shen kuo aportaciones

"[99] Ibn al-Haytham, in his Book of Optics (1021), also discussed atmospheric refraction (in regard to twilight). "Marriage of the Lord of the River: A Lost Landscape by Tung Yüan,". [43][44][45][46] For example, Shen noted that the mineral orpiment was used to quickly erase writing errors on paper. 3. To je eksplozivni material, ki se pridobiva iz mešanice oglja, solitra (kalijevega nitrata) in žvepla in se uporablja za požar projektilov ali za pogon. However, his natural abilities to plan, organize, and design were proven early in life; one example is his design and supervision of the hydraulic drainage of an embankment system, which converted some one hundred thousand acres (400 km²) of swampland into prime farmland. [121] Wang Zhen (fl. Shen Kuo, Wade-Giles romanization Shen K’uo, (born 1031, Qiantang [now Hangzhou, Zhejiang province], China—died 1095, Jingkou [now Zhenjiang, Jiangsu province]), Chinese astronomer, mathematician, and high official whose famous work Mengxi bitan (“Brush Talks from Dream Brook” [Dream Brook was the name of his estate in Jingkou]) contains the first reference to the magnetic compass, the first description of movable type, and a fairly accurate explanation of the origin of fossils. Upon his death, Shen Kuo was interred in a tomb in Yuhang District of Hangzhou, at the foot of the Taiping Hill. Discover (and save!) He was also an outstanding engineer, an excellent military strategist and a tactful diplomat. 12th century). [18], Shen Kuo wrote extensively on a wide range of different subjects. Shen Kuo wrote that during the Qingli reign period (1041–1048), under Emperor Renzong of Song (1022–1063), an obscure commoner and artisan known as Bi Sheng (990–1051) invented ceramic movable type printing. He inferred that the land was reshaped and formed by erosion of the mountains, uplift, and the deposition of silt, after observing strange natural erosions of the Taihang Mountains and the Yandang Mountain near Wenzhou. [22][b] Shen Kuo had a previous history with Wang Anshi, since it was Wang who had composed the funerary epitaph for Shen's father, Zhou. [153] Around the year 1126 it was combined with a similar collection by the famous Su Shi (1037–1101), who was ironically a political opponent to Shen Kuo's faction of Reformers and New Policies supporters at court,[153] yet it was known that Shen Kuo and Su Shi were nonetheless friends and associates. Many of his most important works came from his use of astronomy.In 1088, Shen was the first to describe the magnetic needle compass, which would be used for navigation. Shen wrote extensively about movable type printing invented by Bi Sheng (990–1051), and because of his written works the legacy of Bi Sheng and the modern understanding of the earliest movable type has been handed down to later generations. Es recordado sobre todo como el autor de la "Meng Xi Bi Tan" (Conjunto de relatos, o breves conversaciones sobre ideas dispares). Kineski znanstvenik Shen Kuo (1031.-1095.) [1] Nonetheless, Shen was successful in defending his fortifications and the only possible Tangut invasion-route to Yanzhou. Although much of his focus was on technical and scientific issues, he had an interest in divination and the supernatural, the latter including his vivid description of unidentified flying objects from eyewitness testimony. Y var en kinesisk videnskabsmand, Shen Kuo (1031-1095), som først beskrev processen med trykning i mobile lerblokke, tillægge opfindelsen til en lille kendt håndværker kaldet Bi Sheng (990-1051). [72] In his own unique way but using terms influenced by the ideas of Mencius, Shen wrote of an autonomous inner authority that formed the basis for one's inclination towards moral choices, a concept linked to Shen's life experiences of surviving and obtaining success through self-reliance. [9] With his impressive skills and aptitude for matters of economy and finance, Shen was appointed as the Finance Commissioner at the central court. In his more idle years removed from court affairs, Shen Kuo enjoyed pastimes of the Chinese gentry and literati that would indicate his intellectual level and cultural taste to others. [86] Du Yu (222–285) a Chinese Jin Dynasty officer, believed that the land of hills would eventually be leveled into valleys and valleys would gradually rise to form hills. Shen Kuo , courtesy name Cunzhong and pseudonym Mengqi Weng , was a Han Chinese polymathic scientist and statesman of the Song dynasty .Excelling in … "Chinese Marine Cartography: Sea Charts of Pre-Modern China,". Shen Kuo. "Wang Mang, the Restoration of the Han Dynasty, and Later Han," in. [93] Considering that damp and gloomy low places provide suitable conditions for the growth of bamboo, Shen deduced that the climate of Yanzhou must have fit that description in very ancient times. ^ d: For more, see Architecture of the Song Dynasty. He also gave reasoning (earlier proposed by Sun Sikong, 1015–1076) that rainbows were formed by the shadow of the sun in rain, occurring when the sun would shine upon it. Chung, 19. ] [91][92] Shen Kuo likened this to the "stone crabs" found in China.