Organizational Structure: Strength & Weakness and Benefits. The present staff will enable the expansion and growth of unit. Organizational Analysis - Overview, Characteristics, Models managerial strengths and weaknesses during 2009 - 2012, outlined the essence. 1. Effective Control and Supervision. A SWOT analysis is designed to facilitate a realistic, fact-based, data-driven look at the strengths and weaknesses of an organization, initiatives, or within its industry. This decreases the overall efficiency of the employee. Employee weaknesses, better known as areas for improvement, are general aspects of an employee's performance that fall short of expectations. Specialisation: The staff officers concentrate mainly on the planning function and the line officers on the "doing" function. Break down of communication while hiring and on boarding b. The burden of line staff is eased by the appointment of specialists. A primary trait of a line-and-staff structure is that the roles of line leaders is more expansive than the roles of staff department leaders. Unit goals dominate. Type # 3. 1. SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) is a method of. The inter-department communication is very poor this creates an overall lack of growth as an organization. Ability to deliver to customer commitments. An example would be a company that … Narrow spans of control. Ability to deliver projects to budget and schedule. Line and Staff Organization. I. 1. It helps you to build on what you do well, to address what you're lacking, to minimize risks, and to take the greatest possible advantage of chances for success. List of Possible FINANCIALLY-BASED Weaknesses for a SWOT Analysis. According to this administrative organization, specialized and supportive activities are attached to the line of command by appointing staff supervisors and staff specialists who are attached to the line authority. No growth in revenue. No real economies of scale. The opposite of an organization’s strengths is its internal weaknesses. At the end of the communication there are conclusions and a set of recommendations on priority directions and ways of management development in Romania. Good training and development programs Staffing weaknesses are a. Strengths/Weakness 1) Possible duplication of activities and resources. The organizational structure of a company is its organization with separate divisions and … Ability to recruit top talent. Strengths of a bureaucracy. 104) A key difference between a team structure and a matrix structure is that a team structure ________ while a matrix structure does not. Having line and staff within one's structure usually represents savings on personnel costs in an organization, in addition to the advantages described in the previous responses. The line and staff organisation is quite suitable for growth and expansion. SWOT Analysis on a Product or Service. iv. Weaknesses of a bureaucracy. 2) Staff can make quality decisions, get support from specialists, and enjoy better coordination. Line officers will be able to devote much time for future planning. KEYWORDS: strengths, weaknesses, dynamic management, management performance . A) unity of command. Disadvantages of a Functional Organizational Structure. While line authority relies on command, line and staff authority is based on command and advise. As the business grows in size, it requires the services of a large number of managers and here decentralization provides a training ground for the would-be managers. It is also possible to conduct a SWOT analysis of a planned major change in a residency of fellowship program, such as expanding the number of trainees, or changing a major participating site. Accurate forecasting. Ability to perform standardized activities in a highly efficient manner. High cost structure. Strengths and weaknesses are internal factors that can be controlled by your organization, meaning that measures can be taken to ensure that akin factors are optimized or corrected, give them the freedom, support and coaching to find own pathways to achieve results based on unique strengths, skills, beliefs and background, usually, a particular business strategy or directions and decisions, a … Although extremely useful for many purposes organizational charts are not for everybody. Choosing an organizational structure is an ongoing design process. is advisory only. Traditional Designs 1. 5. A Product SWOT analysis is an assessment methodology that you can apply to your current products or services to better understand them and, if needed, reposition them in the market. Some examples of an organization’s weaknesses are underpaid employees, low morale, or poor direction from upper management. One of the key strengths of a top-down organizational structure is its ability to preserve and convey the business vision of gifted leaders. Meaning of Organisational Design. High levels of attrition. 103) By giving employees two direct superiors, a matrix structure violates this key element of organizational design. Tight profit margins. Good job descriptions b. INTRODUCTION The opposite of an organization’s strengths are its internal weaknesses. Some examples of an organization’s weaknesses are underpaid employees, low morale, or poor direction from upper management. You may be asked about your strengths and weaknesses in one question, or you may be asked about them in two separate questions. A matrix organization frequently uses teams of employees to accomplish work, in order to take advantage of the strengths, as well as make up for the weaknesses, of functional and decentralized forms[09]. Line-staff organization, in management, approach in which authorities (e.g., managers) establish goals and directives that are then fulfilled by staff and other workers.A line-staff organizational structure attempts to render a large and complex enterprise more flexible without sacrificing managerial authority.. Explanation: there is no absolute right or wrong way to structure a business. The Organisational Design describes the creation of structures, processes, and roles so that the goals and objectives of an organization can be realized. 2. Centralized authority. The hierarchy still begins with the company’s C-Suite, but there isn’t a “buffer layer” between them and the front-line staff. When a company utilizes a flat organizational structure, there are fewer, if any, levels of middle management included within the chain of command. A company's organizational structure is a road map of its communication patterns. SWOT Analysis is a simple but useful framework for analyzing your organization's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Example Answers. Decision making that follows the chain of command. As it helps to understand not only the strength of current competitive position but also the strength of an expected position, it is very useful. These are usually stated as strengths that need to be improved. Simple Structure A simple structure is defined as a design with low departmentalization, wide spans of control, centralized authority, and little formalization. Staffing strengths include: a. You can also apply a similar methodology to launch a new product or service. Poor cost efficiencies. Organizational Design and Structure (Advantages and Disadvantages) Each person assumes a role within the organization, and the organizational structure determines the reporting relationship between the individuals. Doing an analysis of … In the long term, employees tend to feel bored and the monotony of the job can be off-putting. C) has fairly permanent groups or teams. Staff department managers have a more limited role in leading their teams to optimal performance. Contains people who “speak the same language” and nurtures technical expertise, attracts and develops experts Some assistants can be appointed to cope with the work if needed. Line and staff organization is a modification of line organization and it is more complex than line organization. I am going to define and discuss each design in order to give an understanding of the organizational design concept. 3. assessing a business, its resources, and its environment. Brainly is the knowledge-sharing community where 350 million students and experts put their heads together to crack their toughest homework questions. 13 Flat Organizational Structure Advantages and Disadvantages. The following are common business strengths. There are risks to the planning process if this assessment is not completed accurately: Ability to lead industry change. Knowing when formal design is beneficial or disadvantageous is a key to using design effectively. Decentralization leads to effective control and supervision. The organisational structure is primarily concerned with the allocation of activities or tasks and delegation … In a line organization, the line executives are the generalist, who is directly responsible for accomplishing the objectives of the organization. A significant output of the environmental assessment is a summary of your organization’s strengths and weaknesses, both of which are internally focused (as opposed to the summary of opportunities and threats, which are externally focused). Discussion Activity 1 On your journal, copy the table below and choose the appropriate Strength and Weakness in each Traditional Organizational structure. A SWOT analysis is designed to facilitate a realistic, fact-based, data-driven look at the strengths and weaknesses of an organization. Let's look at each area in more detail and consider what questions you could ask as part of your analysis. Strengths are things that your organization does particularly well, or in a way that distinguishes you from your competitors. Think about the advantages your organization has over other organizations. The extent of line authority beyond the owner or the top manager will depend on the size of the business and the organizational vision of the owner. For example, you wouldn't say that an employee is close-minded but rather that they need to work to be more open-minded. Besides, functional structure suffers from usual line and staff conflicts, usual interdepartmental conflicts, and other weaknesses emerging from such structure. The Porter’s Five Forces tool is a very powerful tool. Though some degree of such conflicts is positive, they may often be heightened specially in the absence of coordinative force leading to destruction in the firm. JEL CLASSIFICATION: L25 .

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