[91][92]. [155] In the tradition of the popular Song era literary category of 'travel record literature' ('youji wenxue'),[156] Shen Kuo also wrote the Register of What Not to Forget, a traveler's guide to what type of carriage is suitable for a journey, the proper foods one should bring, the special clothing one should bring, and many other items.[157]. Find books [121] There was also Zhai Jinsheng (b. Shen Kuo (Cheenese: 沈括; 1031–1095), coortesy name Cunzhong (存中) an pseudonym Mengqi (nou uisually gien as Mengxi) Weng (夢溪翁), wis a Han Cheenese polymathic scientist an statesman o the Song dynasty (960–1279). 1031, registered at Ch’ien-t’ang 2 [now Hangchow, Chekiang province], China; d. Ching-k’ou, Jun prefecture 3 [now Chinkiang, Kiangsu province], China, 1095) Polymathy, astronomy. [49], If it were not for Shen Kuo's analysis and quoting in his Dream Pool Essays of the writings of the architect Yu Hao (fl. Det er et eksplosivt materiale, der er fremstillet af blandingen af trækul, saltpeter (kaliumnitrat) og svovl og bruges til at brænde projektiler eller til fremdrivning. [14] He not only passed the exam however, but was placed into the higher category of the best and brightest students. [61] Restivo writes that Shen's work in the lengths of arcs of circles provided the basis for spherical trigonometry developed in the 13th century by Guo Shoujing (1231–1316). Paleontological the front limbs of these fossil animals are in some ways similar to legs, in other ways they also show definition paleontology to the fins of modern whales. For example in 16 AD, the Xin Dynasty usurper Wang Mang called for the dissection of an executed man, to examine his arteries and viscera in order to discover cures for illnesses. [71], Since the time of the engineer and inventor Ma Jun (c. 200–265), the Chinese had used the south-pointing chariot, which did not employ magnetism, as a compass. [4][5] Shen discovered the concept of true north in terms of magnetic declination towards the north pole,[5] with experimentation of suspended magnetic needles and "the improved meridian determined by Shen's [astronomical] measurement of the distance between the pole star and true north". one of Shen's nephews), among whom it has been kept as a precious possession until now. [12] Shen Kuo took notice of the various towns and rural features of China as his family traveled, while he became interested during his youth in the diverse topography of the land. [100] Improving the 5th century model of the astronomical sighting tube, Shen Kuo widened its diameter so that the new calibration could observe the pole star indefinitely. [6] Shen also created a raised-relief map using sawdust, wood, beeswax, and wheat paste. "[42] Shen maintained that the larynx was the beginning of a system that distributed vital qi from the air throughout the body, and that the esophagus was a simple tube that dropped food into the stomach. [14] As of 1054, Shen began serving in minor local governmental posts. Shen Kuo (Chinese: 沈括; 1031–1095) or Shen Gua, courtesy name Cunzhong (存中) and pseudonym Mengqi (now usually given as Mengxi) Weng (夢溪翁),[1] was a Chinese polymathic scientist and statesman of the Song dynasty (960–1279). [106] When the Director of the Astronomical Observatory asked Shen Kuo if the shapes of the Sun and Moon were round like balls or flat like fans, Shen Kuo explained that celestial bodies were spherical because of knowledge of waxing and waning of the Moon. After completing two geographical atlases for a state-sponsored program, Shen was rewarded by having his sentence of probation lifted, allowing him to live in a place of his choice. [13], Shen Zhou died in the late winter of 1051 (or early 1052), when his son Shen Kuo was 21 years old. Needham (1986), Volume 4, Part 2, 473–475. [12] Since Shen was unable to boast of a prominent familial clan history like many of his elite peers born in the north, he was forced to rely on his wit and stern determination to achieve in his studies, subsequently passing the imperial examinations and enter the challenging and sophisticated life of an exam-drafted state bureaucrat. Shen Kuo wrote extensively on a wide range of different subjects. Tales, filósofo griego, vivió entre el 624 y el 546 a.C.A partir de un pensamiento racional, Tales de Mileto observaba las cosas (naturaleza) buscando una explicación acerca de sus orígenes, dejando de lado el misticismo coetáneo, en el cual los filósofos explicaban sus observaciones de la … [73], Shen hypothesized that rays of sunlight refract before reaching the surface of the earth, hence people on earth observing the sun are not viewing it in its exact position, in other words, the altitude of the apparent sun is higher than the actual altitude of the sun. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. [6][38][39] Zhu Xi (1130–1200) was inspired by the raised-relief map of Huang Shang and so made his own portable map made of wood and clay which could be folded up from eight hinged pieces. your own Pins on Pinterest Yongan (near modern Pingquan, Hebei), armed with copies of previously archived diplomatic negotiations between the Song and Liao dynasties. [138], As an art critic, Shen criticized the paintings of Li Cheng (919–967) for failing to observe the principle of "seeing the small from the viewpoint of the large" in portraying buildings and the like. by the 10th century engineer Qiao Weiyo) of the pound lock to replace the old flash lock design used in canals. Shen Kuo's article is very important in the scope of general Chinese history, since he was one of China's greatest … [115] Furthermore, the European printing press, first invented by Johannes Gutenberg (1398–1468), was eventually wholly adopted as the standard in China, yet the tradition of woodblock printing remains popular in East Asian countries still. Kitajski znanstvenik Shen Kuo (1031–1095) je prvič opisal postopek tiskanja na premikajočih se glinenih blokih in pripisal izum malo znanemu umetniku Bi Shengu (990-1051).. 3. [115] Beyond Shen Kuo's writing, however, nothing is known of Bi Sheng's life or the influence of movable type in his lifetime. Physical science is ordinarily thought of as consisting of four broad areas: astronomy, physics, chemistry, and the Earth sciences. Smodnik. "A Thousand Peaks and Myriad Ravines: Chinese Paintings in the Charles A. Drenowatz Collection,", Lian, Xianda. [9] Shen criticized earlier Chinese astronomers for failing to describe celestial movement in spatial terms, yet he did not attempt to provide any reasoning for the motive power of the planets or other celestial movements. Experiencias en la Nanjing Agricultural University y Creación del Centro i+D de Tecnologías Aplicadas Shen Kuo, en el Centro Regional Universitario de Azuero, … Hargett, James M. "Some Preliminary Remarks on the Travel Records of the Song Dynasty (960–1279),", Hartman, Charles. 60 2011 Publication of the Faculty of Missiology, Gregorian University. "[99] In Europe, Roger Bacon (1214–1294) was the first to suggest that the colors of the rainbow were caused by the reflection and refraction of sunlight through rain drops. Bubuk mesiu. "[c], The book was originally 30 chapters long, yet an unknown Chinese author's edition of 1166 edited and reorganized the work into 26 chapters. Ir tai buvo Kinijos mokslininkas Shen Kuo (1031-1095), kuris pirmą kartą aprašė spausdinimo procesą ant judančių molio blokų, priskiriant išradimą mažai žinomai amatininkui, pavadintam Bi Sheng (990-1051).. 3. [14] While serving at Yangzhou, Shen's brilliance and dutiful character caught the attention of Zhang Chu (張蒭; 1015–1080), the Fiscal Intendant of the region. [23] In regard to the Lý Dynasty of Đại Việt (in modern northern Vietnam), Shen demonstrated in his Dream Pool Essays that he was familiar with the key players (on the Vietnamese side) in the prelude to the Sino-Vietnamese War of 1075–1077. Needham (1986), Volume 5, Part 1, 202–203. He was the first literary figure in China to mention the use of the drydock to repair boats suspended out of water, and also wrote of the effectiveness of the relatively new invention of the canal pound lock. Riječ je o eksplozivnom materijalu koji se dobiva iz smjese drvenog ugljena, soli (kalijev nitrat) i sumpora i koristi se za paljbu projektila ili za pogon. Using an original technique, Shen successfully dredged the canal and demonstrated the formidable value of the silt gathered as a fertilizer. [134] Shen was a firm believer in destiny and prognostication, and made rational explanations for the relations between them. [113] When Wei and Shen made a public demonstration using the gnomon to prove the doubtful wrong, the other ministers reluctantly agreed to correct the lunar and solar errors. [23] Shen Kuo soon impressed Wang Anshi with his skills and abilities as an administrator and government agent. Shen produced a number of works, including commentaries on the Confucian Classics, atlases, diplomatic reports, and a variety of monographs. Ini adalah bahan peledak yang diperoleh dari campuran arang, sendawa (kalium nitrat) dan belerang dan digunakan untuk … [74][75], However, it was not until the time of Shen Kuo that the earliest magnetic compasses would be used for navigation. Shen Kuo (chino: 沈括, pinyin: Shěn Kuò) ( 1031 - 1095) fue un polímata chino que fue físico, geólogo, astrónomo, agrónomo, embajador, general militar, matemático, cartógrafo, ingeniero hidráulico, meteorólogo, botánico, zoólogo, farmacólogo, autor, y burócrata … He was born on January 01, 1031 (died on January 01, 1095, he was 64 years old) in Hangzhou, Zhejiang.His nickname was Shen Kua; 沈括 (Chinese). Shen wrote vivid descriptions of tornadoes—the first known description of them in East Asia. Tao, Jie, Zheng Bijun and Shirley L. Mow. [128], While visiting the iron-producing district at Cizhou in 1075, Shen described the "partial decarburization" method of reforging cast iron under a cold blast, which Hartwell, Needham, and Wertime state is the predecessor of the Bessemer process. Despite this, Lady Zhang went as far as to drive out Shen Kuo's son from his first marriage, expelling him from the household. All new items; Books; Journal articles; Manuscripts; Topics. [18] Along with abandoning the territory which Shen Kuo had fought for, Cai ousted Shen from his seat of office. "[163] Huff writes that this was a systemic problem of early Chinese science, which lacked systematic treatment that could be found in European works such as the Concordance and Discordant Canons by the lawyer Gratian of Bologna (fl. [19] According to Li's epitaph for his wife, Shen would sometimes relay questions via Li to Hu when he needed clarification for his mathematical work, as Hu Wenrou was esteemed by Shen as a remarkable female mathematician. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. )[21] With his demonstrations of loyalty and ability, Shen Kuo was awarded the honorary title of a State Foundation Viscount by Emperor Shenzong of Song (r. 1067–1085), who placed a great amount of trust in Shen Kuo. The device is recommended as a means of orientation "in the obscurity of the night. He also wrote commentary on ancient Daoist and Confucian texts. Zhongguo or Chung-kuo (simplified Chinese: 中国; traditional Chinese: 中國; pinyin: Zhōngguó), the most common endonym: originally meaning "Central Demesne", then "Middle Kingdom", now equivalent to "Central Nation". [23] Therefore, only the worst and most obvious planetary errors were corrected, and many inaccuracies remained.[113]. Fairbank, John King and Merle Goldman (1992). (2006). Science and technology of the Han Dynasty § Cartography, Collection of the Most Important Military Techniques, climates naturally shifted geographically over time, climate there must have shifted geographically over time. Join Facebook to connect with Kuo Sheen and others you may know. [136] When describing an event where lightning had struck a house and all the wooden walls did not burn (but simply turned black) and lacquerwares inside were fine, yet metal objects had melted into liquid, Shen Kuo wrote: Most people can only judge of things by the experiences of ordinary life, but phenomena outside the scope of this are really quite numerous. He was also one of the first to suggest that the Earth goes through gradual climate change. [72] He also discussed focal points and noted that the image in a concave mirror is inverted. [23] In a brilliant display of diplomacy, Shen Kuo came to the camp of the Khitan monarch at Mt. 1290–1333), who wrote the valuable agricultural, scientific, and technological treatise of the Nong Shu, mentioned an alternative method of baking earthenware type with earthenware frames in order to make whole blocks. 962); he noted that although a close-up view of Dong's work would create the impression that his brush techniques were cursory, seen from afar his landscape paintings would give the impression of grand, resplendent, and realistic scenery. Sung, Tz’u, translated by Brian E. McKnight (1981). [11] Following an old tradition in China, Shen created a raised-relief map while inspecting borderlands. In 1044 the Collection of the Most Important Military Techniques (武經總要; Wujing Zongyao) recorded that fish-shaped objects cut from sheet iron, magnetized by thermoremanence (essentially, heating that produced weak magnetic force), and placed in a water-filled bowl enclosed by a box were used for directional pathfinding alongside the south-pointing chariot. This included the printing works of Hua Sui (1439–1513), who pioneered the first Chinese bronze-type movable printing in the year 1490. His written work included two geographical atlases, a treatise on music with mathematical harmonics, governmental administration, mathematical astronomy, astronomical instruments, martial defensive tactics and fortifications, painting, tea, medicine, and much poetry. [18], The new Chancellor Cai Que (蔡確; 1036–1093) held Shen responsible for the disaster and loss of life. Fue como embajador al Imperio Tangut y estuvo en las campañas militares llevadas contra ellos. Both seem to have been quite old when Shen Kua was born; his father being around 53 years old, and his mother about 44 or 45 years old. [74][78] Shen Kuo asserted that the needle will point south but with a deviation,[78] stating "[the magnetic needles] are always displaced slightly east rather than pointing due south."[74]. [112] They also slandered Wei Pu, out of resentment that a commoner had expertise exceeding theirs. ( b. According to Zhu Yu's book Pingzhou Table Talks (萍洲可談; Pingzhou Ketan) of 1119, Shen Kuo had two marriages; the second wife was the daughter of Zhang Chu (張蒭), who came from Huainan. [36][37] Such rice models were expounded on by the Tang Dynasty (618–907) author Jiang Fang in his Essay on the Art of Constructing Mountains with Rice (c. 845 AD). "Ming Printing and Printers,", This page was last edited on 9 December 2020, at 01:29. Pagina 1. vol. [57], In the broad field of mathematics, Shen Kuo mastered many practical mathematical problems, including many complex formulas for geometry,[58] circle packing,[59] and chords and arcs problems employing trigonometry. Shen calculated the total number for this using up to five rows and twenty five game pieces, which yielded the number 847,288,609,443. Prvi je opisao proces tiskanja na pokretnim glinenim blokovima, pripisujući izum malom poznatom majstoru po imenu Bi Sheng (990-1051).. 3. [84] Needham asserts Shen had discovered the survey device known as Jacob's staff, which was not described elsewhere until the Provençal Jewish mathematician Levi ben Gerson (1288–1344) wrote of it in 1321. Voir plus d'idées sur le thème Dessins disney, Fond d'ecran dessin, Disney. [17][76][77] He wrote that steel needles were magnetized once they were rubbed with lodestone, and that they were put in floating position or in mountings; he described the suspended compass as the best form to be used, and noted that the magnetic needle of compasses pointed either south or north. Milteliai. Krudt. Alternative Titles: Shen Gua, Shen K’uo. This article was most recently revised and updated by,, MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive - Biography of Shen Kua. View the profiles of people named Kuo Sheen. His scientific writings have been praised by sinologists such as Joseph Needham and Nathan Sivin, and he has been compared by Sivin to polymaths such as his contemporar… 7-07-2011. Needham (1986), Volume 5, Part 1, 205–206. Each of…. [41] He held great concern for detail and philological accuracy in identification, use and cultivation of different types of medicinal herbs, such as in which months medicinal plants should be gathered, their exact ripening times, which parts should be used for therapy; for domesticated herbs he wrote about planting times, fertilization, and other matters of horticulture. 3. Chinese astronomer, mathematician and official. He was an all-round scholar of astronomy, literature, physics, chemistry, calendars, geology, meteorology and medical science. [77][79] However, Zhu Yu's book recounts events back to 1086, when Shen Kuo was writing the Dream Pool Essays; this meant that in Shen's time the compass might have already been in navigational use.

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